DBM Broly runs the Ultimate Gauntlet Showdown!!!

Incase you guys don't know, DBM Broly is the strongest incarnation of Broly ever.He's invunerable to anything.His power rises constantly enough to overpower SSJ2 Vegeto.He was so powerful that the only way Vegetto could win against him is by BFRing him, which he did by blasting him far away with his ultimate attack Final Dragon Flash prisoning him within a ball of ki.  

 Goku confirms Broly's invunerabilty
 Goku confirms Broly's invunerabilty

 Super Vegetto gets smashed by Broly.
 Super Vegetto gets smashed by Broly.
 Once again his invulnerability is confirmed for those who has doubts about it.
 Once again his invulnerability is confirmed for those who has doubts about it.
 Broly prompts Vegeto Go SSJ2 for the first time making him serious.
 Broly prompts Vegeto Go SSJ2 for the first time making him serious.
Broly eventually exceeds even SSJ2 Vegeto's power 
Broly eventually exceeds even SSJ2 Vegeto's power 
 Vegeto is injured for the first time by Broly
 Vegeto is injured for the first time by Broly
So now that we're all on the same page about DBM Broly's power...
Broly faces: 
4.WB Hulk 
5.The Sentry/Void(No using that PIS Sentry that beat MM and his psionic abilities are disabled) 
6.Terrax(No cosmic axe)
7.Uni powered WB Hulk
11.Batman(With kryptonanian powers)
12.Mongul(No sinestro rings)
13. Captain Marvel 
14.Black Adam
15.Cyborg Superman  
This takes place in an abandoned universe.
Rules/conditions: Broly's power starts off where he was exceeding SSJ2 Vegeto's power and it keeps growing.No BFRing Broly.Fight to the death.

let the hating begin!!!!

Stronger than Vegeto ???


He stops at 6 (?)

@mysticboy said:

" He stops at 6 (?) "

Why and how does he lose to Terrax? 
Edit:Changed it so Terrax won't have his cosmic axe now...

DBM Broly, im not sure is >>>DBZ Broly, just written differently with the invulnerability thing. In power though I'd give it to DBZ broly.Anyway i see him clearing it. 

why is hulk above superboy?
@FLCL1 said:
" why is hulk above superboy? "
My mistake.I overlooked it...

he beats 1,3, and 4 but superboy can give him hell 
5 is a spite void stomps
I'm using Conner Kent Superboy if you didn't know that.And how in the world does The Void stomp somebody that's invunerable and keeps powering up?
@FLCL1 said:

" he beats 1,3, and 4 but superboy can give him hell  5 is a spite void stomps "

 I'm waiting for your answer...The void has nothing to stop DBM Broly and Superboy would go down eventually against Broly.