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DC Genesis: The Riddler #4 (Rated M)

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DC GENESIS: The Riddler #4

“Facing the Forgotten (Part 2)”
Story Written by: Kisser Ne
Most Characters and Settings by DC Comics.

The Funeral

Edward Nashton watched as his mother's coffin descended into the plot. He listened to the crowd as they sniffed and sobbed. They didn't understand. They didn't feel the true pain; Eddie did. He watched the casket lower and lower as the priest continued the eulogy. He remained stiff and emotionless as his eyes flooded with silent tears. After the police had received the bruised and battered Edward's statement, the G.C.P.D arrested his father and sent him away to Black Gate penitentiary, but that wasn't good enough. Edward wanted to see his father, no...this stranger, no...his enemy rot and pay for what he did.

Ed knew that after years had gone by, his father would be released. They were always released and Edward couldn't allow this to happen, under any circumstance. The man needed to suffer. He needed to feel Edward's pain. "I don't know why these things have to happen, boy," Edward's aunt stated as she placed a hand on his shoulder. The crowd was beginning to diminish as the service came to an end... "But they just do. Your mama didn't deserve this... Boy, did she love you!" His aunt continued as she faced him with a sincere smile, dabbing her watering eyes with her kerchief. Edward nodded, but still did not speak a word as he hugged his aunt and watched her depart. "You stay strong, now. Don't go wasting the gift your mama gave you. You're her little miracle."

The words seemed to cling in the air as Edward stood alone and returned his attention to the freshly carved tombstone. "Mother... I should have been there, sooner." He whispered as the wind danced around his body. "I'm so sorry," he cried, repeating his desperate apologies as he dropped to his knees. never did seem so grey to the boy until now. He buried his face into his palms, sobbing uncontrollably as he questioned the skies above. "Why? WHY!?" His anger broiled inside his body as he felt the agony overcome him. Suddenly, there was another hand resting upon his shoulder and the young boy allowed his bloodshot eyes to ascend. He used the cuff of his sleeve to dry his face and nose as he spoke, "who are you?"

"Jim, Jim Gordon." The man stated as he offered his hand to Nashton. The boy accepted and lifted himself from the soil as the thunder boomed in the clouds. "I am sorry about your loss," he said as he watched Edward brush the dirt from his knees. "Thank you," he replied softly as he allowed his head to bob slightly. He tried to force the tears away as his throat clogged with nervous clumps. "I knew your mother, once upon time. We were in high school, together." He said, gazing upon the grave as his glasses glistened from the lightning. "She was a wonderful creature," he stated as he tucked his hands inside his pockets. "Yes," Edward replied as he eyed the disrupted ground below. "It should have been me that he killed," he began, clearing his throat as he rubbed his palm on his forehead in frustration, "instead, he hurt her and its all my fault."

"Don't even think that way, kid!" He yelled, grasping Ed by the shoulders and shaking him slightly. "It shouldn't have happened to your mom, but it shouldn't have happened to you either! Hell, it shouldn't happen to anyone, but it does." He finished, releasing the boy as he shook his head from side to side. "That's why people like me take a stand," he stated, pointing to the cemetery and to Gotham , "we swear to protect and try to stop crime before these things happen." He patted the boy's back and allowed a nurturing smile to grace his lips. "That is one thing that this life will always offer..." He stated as he removed his hand and began to walk away from the grave. "And what's that, Mr. Gordon?" Edward inquired, watching the man as he ventured further and further away. "A choice, Nashton. A choice..."

Mama's Miracle, Papa's Mistake-

"Are you sure you want to do this, kid?" The man asked as he gawked at the seventeen-year old boy. "Of course," Edward said as he placed his glasses upon the bridge of his nose and grasped the paperwork from the man. "Look...I have a lot of children and if they changed their name, I'd...I'd..." The man stammered as he took a frame from his desk and placed it in front of his face. "I have no family, sir." The young man replied as he swallowed and allowed his gaze to ascend. "Believe me, I would rather have no name than possess the one I have now. I am sure you're a wonderful father to your children, unfortunately, mine is not. He is a curse. His last name is a burden that I will forever hold on my shoulders." He stipulated. They shared an awkward glance as a silence painted over the office, Edward cleared his throat and gave a small smirk as he continued to scribble through the application.

"I'm sorry to hear you feel that way," the man said as he nodded his head with a look of disappointment. Edward puckered his lips with irritation and allowed his tongue to glide over his canines. "Yes," Edward began as he sighed and handed the clipboard back, "well, these things happen." The man took the paperwork and thumbed through it. "Edward Nashton, huh?" He asked, scratching his jaw line as he pondered the name. "You're the murderer's son?" He asked, looking up from the clipboard as his eyes widened.

Edward considered the answer. He was the man's biological son, but who needs biology? "No, I'm the victim's son." Edward stated. He blinked his eyes and smiled, cocking his head to the side slightly as he waited for the man to finish authorizing the changes. "Alright, well Mister Nash... Ahem, my apologies..." the man paused, clearing his throat as he corrected himself, "Mister Nigma, the changes won't be permanent for awhile. You're still underage, but you may use the name you've chosen while filling out applications or for your education. They'll pull up your background information." He stated, giving a smile as he handed a piece of paper to the boy. Edward beamed as he accepted the substitute certificate. He thanked the man, shook his hand and scampered off as quickly as he could...

Although Eddie Nash had accepted the fact that his father was to serve behind bars as punishment for his heinous act, he still retained an inner hatred and anger for the cockroach. He dreamt and visualized often of his father's demise, usually the dreams or ideas he had had him being brutally assaulted, being beaten to a bloody pulp or torn into pieces, which helped Edward stay content with the idea of the worthless man, sitting patiently in a cell at Black Gate... Edward continued to step through the bustling streets and suddenly found himself thinking of his mother. He could hear her voice, softly echoing in his ear...

"Edward... What sings, nurtures and has a nest?"

He hurriedly crossed the street, racing towards his apartment complex. It was far from spectacular as he entered the broken down neighborhood. All of the buildings should have been condemned but they were the cheapest for people like him. Edward entered the building and walked through the corridors, nodding to everyone that greeted him. "Nice day, huh Ed?" A man asked as he watched the birds from a window. "Uh, yeah sure is another glorious day, Henry," Edward replied with a chuckle as he sneaked towards his room.

"Umm, a bird! That's easy, mama.""Nope, but it can be a bird..."

He unlocked the knob and threw open the door, hearing it bang against the wall as he rushed in and placed the piece of paper upon the refrigerator. He closed the door behind him as a sense of relief flooded his entirety. He inhaled and exhaled deeply as he closed his eyes. He could smell his mother's old perfume as he whispered to himself, "it's gonna get better, mom."

"It's got to be a bird, silly! Tell me! Please tell me?"

"Alright, alright...It's a mother, sweetie! And what do mothers love most?"
"Hmm...Their little miracles?!"
"That's right and I love mine more than any other mother in this world!"

Edward stumbled to his couch as he plopped down, face first. He could hear his mother's laughter as the memories began to drown him and then it came, the daily dose of remembering and the pain clawed at his insides. He laid in silence as his tears dripped slowly down his cheeks. He could hear children outside playing and cars roaring as they bolted throughout the streets. Suddenly, Edward's concentration was broken by a blood curdling scream. He hopped from his downward position and raced to the window as the shrieking continued.

He peered down, moving his beige curtains to try and get a better view. "Finally!" He cried out with excitement, he sped to his closet and found a box. He tore it open and grasped a costume, it was green and gold as he held it up in quick admiration. He had been working on it since the day he spoke with Gordon, he made a choice and he was going to fight crime as the hero known as...well, he hadn't gotten that far. He stripped himself of his clothes as he tried to maneuver as hastily as he could, forcing his legs and arms through the tight-fitting outfit. Finally, after struggling with the elastic fabric, he was ready and he sprinted from his window and down the fire escape. He contemplated his heroic name as he forced through the crowds of people that paid no attention to the damsel's cries. Everyone he passed looked at him like he was mad.

"Excuse me... Pardon me... Make way... You're impeding justice, ladies and gentlemen." He said as he tried to push through the obstacles. "I need to work on my entrances..." He thought to himself as he finally reached the end of the street. He heard a gunshot sound through the air as he turned down and alley where the woman had been attacked, unfortunately she was badly wounded. "Don't worry, I'll get you some help!" He assured her as he raced to the busy road and shouted for someone to call the police. He noticed a person who looked upon him and the man nodded, stating that he was with the operator as they spoke. Edward smiled gratefully as he rushed back to the woman, "help is on the way. Do you know what your attacker looked like?" He inquired; he was too new to this situation. "I... I don't know. It all happened so fast," she stuttered, holding her side tightly as blood coated her hand.

"Don't fret! I will find him." He said once more as he looked around the crime scene. Automatically, Edward knew that the crime had gotten out of hand. The man did not intend to kill her; he was trying to rob her and then panicked. He analyzed the pavement and sniffed the air, the smoke was trailing to the side- the man booked it towards another complex. He must live there. "The ambulance and police will be here soon, keep as much pressure on your wound as possible until then!" He ordered as he ran off into the distance. He continued to smell the air as he trailed the criminal. He peered once again at the cobblestone beneath him and searched for anything that could let him know he was close behind the crook and suddenly he saw a disturbed puddle and next to was a set of shoe prints.

"These definitely prove that he booked it," Edward thought to himself as he smirked and continued to follow the burglar. He finally found him as the man tried to escape up a metal ladder. Ed gave him a forceful tug and brought him to the pavement below and hunched over him. "You shouldn't have chosen to be such a wagpastie, villain!" He shouted as he grasped the shoulder of the man worn down coat. "A wha? Man you're crazy! Get off me!" The man snarled as he butted his head to the side of Edward's face. The hero collapsed to the ground as he moaned in pain, watching the robber jet away from the alley. "Really? He's heading back to the scene of the crime!" Eddie coughed, pushing himself from the filthy sidewalk as he jumped to his feet. He spit some blood from his mouth as he continued the chase. This criminal was not going to get away!

He followed him intently, but suddenly, the man disappeared and Ed felt his heart drop into his stomach. "Oh no, he's going back to the girl to make sure she doesn't talk!" He gasped, rushing back to the crime scene but to his surprise the cops were there and so was the villain. Edward smiled and began to brush the costume off as he cracked his neck and shook his fingers. "It's finally time that the world noticed you, Ed!" He pondered as he nodded and began to approach closer and closer. "Thank God, you came Batman! We were worried this one had gotten away!"

"What?" Edward mouthed as he brought himself against the brick wall and listened to the officer... Nash felt his body slump as the conversation continued. His heart exploded and his anger blossomed. "I saved her," he growled, stepping through the crowds of people that were hurrying to their homes. "I solved the case," he grunted, shaking his head as he stared down at his feet. "I AM THE HERO, not Batman. He didn't do anything! I even caught the mother f-----!" He snarled as people continued to push and shove him with their shoulders. He didn't exist, he never would exist... He was nothing. He was a mistake... "A mistake? Yes, a mistake..." Edward nodded as he entered his house and changed his clothes... He shredded the costume and began to tinker away at a new project. "I need a new look," he said as he stared at the mirror and continued to sew his new creation...

Years pushed by and Edward found himself outside of Black Gate prison, looking at the building as he swallowed and growled. His eyes blazed with a fire from hell as he entered the building. "I'm here to see one of the prisoners."

"And who may that be, sir?" The receptionist asked as she began to finger through the index cards. "Nashton," he replied as he propped a cane over his shoulder. "I'm sorry, but may I ask who is wishing to visit?" She inquired once more as she finally looked up to see who was in front of her. "An old friend," he replied, smirking deviously. The man was slender and tall with bright, vividly orange-reddish hair, wearing a green, purple and black sort of suit. "Of course," she said nervously as she stood from her chair. Edward straightened his cuffs and gawked at his hands impatiently. "I don't have all night, madam." He spat, bitterly. She nodded vigorously as she walked over to the gate and unlocked it. "I am sorry sir, but you can't bring that in." She murmured as she pointed to the walking stick. "Oh come now, I have a bum leg. I need it." He replied, as he demonstrated his old "injury." She permitted him and Edward thanked her and continued down the corridor, following the guards that strolled uneasily. "Am I making you nervous, gentlemen?" He asked, cocking his head in confusion as he pursed his lips. "No, sir." They replied and finally they pointed to the cell. "Here we are."

"Why thank you," he stated as he bowed slightly and wandered to the entrance. "Who the hell are you?" The man asked. "Finally sober? I am shocked." He said, mockingly. "Ah, thank you once more gentlemen." He said as they released the lock and slid the door to the side. "See, I've been dreaming of this moment for so long now..." He verbalized as he twirled his cane around, glancing at his father's belongings. "And when I say long, I mean... it's been years. Literally, it's been five years and some months now." He propped himself against the desk as the man continued to stare in confusion. "By the way, thanks for all the birthday cards and being at my graduation. It really spiked my self-esteem." He said sarcastically. "Edward?" The man whispered as his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "Oh,," he shushed as a finger raised to his lips. He quickly rushed to the side of the man who had now dropped to his cot. He placed his hands on each shoulder and squeezed tightly. "Enough about me, let's talk about you!" He shrieked as he allowed a smile form on his lips.

"Do you dream about mother? I do. I dream about her all the time and the vision that you so graciously bestowed upon me." He spit as his voice became hysterical. "Eddie, I was a sick man. I'm much better now." His father said as he gently placed a palm on Edward's forearm. "Oh, that is music to my ears, Papa..." He said as he scrunched his face, his sorrow melting his rugged features. "But Mama's dead, not sick..." He said as his father began to lean backward away from his son. Edward's tearful and joyous expression faded into a miserable and loathsome one. "The Good Doc can't cure her, pop!" He growled as his eyes burned and his teeth clenched firmly against each other. "Edward... I..." He stammered as he tried to struggle from his son's grip. "What, pop? You're sorry? Is that what you're trying to say? Then say it father! Say it!" He hissed as he tightened his grasp and pulled the aging man towards his chest.

"I'm sorry," he pleaded as he began to repeat the words over and over again. He sobbed as he gripped the fabric in his fingers and nuzzled his head into Edward's stomach. Ed looked down upon him and sneered, raising his nose to the air as he tapped a hand on the man's back, expressionlessly. "Do you understand, Mr. Nashton?" Eddie said as the man looked up with melancholic eyes. He nodded, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he continued to snivel. He watched Edward walk to the doorway, spinning his cane into position as he stepped from the cell. "Thank you, boy. I've been wishing for your forgiveness for so long..." He said, "you sure are a miracle and you're a Nashton down to the very beat." He praised, smiling crookedly as his final tears dripped. Edward turned and his father ceased his smiling. "One, don't ever say that again. Two, who said I forgave you and three..." Edward listed as he spoke through grinding teeth. "I am no Nashton. My name is Edward Nigma." The final words were spoken between the two and later on that night after Edward had departed, the mysterious man returned and slaughtered Nashton. He was stabbed numerous times and his blood was smeared on the wall...

The crimson paint was all that the detectives could find and it read as following:

"Riddle me this...What was born outside, but then caged where it is to perish?"


Next Issue:

DC Genesis: The Riddler #5

"The Grand Escape"