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X-Men Director Addresses Apocalypse Movie Rumor

The director posts a second tweet about X-Men: Apocalypse, and this time, it's about the villain's origin.

Not long after Bryan Singer announced X-Men: Apocalypse would hit theaters in 2016, a rumor hit the internet about how the movie would possibly be teased in the next X-Men film. Potential spoilers ahead.

Apparently, a new rumor spread about the X-Men: Days of Future Past credits scene and it had people concerned that the cinematic version of Apocalypse is an alien. Well, it looks Bryan Singer heard about it and he took to twitter to respond.

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Vulture has confirmed Bryan Singer will direct and yes, it'll be a direct sequel to X-Men: Days of Future Past (which opens May 23, 2014). Additionally, the movie is "intended to focus strictly on the younger McAvoy-Fassbender cast."

X-Men: Apocalypse is currently scheduled to open May 27, 2016.

Source: Vulture