Tython Jedi Strike Team Respect Thread

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Edited By TheVivas

This will be a combined respect thread for the five Jedi who went and battled Darth's Bane and Zannah on Tython. They are:

  • Worror Dowmat
  • Johun Othone
  • Raskta Lsu
  • Sarro Xaj
  • Valenthyne Farfalla

So without further adieu,


No Caption Provided

First up is:

Worror Dowmat


Handling the navigation in the back of the vessel was Master Worror, an Ithorian. His long, flat neck curved forward and up to a head shaped like the letter T, with large, bulbous eyes on either end of the cross stroke.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Powers

Force Heal

Worror is a Healer and support Jedi first and foremost and doesn't even carry a lightsaber.

Master Worror, however, was a healer by training, and his power lay in that direction.

He had been one of General Hoth's advisers on Ruusan, and a key to victory in many battles, even though he didn't even carry a lightsaber. The Ithorian's role was not to engage the enemy but rather to provide support through both his healing abilities and the rare art of battle meditation.

Source: Rule of Two

Battle Meditation

Worror is a practitioner of the rare Force ability Battle Meditation.

He had been one of General Hoth's advisers on Ruusan, and a key to victory in many battles, even though he didn't even carry a lightsaber. The Ithorian's role was not to engage the enemy but rather to provide support through both his healing abilities and the rare art of battle meditation. Although his talent was not strong enough to single-handedly alter the outcome of a large-scale conflict, in close quarters Worror could draw upon the Force to give strength to the bodies, minds, and spirits of those around him, enhancing the skills and abilities of his allies.

Source: Rule of Two

Farfalla notes how amazing he feels to be fighting with Worror's battle meditation.

It had been many years since Farfalla had fought while empowered by Worror's battle meditation. He had forgotten how much quicker and stronger the Ithorian's amazing talent made him feel. The Force flowed through him with greater power, filling him with its might.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Sense

Worror senses that his fellow Jedi have been killed.

In the corner the Ithorian broke his meditative trance, sensing that his companions had fallen.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Bubble

After having his throats cut and on the verge of death, Worror creates a Force bubble/sphere around Darth Bane, reflecting Bane's own lightning back at him.

Zannah felt the gathering dark side power of her Master, but in the instant before he unleashed the storm of deadly purple lightning, the Ithorian reached up from the floor and clutched him by his ankle. A shimmering blue globe surrounded them both as the mortally wounded Jedi released his own power in his final, dying act.

Instead of arcing across the room to destroy the one-armed Jedi, the lightning that flew from Bane's fingers reflected off the inside of the shimmering blue globe encasing him. The bolts ricocheted around wildly inside the globe, creating a storm of energy so intense that Zannah had to shield her eyes and look away. She heard Bane's scream rising above the sharp cackle of electricity, and when she looked back she saw the globe vanish and her Master fall to the ground in a charred and smoking heap.

Source: Rule of Two

Johun Othone

At 29 years old:

He was taller, for one thing----a full 1.85 meters in height. And his slight frame had become corded with taut, wiry muscle. The only remnant of the young man he had been was the blond hair that still hung down to his shoulders----a sharp contrast with the scruffy black beard that covered the line of his jaw.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Powers

Johun surrenders himself fully to the Force, which saves him from a giant fall into water.

They seemed to fall forever, the world moving in slow motion as Johun surrendered himself fully to the power of the Force. It flowed through him, stronger than he had ever felt it before. The instant before they hit the water he looked into the terrified eyes of his foe and smiled. He had never felt more at peace than at that moment.

Dropping from fifty meters into the ocean was nothing like diving into a pool; the surface tension of the water struck them with the impact of a sledgehammer. During the fall they had turned slightly, so the impact took Johun on the right side. He felt his ribs crack, and then a cold shock as the freezing waters enveloped them.

It took Johun several seconds to realize he wasn't dead. Even missing the rocks, a fall from that height should have been lethal. Yet somehow he had survived, though he was now sinking quickly into the ocean's angry depths. The Force, he thought in amazement. He had given himself over to its power during the fall; in return it had spared his life.

Source: Rule of Two

Mind Trick/Force Persuasion

Johun plants suggestions into the minds of Irtanna and Bordon.

"Did you want to fly us down, or should I?" he asked her. The words were easy, but as he said them he reached out with the Force to touch her mind. He did it gently, being careful not to cause her any harm as he planted the seed of a suggestion.

Her eyes glazed over momentarily and a look of blank confusion crossed her face. "Uh. . . I'll fly us down, I guess. You can take the copilot's chair."

"You're coming with us?" Bordon, the middle-aged father, asked. From his tone, it was obvious he had doubts.

"Of course," Johun replied amicably. "You all heard him say I should help you load the supplies, right? Why else would he say that if I wasn't going with you?"

As he had done with Irtanna, he gave another slight push, adding the mind-altering power of the Force to the half-truth. Normally he would have abhorred the idea of manipulating friends or allies in this fashion, but in this case he knew the ragtag rescue team would fare better if he accompanied them.

"Yeah. Right," Bordon agreed after a moment. "Good to have you along."

"Makes sense to have a Jedi with us," Irtanna added. "Just in case."

Persuading someone through the Force was always easier when it was something they wanted to be convinced of, Johun noted.

Source: Rule of Two

Johun plants a sense of calm and tranquility into a man's mind.

As he spoke he reached out to touch the hermit's mind with the Force. He didn't compel him to agree to the request; that wouldn't serve his purpose here. Force persuasion was a temporary measure, and by the time they got back to Coruscant, the effects would have worn off and the hermit would know he had been manipulated, making him even more intractable. Instead Johun simply tried to make the man more willing to listen to reason, casting a veil of calm and tranquility over his thoughts. He gently swept the other man's bitterness and resentment to the side, allowing him to weigh the logic of his arguments unclouded by passion and emotion.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Sense/Danger Sense

Johun feels something uneasy, and has a vision of the events that are going to happen in the blink of an eye.

Johun followed a moment later, though he felt a sudden uneasiness about the entire situation.


They were only a few meters away from the platform's edge when Johun was hit with a powerful premonition, an undeniable disturbance in the Force that warned him something terrible was about to happen. To this point his attention had been focused on Valorum's progress across the treacherous walkway. Now he opened up his awareness and allowed the Force to flow through him, painting a perfect picture of their entire surroundings.

The four figures waiting for them on the platform were armed with blasters and vibro-weapons. The two by the landspeeder----a short, heavyset man whose arms and neck were covered in green and purple tattoos and a Chiss female----were also armed. More alarmingly, the Chiss seemed to be concealing something in her hand.

Even without turning around, his heightened awareness allowed him to see the New Dawn resting on the landing pad behind him. Around the circumference of the pillar, just below the edge and carefully hidden from view, he sensed something explosive. He guessed that what the Chiss held in her hand was a remote detonator.

Johun took in every detail of the scene in the blink of an eye.

Source: Rule of Two

Johun uses the Force to help him navigate treacherous forest undergrowth and trail a man who's very familiar with the terrain.

Across open ground Johun was still faster, but he was a good ten meters behind when the man reached the forest's edge and plunged into the undergrowth. He cut a path that would have shaken off almost any pursuit: weaving and darting in and out of the densely packed tree trunks, ducking under sharp branches, and leaping over thick, protruding roots at a breakneck pace. Drawing heavily on the Force, however, Johun was able to match his progress, swatting away the limbs and leaves that threatened to smack him in the face and nimbly avoiding the roots that would have sent to crashing to the ground.

They sprinted through the forest for several kilometers, neither able to gain ground in their contest. The chase ended when they broke into a small clearing with a tiny mud hut built in the center, and Johun realized that his quarry, blinded by panic, had instinctively run for home.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Jump

Johun jumps a fair distance to catch Tarsus Valorum before he falls off a platform.

As the landing pad fell away the durasteel walkway buckled and bent, sending Valorum toppling over the edge. Empowered by the Force, Johun leapt forward and landed on his stomach, his arms shooting out over the edge to catch Valorum by the corner of his cape an instant before he plunged to his death.

Source: Rule of Two

Johun uses the Force to help him jump a far distance to help out Raskta Lsu and Valenthyne Farfalla.

He leapt across the room, using the Force to propel him through the air so that he landed only a few meters from where Raskta was dueling Darth Bane, desperately trying to drive him back and away from where Master Worror stood but a meter or two behind.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Speed

Johun muses that he can run 50 meters in a few seconds.

Johun had fifty meters of ground to gain; with the power of the Force flowing through his limbs he had expected to make up the distance in a matter of seconds.

Source: Rule of Two


Johun uses the Force to heat up his body so that he doesn't feel the worst of the cold on Ruusan.

A chill wind blew through the forest, dropping the temperature well below freezing, but Johun was able to draw upon the Force to warm himself and keep away the worst of the cold.

Source: Rule of Two


Johun Force pushes Worror to save him from Darth Bane.

The Sith Lord raised his blade to end Worror's life, and Johun thrust out with the Force.

He knew he wasn't strong enough to penetrate Bane's defenses, but the big man wasn't his target. Instead, the powerful push struck Worror, throwing him into the corner as the lightsaber strike that would have cut him in two swished harmlessly through the air.

Source: Rule of Two


Johun wields his lightsaber faster than the eye could see.

His blade danced and sizzled, moving too swiftly for the eye to follow.

Source: Rule of Two

Lightsaber and Fighting Skill

Johun has experience fighting against Sith forces.

Here on Valenthyne's personal galleon, however, Johun recognized nearly every face. He had fought beside them for many months, through ambushes, skirmishes, and full-scale battles. Together they had borne witness to death and bloodshed; tasted glorious triumph and endured crushing defeat. Each of them had seen many foes----and too many friends----die as they had waged a seemingly endless campaign against the forces of the dark side.

Source: Rule of Two

Johun battles three skilled adversaries who each have cortosis blades, and although he had spent the better part of ten years working on diplomatic matters instead of lightsaber skill, he defeats them.

"Don't move!" he shouted to Valorum as he leapt forward, landing on the platform even as the woman and both men men drew vibroswords and attacked. Only the Twi'lek held back.

All three wielded weapons laced with cortosis, allowing their blades to clash with Johun's lightsaber without being sliced in two. It took only the first pass for him to realize each one was a highly skilled opponent. Deflecting a quick slash intended to disembowel him by the first man, Johun wheeled to intercept a hard swipe at his neck from the woman. He delivered a spinning round kick to her side, sending her reeling even as he reached behind his back with his lightsaber to parry a savage thrust by the third man at his unprotected flank.

Johun's training in lightsaber combat was limited to the strikes and parries of Form VI, Niman, the most balanced of all the styles. Colloquially know as the Diplomat's Form, Niman had no specific strengths or weaknesses. Its general versatility had served him well during the unpredictable grand melees of the Ruusan battlefields. But over the past decade he had made only the most basic efforts to maintain his skill with the blade. Instead he had focused his attention on developing diplomatic talents. Yet he was still a Jedi, and a formidable foe for anyone to face.

He may have been outnumbered, but his enemies attacked as individuals, unable to coordinate the timing of their strikes. The woman regained her balance and rushed in, but Johun spun to the side and shoved her toward the first man. Her momentum sent her crashing into her partner, both of them tumbling to the ground in a tangled mess of limbs.

Knowing that the other two were momentarily incapacitated, he focused all his attention on the second man. Attacking as a trio, they had forced Johun onto the defensive. One-on-one, however, he was able to press the action. He came at his lone opponent aggressively, holding nothing back, knowing he was fighting to save not just himself but the Chancellor, as well. His blade danced and sizzled, moving too swiftly for the eye to follow.

The man fell back under the assault, frantically parrying the blows and retreating until he felt his heels dangling over the platform's edge. In desperation he lunged forward with a clumsy stab at Johun's chest. The Jedi simply slapped his blade aside and ended the assassin's life with a single cut of the lightsaber across his chest.

The other two were back on their feet now. The woman rushed toward him recklessly yet again. This time Johun stood his ground, ducking under the wide, flat arc of her blade sweeping in from the side. He reached out with his left hand and seized her wrist as he rolled onto his back, using the momentum of her own charge against her. Pulling hard on her wrist, he tumbled backward and brought both feet up, planting them in the middle of her stomach. He completed the move by kicking out with both legs, sending her flying up and over the platform's edge. She screamed all the way down, her cries ending abruptly when she struck the water and rocks below.

Johun was already back on his feet, bracing for the first man's next attack. But rather than face him alone, his remaining adversary turned to flee, making a break for the walkway leading from the platform back to the shore.

Source: Rule of Two

He fights a Twi'lek who was more skilled than the three opponents he fought above put together.

Here's an idea of the Twi'lek's speed, he cuts a man's throat in a second, barely moving:

He passed the Twi'lek at a dead run, then stopped as his body went rigid and his hands flew to his throat. He turned around slowly so he was facing Johun, clutching the bloody gash just beneath his jaw as he toppled forward and fell facedown on the platform.

It happened so fast it took a moment to register on Johun. Then he noticed the small, crescent-shaped blades clutched in each of the Twi'lek's hands. They looked like miniature sickles; the one in his left hand was a bright silver, the one in the right dripped with red.

Now his fight with the Twi'lek:

Stepping over the still-gasping body of the accomplice he had just killed, the Twi'lek dropped into a fighting crouch. He didn't seem to know or care that the other two had abandoned him. His lekku hung down behind him like twin tails, the tips twitching and curling in anticipation.

"I've always wanted to test my skills against a Jedi," he said, issuing the challenge.

Johun was more than willing to accept. He leapt forward, moving with the blinding speed of the Force as he stabbed his lightsaber squarely at the Twi'lek's chest to put a quick end to their confrontation. With an almost casual grace, the red-skinned Twi'lek merely leaned backward and twisted out of the way, slashing out with the strange crescent blades at Johun's throat.

The Jedi turned his body at the last second, avoiding the first blade completely, but catching the other with the meat of his right shoulder. It sliced deep into the muscle, eliciting a grunt of pain from Johun.

He wheeled back around to see the Twi'lek in the same low crouch, holding the crescent blades up in front of him like a boxer. Johun approached more cautiously this time, recognizing that his opponent was far more dangerous than the other three put together.

Using tight slashes and quick cuts, he probed his enemy's defenses with his lightsaber, trying to learn the patterns and rhythms of his foe's unfamiliar weapons. The Twi'lek slapped each blow aside with contemptuous ease, alternating hands so he could always leave one of the crescents up in a defensive position.

The unusual weapons sacrificed reach for speed and maneuverability, Johun realized. He was vulnerable if he let the Twi'lek get in close, but if he could keep him at a distance he had the advantage. The Twi'lek seemed to realize this, too, and began to move in slowly.

Johun tried to to force him back with a sequence of aggressive attacks, but he was unable to penetrate the Twi'lek's defenses. No matter what he tried, his enemy was always able to keep at least one of the crescent blades back to parry his blows.

Frustrated, Johun overextended on one of his strikes, bringing the lightsaber in a fraction of a centimeter too high and wide and putting too much weight on his front foot. The mistake nearly proved fatal.

The Twi'lek swatted Johun's blade aside and stepped forward, closing the distance between them to less than a meter as he slid inside the arc of the lightsaber's effective range. The sickle of his left hand sliced down in a high vertical strike as the one in his right carved a low horizontal slash. Johun was able to backpedal and avoid the initial blows, but he wasn't so lucky when his opponent reversed his attack, allowing the crescent blades to retrace their original paths in the opposite direction.

One of the blades sliced upward, opening a gash in Johun's cheek and narrowly missing his eye. The other left a long, shallow cut along the left side of the Jedi's ribs----painful but not debilitating.

His enemy was in too close for Johun to bring his lightsaber to bear effectively; all he could do was butt with his head, sending his brow smashing hard into the Twi'lek's face. There was a wet crunch as the cartilage of his enemy's nose crumpled beneath the impact. The Twi'lek staggered back, then dropped once more into his fighting crouch. Blood flowed freely from his nostrils, the dark crimson flow visible even against his bright red complexion.

Johun tried to gather the Force to hurl his opponent off the platform's edge. But gathering the Force required concentration, and for a fraction of an instant it drew his focus away from the battle. His enemy sensed his momentary lapse and sprang forward, the sickles carving deadly semicircular arcs through the air.

Johun threw himself backward at the last instant, the power he'd accumulated disappearing harmlessly as he fell into a full retreat to avoid the lethal assault. Dropping low to the ground, he tried to sweep the feet out from under the Twi'lek. His opponent anticipated and leapt nimbly over his outstretched foot, bringing his knee up to strike Johun square in the jaw.

Seeing stars, Johun rolled clear, narrowly avoiding decapitation, as the crescent blades swooped in again. He regained his feet and took a wild swipe at his opponent. Dodging the blow, the Twi'lek swooped in close, and Johun was forced to give ground yet again to survive another series of lightning-fast blows.

The Twi'lek pessed the attack, staying close enough to Johun that the Jedi's only options were blocks and parries. Darting from side to side he cut off Johun's paths of retreat, slowly backing him up until he was balanced on the platform's edge.

John knew he couldn't beat the Twi'lek. His opponent was faster, his skills honed by years of intense training. He could continue to fight, but the outcome was inevitable----he was going to die on this platform. He could not escape his fate----yet he could still sacrifice himself to save the Chancellor.

There is no death; there is only the Force.

The Twi'lek had braced himself in preparation for a desperate counterattack. expecting Johun to try to fight his way clear of the platform's ledge. Instead the Jedi dropped his weapon and both hands shot forward to clutch tightly onto the front pf his opponent's shirt. The handle of Johun's lightsaber clattered on the platform's durasteel surface, the blade extinguishing the moment it fell from his hand.

The unexpected move caught the Twi'lek completely off guard, and he hesitated for a split second before his eyes went wide with fear and dawning comprehension. He slashed frantically at Johun's wrists and forearms, carving deep gashes into the flesh. But the Jedi's grip never faltered.

With his heels already dangling over the precipice, Johun simply had to let himself fall backward, dragging his enemy with him. The Twi'lek screamed as they plunged toward the deadly rocks jutting up from the waves fifty meters below; Johun felt nothing but a serene inner peace.

Source: Rule of Two

Raskta Lsu


Master Raskta Lsu, an Echani, sat at the controls of her ship. She had the alabaster skin, pure white hair, and silver eyes common to all her species. She was almost as tall as Johun, with the muscles and physique one would expect in species that valued physical combat as the highest form of art and personal expression.

Source: Rule of Two

Lightsaber Skill

Raskta has trained her whole life in hopes to surpass her namesake, the greatest duelist of her own time.

Named in honor of the legendary Echani warrior Raskta Fenni, acclaimed by many to be the greatest duelist of her time, Master Raskta had spent her life honing her martial skills so that she could one day equal, and even surpass, her namesake.

Source: Rule of Two

She achieved the rank of Jedi Weapons Master.

She had achieved the rare and prestigious rank of Jedi Weapons Master. Eschewing all other fields of study and forsaking the development of her other Force talents to focus exclusively on the lightsaber and combat, she had transformed herself into a living weapon.

Source: Rule of Two

She's cut down swaths of Sith forces on Ruusan without any armor or Force abilities.

Wielding a blue-bladed lightsaber in each hand, and shunning any form of armor, she was a terrifying figure to behold on the battlefield. Johun vividly remembered her carving great swaths of destruction through the heart of the enemy ranks, leaving a litter of bodies in her wake. It was said that, by the end of the war, as many Sith Lords had fallen under her twin blades as had been killed by the thought bomb.

Source: Rule of Two

Her mastery of her blades is unparalleled.

Raskta's mastery of her blades was unparalleled----

Source: Rule of Two


Raskta moves her blades quicker than the eye could see(presumably amped by battle meditation).

Raskta's blue blades flickered too quickly for the eye to see, neutralizing her enemy's initial, wild attack then landing half a dozen lethal blows to his chest and abdomen.

Source: Rule of Two

Fueled by battle meditation, Raskta weaves her lightsabers like a blur, forming figure eights out of them to deflect Darth bane's lightning.

The suddenly Raskta was there to save his life, repaying a debt that was only a few seconds old as she threw herself in front of him. Fueled by Worror's battle meditation, she switched styles seamlessly, and her arms and blades became a blur as they carved figure eights in the air to catch and absorb the bolts of dark side energy.

Source: Rule of Two

Farfalla describes Raskta as being "everywhere at once."

She seemed to be everywhere at once----in front of Bane, beside him, behind him, circling low, leaping to come in high, deflecting his blade with one of her own then stabbing three quick times in succession at his eyes.

Source: Rule of Two

Johun marvels at Raskta's speed and reactions.

The young Jedi marveled at the speed and savagery of Raskta's blades.


Her reactions were so fast, her combat instincts so pure, that she was able to sense and anticipate what he was going to do even as it happened, then use his attacks to her own advantage.

Source: Rule of Two

Sarro Xaj


In the gunner's chair across from the pilot was Sarro Xaj, the human male who had served as Raskta's Padawan on Ruusan. A year older than Johun, Sarro had olive-brown skin and a single topknot of black hair. He was also the largest human Johun had ever encountered. Over two meters tall and 150 kilos of raw muscle, he could easily be mistaken for a hairless Wookiee rather than a man.

Source: Rule of Two


Although he is a giant, Sarro is quick enough to catch a fly out of the air.

Yet despite his mass, he was still quick enough to snatch a zess-fly out of the air.

Source: Rule of Two

In the time it takes Johun to launch two attacks, Sarro had already launched half a dozen.

In the time it took for the smaller man to strike at her twice with his green blade, she had batted aside half a dozen attacks from the other.

Source: Rule of Two

Sarro moves his blade so fast it seems to bend and curve.

He came at her again, his blade changing directions so quickly in midstroke that it seemed to bend and curve.

Source: Rule of Two

Lightsaber Skill

Sarro has mastered using a double-bladed lightsaber.

Elevated to the rank of Jedi knight seven years before, Sarro had chosen to follow in his Master's path, focusing on mastering a massive double-bladed lightsaber measuring almost three meters in length. Johun imagined there were few beings in the galaxy who could stand up under the ferocious assault of his weapon's blue blades.

Source: Rule of Two

While fighting both Sarro and Johun, Darth Zannah notes that Sarro is the bigger threat almost immediately.

And then her enemies fell on her. It took only seconds for her to realize that the bigger man was by far the more dangerous opponent.

. . .

There was a marked difference in the style and effectiveness of their blows, as well. The skills of the Jedi with the green lightsaber were raw and basic. When he struck, it was with either strength or speed, but not both at the same time. His blade came in either high or low, but never altered its plane during the attack. In contrast, the big man attacked her from creative and unexpected angles, the massive blue blades changing course mid-thrust. Each offensive was a model of lethal efficiency----quick and powerful strikes and counterstrikes that kept an opponent guessing.

Source: Rule of Two

Zannah notes that she would have killed Johun very quickly if it weren't for Sarro's intelligence with a blade. She later also notes that he is more skilled than her and the only reason she hadn't been struck down sooner was because of the lack of teamwork between Sarro and Johun.

Were it not for the big man's brilliance, she would have quickly switched to an aggressive sequence and easily dispatched the smaller man. But were it not for the smaller man's mediocrity, her defensive talents would have been pushed to the very limits by her more skilled opponent.

Source: Rule of Two

Sarro's duel with Darth Zannah, from her point of view:

Zannah slid to the side, her spinning weapon redirecting the blade of her enemy away from her throat and harmlessly up over her shoulder. Its twin came in quickly from the other side at her hip, and she threw herself into a back handspring to avoid it, landing nimbly on her feet. Grimly, she realized she'd never understood the true meaning of the term martial arts until now.

The warrior assailing her had elevated the act of combat to its purest and highest form. He moved with the fluid grace of a dancer, his monstrous blade singing the deadly song of battle. He executed his moves with a perfect elegance born of obsession. Zannah knew it left him vulnerable to other forms of attack, but he pressed her so relentlessly that she never had a chance to effectively gather her power.

He came at her again, his blade changing directions so quickly in midstroke that it seemed to bend and curve. Zannah repelled the assault with a furious defensive flurry, breathing hard. Her style was meant to prolong combat, exhausting her opponents as they tried to penetrate her defenses. But each time she clashed with the olive-skinned giant, she was the only one forced to expend desperate, frantic energy. Slowly, he was wearing her down.

Source: Rule of Two

Valenthyne Farfalla


He had long, flowing curls of golden hair that hung down past his shoulders. The breastplate of his armor was also gold, buffed and polished until it gleamed before every battle. It was trimmed with bright red sleeves and adorned with rubies that matched the color of his eyes and contrasted with his pale skin.

Source: Path of Destruction


Farfalla is a champion of the Jedi.

The Jedi, shaken out of their complacency by the galactic crisis, raised their own champions, such as the stalwart Lord Hoth and his Army of Light, the charismatic Kiel Charny, and Lord Farfalla, a foppish alien who retinue and wooden-hulled battleship looked like elements of a forgotten fairy tale.

Source: The New Essential Chronology

Force Powers

Force Shield

Farfalla saves Raskta Lsu with a Force shield.

Bane spun and threw a wave of invisible dark side power at her. A Weapons Master was not skilled at defending against enemy Force attacks. The impact of the wave would have plastered her against the wall and crushed her had Farfalla not thrown up a shield to protect the Echani. Even so her muscular body was plucked from the air and hurtled backward, though she twisted and turned so she landed on her feet.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Pull

Farfalla calls his lightsaber to his hand.

However, the distraction allowed Farfalla to look over and reach out with the Force, calling his weapon back to his hand.

Source: Rule of Two

Force Stasis

Farfalla puts Darth Bane in a stasis field.

Farfalla released the power he'd been gathering in a single concentrated burst. Bane was suddenly encased in a shimmering stasis field of light-side energy, freezing him where he stood.

Source: Rule of Two

Lightsaber and Fighting Skill

Farfalla had fought in nearly every battle on Ruusan.

Lord Valenthyne Farfalla had been one of the first Jedi Masters to join the Army of Light on Ruusan. He had fought in nearly every confrontation, and the Sith had come to know him well: Farfalla was hard to miss even in the chaos of battle.

Source: Path of Destruction

Here's some more context on the battles on Ruusan.

The Battle of Ruusan, the notorious conflict in which Jedi recruited novice Force-sensitive youths to battle the Sith, was a series of seven ground battles, and may have been the bloodiest confrontation between Jedi and Sith in history.

Source: Jedi vs Sith: The Essential guide to the Force

Hundreds of years ago, a Jedi named Kaan turned away from the light and formed the Brotherhood of Darkness. The Brotherhood used the dark side of the Force to build an empire, and they were well on their toward expanding it when an army was raised to oppose them.

The army of opposition consisted of beings from many species and planets, representing all walks of life. But they had one thing in common. They were Jedi.

The two sides came together on a remote and little known world. Salvos of pure energy were exchanged, storms raged across the land, and lightning flashed from the skies. Entire cities were destroyed, a species was pushed to the edge of extinction, and spirits separated from their bodies.

Finally, after days of mortal combat, the Brotherhood was defeated.

Source: Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force

Darth Zannah notes that Farfalla and Raskta Lsu are exceptional fighters.

To her surprise, both of Bane's opponents were still standing: proof they were exceptionally skilled combatants.

Source: Rule of Two

Farfalla is described as having elegant blows and perfect form by Johun.

On her opposite side Farfalla struck with clean, elegant blows, his form perfect as he harried Bane's right flank.

Source: Rule of Two


Farfalla process information in a fraction of a second.

"The handle!' Raskta gasped as she scrambled to her feet.

The warning caused Farfalla to notice the hook-handled lightsaber of his enemy, and the unusual grip it required. This would alter the nature of his attacks, causing them to come in from odd and unfamiliar angles. In the regimented and hyperprecise world of Jedi-Sith lightsaber duels, it transformed his style into something unique and unexpected.

Valenthyne recognized, processed, and reacted to this information in a fraction of a second, allowing him to adjust his own weapon's course just enough to block a strike that otherwise would have slipped along the edge of his blade and taken his arm off at the elbow.

Source: Rule of Two

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Updated with new format.

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I always liked this crew. Excellent job.

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Seems like a stretch these stats.

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Seems like a stretch these stats.

What stats?

@wollfmyth209 Thanks man! Yeah, it's just a shame they had to fight Bane though...

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@thevivas said:

Yeah, it's just a shame they had to fight Bane though...

Yeah. They died too quickly.