THIS IS WAR! R2: Funny Business vs Chess with Cheese

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#1  Edited By Jokergeist

Round 2

A few minor changes have been made to the rules.

Click here for the Tournament Thread

You will NOT post spam, questions, accusations, etc. etc. in this thread.

You have received a private message that contains everyone in this debate, in addition to Floopay and myself. If you have questions, accusations, and random spam you want to post, put it in the PM. This thread will not be clogged.

Someone asks you a question who isn't in the tournament, or makes a comment your direction? Reply by posting on that user's Wall. You may post as much spam and etc. after this thread is open for votes, however, once the thread is open to votes you CANNOT debate for your team in any way, shape, or form. Minor clarifications are allowed, but no challenging every vote against your team, no showing off feats and stuff you forgot to post for your team earlier. Once it's open for voting, the debate is done.

Posting Orders and Limits

Opening Post: You're reading it.

Second Post: I will make the second post. I have sent you another PM, in which you will describe your team make-up in the match. Be sure to include:

  • Whether or not you bring your Wildcard
  • Scout's Prep
  • Battlefield starting positions

In this PM, you will disclose this information for me to record in Post #2. It cannot be altered once I have made the post.

Nobody's information will be posted until both teams have made their decisions; Neither of you has any clue of how the other will be using prep, and there will be no way someone can alter their opening prep over and over again based on what they think would have been the best way to prep to guarantee victory. Plain and simple, you're stuck with the tactics you decided.

Posting Orders:

Remember, there are 2 people in each team. I will refer to teams as Team 1, and Team 2 for this portion. As well as Member 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B. Corresponding of course with their team.

I have chosen post orders, which is disclosed in Post #2 below.

  1. First Post: Team 1, Member 1A
  2. Second Post: Team 2, Member 2A
  3. Third Post: Team 1, Member 1B
  4. Fourth Post: Team 2, Member 2B
  5. Fifth Post: Team 1, Member 1A
  6. Sixth Post: Team 2, Member 2A
  7. Summary Post: Team 2, Member 2B
  8. Summary Post: Team 1, Member 1B

Make your posts count, because this is all you get. 2 posts from each team member, unless substitutions are made. Please refrain from posting cluttering irrelevancies.

*Each Member will have 5 days maximum to submit his post. If the deadline is reached without posting, you'll be skipped and the next person follows.

Funny Business - Dextersinister & Sovereign91001

  • Champion: Kakashi
  • Champion: Sho
  • The Leader: Psylocke
  • The Meatshield: Wolverine
  • The Wildcard: Durkon Thundershield
  • Minions: 8 Zetsu, 8 Judges, 2 Glads


Chess with Cheese - scorpion2501 & Loki9876

  • Champion: Gilgamesh (Fate/Zero)
  • Champion: Green Goblin (616)
  • The Leader: Capain America (616)
  • The Meatshield: Naotsugu (Log Horizon)
  • The Scout: Batman (New 52)
  • The Minions: 16 AIM scientists, 2 Mk1 Prototypes (Halo)

*The Leader does not fight in this round. His only job is to provide the strategy before the battle.

Location: Operation Riverside

This land houses an electric power substation at its center, with a small river flowing along its axis. The landscape and layout of the landmarks in Operation Riverside caters mainly towards infantry action, where the Scout must be strategic to maintain low-profile recon.

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Battlefield Starting-Positions

Blue Zone = Team 1 territory, Red Zone = Team 2 territory

  • Team 1 can start at E, or anywhere within the Blue Zone.
  • Team 2 can start at A, or anywhere within the Red Zone.
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*None of the vehicles listed above can be used.



The Woods is a forested area covered with rocks and is surrounded by a small shack.
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The Gas Station is positioned along the riverbank just south of the Warehouse.
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The Warehouse is a three story building, surrounded by fields and a small power generator.
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The Power Station is located south of the Warehouse, in close proximity to the RU Deployment and is scattered with crates.
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The Outpost is located in very close proximity to the RU Deployment and is surrounded by a few crates and an outdoor garage.
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Battle Conditions

Prior to the battle, both teams have the following:

  • 5 days of prep for the Scout.
  • 1 hour of prep for the Leader to strategize before the battle.
  • Full knowledge of teammates.
  • No knowledge of the enemy team.
  • In-Character
  • Fight to the death.

Rules for Voting

Reasons MUST be given. Votes will not count if no reasoning is provided.

  • Team 1 may call in six voters.
  • Team 2 may call in six voters.
  • The only other votes that will count are from the other participants of this tournament, as well as notable outsiders. I will call in 2 random participants from this tournament who will be required to cast a vote on the debate.

Any other tournament participants are allowed to vote.

Outside Viewers are allowed to vote, but must have a post count of 1000+

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"Funny Business" Team Prep

Party anthem

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We will replace our scout with our wildcard Durkon Thundershield and use an even split of Zetsu and Judges will ready themselves much as they did in the last round. I'll sometimes post dual images so you know what they look like outside of the comics animation style.

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Durkon will use planar ally to gain the services of a Barbed Devil, don't need to read any of the text.

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The Barbed devil will begin using it's major illusion ability to create an illusion of patroling orcs which he will patrol with as they dissappear not long after he stops concentrating or wonders to far.

Durkon will then cast screen over the area which is part of the trickery domain which vampire clerics have access to instead of their original domains. It will make the area the party is situated in look like a human farmhouse that is held captive by some guarding orcs. It will be at least 120 feet by 120 feet

This spell combines several elements to create a powerful protection from scrying and direct observation. When casting the spell, you dictate what will and will not be observed in the spell’s area. The illusion created must be stated in general terms. Once the conditions are set, they cannot be changed.

Attempts to scry the area automatically detect the image stated by you with no resistance allowed. Sight and sound are appropriate to the illusion created.

Area:30-ft. cube/level (S)

24 hours

He will cast true seeing upon, invisibility and nondetection upon himself and proceed with the Barbed Devil and his illusionary retinue to the highest point or just walk close to your border and have a nosy. True seeing see's through illusions and transformations.abilities and the spider climb ability of vampires allows him to walk up walls.

After which Durkon will head back to camp and begin to attempt and Scy on your party and the Barbed devil will check out the surrounding area with the orc retinue, scrying is a staple spell of every pure caster although they all have there own perequisites for using it, it will take a moment for Durkon to set up a crude holy font that he uses as a viewing portal and sprinkle some diamond dust into it.

A scrying example

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4-5 days of scrying attempts should allow him to become incredibly familiar with your team, although most of the info you would gain from spying on someone in that length of time would be useless the more familiar you are with someone the much easier scrying becomes with the final scring attempt yielding the best gains.

Rest of the team

For this round Betsy's prep is fairly straight forward: She's going to Psychically impart the knowledge Durkon gathered during his recon, and she'll toss a few useful skills to our team/minions bar Durkon.

1. Her fighting skill

2. Her ninja stealth abilities.

  • The ability to pass skills through telepathy is is a fairly straight forward process that any reasonably competent telepath can preform, Xavier, Rachel Grey and Emma Frost have all done variations of this technique.
  • With that accomplished she'll deaden our teams pain receptors, so they'll be able to fight longer and at maximum capacity.
  • With that done she'll maintain a psychic link for the team and relay tactics over real time as battle conditions dictate.
  • The Glabrezus will be on artillery duty along with operation candy stealing and catch the pigeon if needed and will activate mirror image along with gating in a rutterkin each.
  • Judges/Zetsus will take position behind a slope near E ready to unload spacing themselves apart but remaining in groups of 2 with operation spider to the fly and window cleaner.
  • Underground Zetsus will be ready with operation bring a bomb and jellyfish
  • Everyone will be made aware of the apparent leaders

Leave a list with gist on what those operations entail, subject to change based on what we witness with prep


During the last 5 minutes Durkon will begin to buff the party with the following spells.

Just before the fighting starts he pass one of each potion to the named characters and then cast the mass resist energies and invisibility on the named characters, the Glabrezus and the the minions closest to the front, true seeing on himself and Wolverine, cats grace on Guyver, Kakashi and himself which will boost their reflexes unless it would put the former 2 over the limit over the limit. Hard to tell with reflexes. Bless the party which fills all allies within with courage and mass owls wisdom on the main characters bar himself, the Glabrezu, the barbed devil and the remaining 3 minions to the far left and 4 to the far right.

Wisdom describes a character’s willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition.

Bless fills your allies with courage.

Have true seeing cast on himself and Wolverine and then cast magic weapon on Wolverines claws, Guyvers head, One of Kakashi''s kunai and both the Glabrezus pincers

Most of these spells won't be be a factor but better safe than sorry, will provide scans or quotes if needed but here's one of him casting cats grace.

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"Chess with Cheese" Team Prep

Our scout will try and gather info on the enemy's weaknesses. He will be infiltrating the enemy base. ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US. But he won't go unnecessarily deep. To make sure he's not spotted.

Added by Jokergeist
Added by Jokergeist

Team 1 = Funny Business, Team 2 = Chess with Cheese

  1. First Post: Dextersinister
  2. Second Post: scorpion2501
  3. Third Post: Sovereign91001
  4. Fourth Post: Loki9876
  5. Fifth Post: Dextersinister
  6. Sixth Post: scorpion2501
  7. Summary Post: Loki9876
  8. Summary Post: Sovereign91001

*Partners are allowed to substitute for each other's respective turns.

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Well this sure took awhile to start. Good luck.

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#4  Edited By Dextersinister

@stupid_people said:

Well this sure took awhile to start. Good luck.

`This match isn't part of the actual tournament, both teams go to the next round. The only thing at stake here is rep.


But he won't go unnecessarily deep. To make sure he's not spotted.

Because he needs direct line of sight to our team we will be able to spot him. Kakashi's enhanced vision, Zetsu life sense, Guyver sensors etc. He gets jumped, he fails to get away because despite skill he is still just a dude with peak dude speed.

When held helpless Durkon will turn him into a vampire, vampires are thralls to their maker.

As he has full knowledge on your team, we will be given full knowledge of your team. Priority target on sniping Gilga.

  • Full knowledge of teammates.

He will then be sent back to tell you that the enemy has powerful long range capabilities but they take a moment to focus, if we make straight for them as soon as we can rather than bunker we can take them with ease.

Not sure if we can have Batman assassinate some of your team during prep, probably not so he will butcher the aim scientists after the rest of the team moves forward.

The last 2 paragraphs aren't set in stone, if you have something that will let you know Batman isn't a team player he will just sit with us, we will know this because Batman has FULL KNOWLEDGE on you.

4 Zetsus will proceed underground to attempt and detonate bombs beneath your team, Guyver, the Judges/Zetsus will snipe at ground and air, until then Galbrezus will be launching fireballs as artillery if your behind cover and arcs of lightning if you are out in the open.

Errtu the Balor has a retinue of 4 Glabrezus lay seige to a drow great house before he has them gate away.

Behind K'yorl came the fiends, with a tremendous fanfare, roaring and loosing bolts of lightning against the Oblodran compound, igniting balls of exploding fire. Compelled by Errtu, they stretched and thinned and flew into the sulphur, and Matron Baenre held on against her terror, transforming it into a sensation of sheer power.

The hells up with the vine, cut off part of my post.

Kakashi can use his eye thing to teleport the melee forward if required. I'll let @sovereign91001 handle melee and those characters.

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I've stated that I will be using 16 aim scientists and 2 mark I prototypes on top of that. It would be illogical not to use them. Just to clarify. @dextersinister
Now onto the debate:

Because he needs direct line of sight to our team we will be able to spot him. Kakashi's enhanced vision, Zetsu life sense, Guyver sensors etc. He gets jumped, he fails to get away because despite skill he is still just a dude with peak dude speed.

When held helpless Durkon will turn him into a vampire, vampires are thralls to their maker.

I said in the prep "But he won't go unnecessarily deep. To make sure he's not spotted." That implies that he won't go in if the security is to high. And would logically just go back to the base and tell our guys the position and vague lay out of your base.

So no vampire thingies are happening.
That way all your other plans involving Batman as vampire are nullified.

4 Zetsus will proceed underground to attempt and detonate bombs beneath your team, Guyver, the Judges/Zetsus will snipe at ground and air, until then Galbrezus will be launching fireballs as artillery if your behind cover and arcs of lightning if you are out in the open.

This will be countered by our strategy, so I'll leave it at this for now.

Errtu the Balor has a retinue of 4 Glabrezus lay seige to a drow great house before he has them gate away.

I don't really get this sentence. Care to talk about it in more detail?

Now I will commence with my strategy.

My genuis strategy that isn't all that genuis.(But still pretty effective)

Prep that happens just before the battle:

The Mark 1 Protoypes will each keep 2 claymores with them. The other ones will be planted in the ground.

What happens during the battle:

Now for the genuis part of our strategy!

Naotsugu(Our meatshield) will use his special ability called Anchor Howl

.Anchor Howl

That way everyone on the enemy team will have to attack him. When the enemies are going to attack him, their positions will be revealed. After that Naotsugu will use his ability: Castle of Stone. That way he can't be hurt for 10 seconds, shrugging off the enemy attacks that happened.

Castle of Stone

Gilgamesh and Green Goblin will shoot at the enemy whose positions are now revealed, they cannot counter these attacks because they can only attack Naotsugu. They will get slaughtered without being able to defend themselves. When you are near us, we will set of the bombs planted by the Mark 1 Prototypes.

This way we will try and make as much as casualties as possible. Due to the casualties and confusion of your army; there will be chaos. And our team will bring order to that chaos by killing everyone. Your troops will now be close to each other, and we will ambush them with our army in the midst of confusion.


This is my battle strategy. Character powers and abilities will be discussed in my next post.
Good luck.

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@scorpion2501: @dextersinister Okie Dokie here we go.

I said in the prep "But he won't go unnecessarily deep. To make sure he's not spotted." That implies that he won't go in if the security is to high. And would logically just go back to the base and tell our guys the position and vague lay out of your base.

Between the enhanced senses and stealth our team has we'll be aware of you, far before you're aware of us. By the time you know that you're in too deep, you've already been dealt with. One thing my partner didn't mention is that Kakashi has a Wolverine like sense of smell in addition to the man himself. Both have been able to dissapear from sight in front of their opponents and get within feet of them undetected.

Naotsugu(Our meatshield) will use his special ability called Anchor Howl.

That way everyone on the enemy team will have to attack him. When the enemies are going to attack him, their positions will be revealed. After that Naotsugu will use his ability: Castle of Stone. That way he can't be hurt for 10 seconds, shrugging off the enemy attacks that happened.

Both of these abilities break rules: Anchor Howl is more or less mind control; which is prohibited. And the Castle of stone turns him effectively invulnerable if he can shrug off the combined attacks of our team for 10 seconds, that puts him over the durability limit. Both of these abilities should be banned as they break the rules.

Gilgamesh and Green Goblin will shoot at the enemy whose positions are now revealed, they cannot counter these attacks because they can only attack Naotsugu. They will get slaughtered without being able to defend themselves. When you are near us, we will set of the bombs planted by the Mark 1 Prototypes.

This way we will try and make as much as casualties as possible. Due to the casualties and confusion of your army; there will be chaos. And our team will bring order to that chaos by killing everyone. Your troops will now be close to each other, and we will ambush them with our army in the midst of confusion.

The rest of this shouldn't occur as the events leading up to them won't happen.

Let the beatdown commence

With all the craziness Dex called up with Guyver/Zetsu and our general bombardment, your team should likely be out of comission before our melee unit moves in but just in case:

Kakashi will create a shadow clone, the clone has all of Kakashi's skills and jutsu so it'll be pretty formidable. So the two Kakashi's and Wolverine will move in. Frankly in terms of physicals and fighting prowess, I feel comfortable saying Logan/Kakashi outmatch anyone on your team losing only to Norman perhaps in strength.

Now you have to be thinking two (three) melee guys are outmatched because Goblin can fly on his glider Osborn has some knowledge on Wolverine( and vice-versa) and he's no fool, he'd likely take to the air so he can carpet bomb and to stay out of reach of those claws. Unfortunetly that won't help him as Kakashi and Wolverine are going to pull off a variation of the classic X-Men technique: The Fastball special.

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Thanks to Kakashi's Kamui he can open portals and move stuff, including people, now imagine instead of dropping down and opening a portal from above, he's on the ground and opens a portal above Osborn's head with an angry Wolverine landing on his head. If need be Kakashi can gain extra altitude as every ninja in Naruto has Spider-Man like leaping ability.

Wolvie can easily take out Norman by popping his claws into his head and if they crash, no biggie, with his healing factor he'll be up and ready to fight in next to no time. While all this is going on the Kakashi clone and the bombardment from Zetsu and Co. will take out the rest of your team.