mourgos's Batman/Doc Savage Special #1 - Bronze Night review

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    Azzarello's Pulp Fiction

    The Azzarello Magic:


    Brian Azzarello dives into DC Comics with an interesting retro comic book about the Batman's first meeting with Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze.   An exciting overview of The First Wave, a comics project by Azzarello and artist Rags Morales looks hot as well, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

    I've been looking forward to this book for some time and though I was disappointed in the way the paneling was done, one confusing scene with Batman and Savage fighting (I'll go over that momentarily) the overall book was cool.

    Retro & Storylines:

    I like retro, and we have Batman newly in , in his early twenties starting his vigilante surge into the city.   We have computers mixed in with walkie-talkies, snobby rich millionaire playboys and tough, dedicated fighters.

    Batman considers Doc Savage an arrogant guy living on his reputation.

    Doc Savage considers the black vigilante a menace (at first) because the good guys don't wear masks.   Oh boy!

    It's cool to see Batman whipping out his Colt 45s blowing holes in the walls and jumping out windows.   It's also great seeing Doc Savage.   I remember him from the old paperbacks and old comics series.   The character has been around about as long as Batman!

    Too much of the book is taken up in a cocktail party where people are discussing The Batman and Doc's run-in with Bruce Wayne.   OK, fine.   Too long.  

    Also, the scene where Savage and Batman are at it and they come to a window.   Why does Doc glance over his own shoulder giving Batman the time needed to leap out a window?   That's either a plot hole or the artist did not edit this panel properly.  

    Bottom Line:

    All minor quibbles aside, I enjoyed the feel of the book -- dark, brooding, contemplating future action while realizing the overwhelming goal of cleaning up and the world.   An uneasy alliance is formed between the Bat and the Doc.

    Great intro issue.   Stress is built.   Excitement is in the air.   Unease and interest are paramount.   Hopefully this one shot will be expanded and become a regular series, if it hasn't already.

    Back of the Book:

    The First Wave sketchbook at the back was great, too.   Azzarello wrote up some treatments on some old DC characters and even The Spirit and others, taking them in a retro, yet serious and dark way.   The First Wave I hope is not a 21st century version of The DC Implosion of a few decades back!   I'm hopeful!


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