haloking343's Captain America #13 - The Winter Soldier, Part 5 review

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    Giant Robots, Super Heroes...

    I thought that comics has moved past this corney stuff. Super heroes teamed up against giant robots and super villans! Ooh, ahh!

    Okay, here we go. So this issue starts where #12 left off. But it quickly switches and goes ahead in time rather quickly. We go from having deep thoughts and plotting about dealing with a big enemy to flying people beeting up robots. This transition was rediculous and it totally threw me in a loop.

    You see, in comics these days, we have two basic "types" of books. We have the books that try to remain loyal to the classic series. Those usually feature super heroes and corney tech fighting super villans with corney magic. Then we have the "newer" type which is frankly the reason why people still read comic books these days. We have super heroes fighting to stop big terrorist plots and soldiers and stuff. Now the newer version is really cool and we saw that in the "Out of Time" story arc, which was really fun to read.

    The only time that l've seen the two types mixed together and were made into an interesting story was in the Iron Man: Director of SHIELD "Haunted" arc, which was really cool. That arc had the Mandarin and his magic rings. He went up against SHIELD and attempted to create a weaponized poison gas. lt was a great story and one of the only properly excecuted time l've seen the "classic" style mixed with the "new" style.

    But l'm not reviewing Haunted. l'm reviewing Winter Soldier.

    In this story Brubaker moves to the classic style, a move that isn't wise just because the classic style only works in the Avengers. Pretty much, it is corney and kind of lame. This book does have some good high points besides the obvious plot being written in a bad style.

    Good points include obviously the art, the fact that Iron Man was in it (l love him), we see more Winter Soldier, the action scenes were cool to read...

    The problem with this book is really just the style of plot. Infact, this really reminds me of Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End. (The movie) This is how: It was a terrible plot, but it was excecuted perfectly. Do you know what l mean? As far as storytelling went, Brubaker told the story probably as good as it could have been told. The only problem is that the story in which was chosen could have been different.

    I'm not saying that this is a bad book, but this Captain America series just hasn't gripped me too much since the first several issues.

    Here we are...

    Art gets 8/10
    Writing gets a 7/10

    You see, l can't kill off the writing becasue frankly, the writing was good. The plot just wasn't.

    This was a difficult issue to rate just because of that reason.

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