jonesdeini's Morning Glories #6 review

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    Morning Glories #6

    This issue kicks off the series second arc with the introduction of a new character and a big reveal 
    The Good 
    The Art team continues to smash it out of the park, especially Esquejo with this month's cover.  
    As the art team keeps things visually smooth, so does Mr. Spencer on the literary end. In this issue we are introduced to Julie Hayes, a scientific prodigy with a checkered past. Julie is a woman on the run who finds herself approached by the mysterious Dr. Ellsworth while on the lamb in London. Ellsworth offers her absolution for her crimes and passage back to America in exchange for her scientific expertise and aid. Julie is understandably suspicious and flatly refuses Ellsworth's offer, at least initially. Upon seeing the "present" which Ellsworth left in her hotel room and decides to hear her out. 
    We get a detailed look into Julie's past and she came to be who she is. Turns out she was the daughter of a great scientist and a scientific prodigy in her own right. I love the interactions we see with her and her father throughout the issue, really touching stuff. This relationship looks to have far reaching consequences for the series. Remember that Silver device seen in earlier issues? Well it turns out that Julie and her father have ties to it, in fact it's hinted that Julie's it's creator. It looks like she's the key to answering the what and why of the mysterious device and maybe a few other questions as well  
    The revelation about Dr. Ellsworth that occurs on the last page of the issue really comes out of left field in the best way possible and makes this an issue you have to read twice. The first time I read through this I was wondering exactly where and when I was, but the reveal answers those questions fully while prompting a whole new slew of inquiries. Remember those Lost comparisons, well this issue's a perfect example of it. Mind...Blown, man.          

    The Bad 
    To get the most out of this issue you need to have a working knowledge of the past five preceding issues. the big reveal on the last page's impact is actually fully dependent upon you knowing the story thus far.  
    This story is really playing it close to the vest, which I actually like, but I can understand how that's off putting. 6 issues in and we really don't know exactly who's behind what's going on and what their end game is. 

    The Verdict 
    Buy This Comic!!! NOW!!!! 
    This series continues to delight and be one of my favorite new titles on the market. If you're reading it I can'r recommend doing so enough. The Trade collecting the first 5 issues drops in early February, it would behoove you to look into that and get on board with this cerebral, intriguing, thrill ride. 

    Other reviews for Morning Glories #6

      Is Morning Glories pulling a Lost? 0

      Synopsis: Remember that device in the last issue? Well, it plays a role in this issue, starting with a new character named Julia Hayes. What's good? I'm going to write this out of the way and write that Joe Eisma's art still looks great for this series. The colors look great especially for the flashbacks. As for the issue itself, I am reading Morning Glories right? I ask this because this issue goes in a total different direction than the last 5 issues. Apparently, this is in the near future or...

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      This Will Be the Last Issue of Morning Glories I Read 0

      Unless I hear through the Comic Vine grapevine that this series gets way good at some point (by reviewers I actually trust), this will be the last issue of Morning Glories I ever read. Why?Because this series is just like a Soap Opera. Seriously. Every character is gorgeous or handsome. (And while we're on the subject - why is it that although only 2% of the population is redheaded, every third character in this series is a redhead?) Every character has hidden secrets. And the plotlines drag on ...

      1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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