Comic Vine News


Tyrese "Mayhem" Comic Vine Exclusive Interview!

Tyrese brings 'Mayhem' to Comic Vine!

Tyrese brings 'Mayhem' to Comic Vine!

With over ten thousand units of the first issue of ' Mayhem' sold in its pre-sale alone, Tyrese Gibson proves that  you 'can't knock his hustle' in any industry; and that includes comics. By taking an unconventional approach to selling and promoting his comic book; hitting the streets and reaching out to comic book fans as well as a new demographic of fans who may have never read a comic book before in their life; Tyrese sold more units than many people anticipated. You can even say he sent shock waves through the industry. Not only was 'Mayhem' #1 one of the highest grossing comic books of the year; but it has transcended into a new medium and is officially the first comic to be sold on iTunes. With the official release of 'Mayhem' #2 today; the question on everyone's mind is whether or not 'Mayhem' #2 will see the same success in terms of sales, as its predecessor. I caught up with the man behind the 'Mayhem' at Outpost Comics in San Francisco, California yesterday where he was hard at work promoting the second issue. 
Is this just a ploy to sell a lot of comic books by riding on the coat tails of the 'Tyrese Gibson' brand name, or has the man in fact fallen in love with the comic book industry?  Whether people like it or not; it seems like he is here to stay. In fact, Tyrese gives us some exclusive information about his next big project, and makes it known that the comic book industry has only gotten a glimpse of all the 'Mayhem' he is prepared to bring. It is hard not to get caught up in the excitement and enthusiasm, the likes of which are so rarely seen in this sort of an industry. It's hard not to like the guy, too. 
You can order your copy of 'Mayhem' by calling it into your local comic store or by checking out the official website, or download it directly off of iTunes.
Also, in case you missed it, here's ComicVine's interview with Tyrese at Comic-Con 2009.
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