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Wolverine #72, Old Man Logan Part 7 Preview

The end is near even though it's already over for the heroes.

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Oooh, can you smell that?  That's the smell of anticipation as we draw nearer to the end of Old Man Logan.  Don't take that the wrong way.  No one wants the arc to be over.  We just all want to see what happens next.  I already mentioned how Marvel has switched the release order of the issues and shipped issue #73 last week.  This issue, comes out next week.  Keep in mind that with Memorial Day, it looks like the comics won't be out until Thursday.  What's one more day to wait for this great issue.  I know we've seen some big delays with this story arc.  It's been a bummer but it also has helped to prolong the end. 

So here's a preview for part 7.  It's kind of interesting to see Red Skull so prominently featured.  It's also interesting in that it appears to be Bucky in the Cap suit.  I wonder if Dr. Doom or his "Master" will make an appearance before the end since it's Millar writing.  How do you think it's all going to end?
Logan and Hawkeye have finally reached their journey’s end, made it to New Babylon, and delivered Hawkeye’s secret cargo. But the completion of their mission has come with a great price…and Logan is out for revenge on the man responsible for the annihilation of the world’s super heroes, the President of the United States! Don’t miss the penultimate issue of the greatest Wolverine story ever told by modern masters MARK MILLAR and STEVE MCNIVEN! Part 7 (of 8).

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