the_mighty_monarch's Green Lantern: Mosaic #1 - Do you want to See? review

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    Retro Review: Mosaic #1

    The Good: The art compliments the story really well. It gives you that kind of 'Mosaic' feel, I guess. 
    I really have no idea what the backstory is, but I absolutely love the concept and the way John Stewart presents it to us. His narration of the entire thing is a really interesting way to draw you into the story and the way he keeps showing you all the things there to ease you into the idea is really neat. 
    For a comic over a decade old, the actions is really awesome. I really loved the fight scene in here. 
    The Bad: While interesting, there's something off about the narration directly to the audience. Is he just blatantly breaking the 4th wall or is he just kind of, pretending to? I couldn't figure out what the whole deal with it was. 
    It was a really long prologue. For all the greatness stuffed in here it was nothing more than an extended introduction to the concept and the series. 
    In Conclusion: 4/5 
    I've heard some good things about this series, and I know it's a bit shallow, but I've always had trouble mustering up enthusiasm for older comics. The art is always a huge issue for me. That said, this was a really enjoyable comic, and I totally would've bought it if it had just come out now. If you like John Stewart and think he doesn't get enough respect these days, I highly recommend looking into this series. I found it at my LCS for 1$. I'll be sure to head back and pick up some more issues because this one did leave me hungry for more.

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