dbzmaster789's Hellblazer #183 - Black Flowers, Part 2 review

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    Shadow Spirts

    John and Kev watch many of the people infected by the shadow go crazy at a gas station outside of the town. Then 
    a host of robed and masked men who sweep down into the burning forecourt, striking down those they pass with the shepherd's crooks they wield. John then ventures to the hospital as he tells Kev to leave, he enters the hostipal complex picking up a fistful of dirt as he walks into the door and is attacked by the people possessed by the shadows who are really souls from the world of the dead. Using some fancy footwork, a little of the old Irish brogue and the recently procured dirt, John manages to disable his attackers leaving them flat on their backs behind him. He procedes up a set of stairs when he sees two possessed trying to break down a door, he scares them away to discover Angie. She states she managed to not get possessed by hurting herself and has found her brother Jason who she knocked unconscience, John explains that the Celtic king of the dead, Arawn, still keeps court in their current neck of the woods and that someone has managed to open a door to his realm. Able to roam free, the hosts of long dead Celts have been taking full advantage of the situation to eat, drink and be have lots of sex. They take Jason with them and names the people with the staffs as Gironnved, Gironnved arrive in the grounds of the hospital, continuing their slaughter of the possessed that cross their path. They continue upstairs and John says the Gironnved are shepherds of the dead who are sent to round up the remaining dead but must killed the possessed to return them to King Arawn's Court. Once he locates the open portal he informs Angie that a sacrifice must be made to close it, they use jason as bait to lure a Gironnved then use him a the sacrifice. Uttering the words of the spell required to close the portal as the shepherd plunges into the darkness. John's gambit pays off as the portal closes, causing the remaining Gironnved's robes to fall empty to the ground and the people of Bedfordshire to shake off their possession. 
    If you thought Bermejo's cover art was good check out his interiors. 
    Favorite Quotes 
    John-Run and play now,kids or else its bedtime if you get my meaning. 
    Angie-They havent had a drink or a shag for two thousand years.That explains alot 
    Some two parters lag in the 2nd issue but Carey makes both very interesting as the worst is yet to come im sure.

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