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Star Wars: The Clone Wars 5.14 'Eminence' Review

Darth Maul and Savage Opress form an alliance with Death Watch to take down Obi-Wan Kenobi. Lots of chaos and awesomeness ensues.

I've been a big supporter of this show and I'll absolutely be the first to admit that this season has been pretty lackluster. The premiere episode was solid, but then we were dragged through a course of events that completely paled in comparison to the stuff we've been excited for. The Rebels? Drawn out. The Padawans? Adorable at first, but were given too many episodes. The droids? Drawn out once again -- not to mention annoying at times. But now the show is returning to the last season's cliffhanger that piqued our interest: Darth Maul's back and he's going to cause chaos with his brother, Savage Opress. I'm extremely happy to report that not only was their reappearance fantastic, but the episode was amazingly good as well.   
Basically, the two are discovered as they drift helplessly through space by the Death Watch. They're cautiously nursed back to health upon finding out they share a common enemy. From here, an uneasy alliance forms. Death Watch simply wants to defeat the Jedi and reclaim Mandalore. But, as expected, Maul isn't one you can trust and he immediately has plans of his own. He tells the Mandalorians they'll need more resources and muscle if they wish to succeed, and this is where the adventure begins. The two Sith and army of jetpack badasses visit various criminal organizations with one simple message: join us or die. 

      Yes, he uses the darksaber!
      Yes, he uses the darksaber!
I had a silly smirk on my face for practically this whole episode. Not only was it overflowing with fun and brutal action, but it moved to plot forward at an able pace (despite never turning to the Jedi's side of things). Additionally, it was packed with so many moments that I can only bluntly describe as "so damn cool." A double-sided lightsaber toss to decapitate a bunch of officials at a table? Jaw-dropping. Savage simply bumping his head on a light after standing up? Lighthearted gold. FREAKING EMBO RETURNS? Extra epic (even though he primarily gets whupped). This honestly isn't even scratching the surface of scenes that had me cheering.  The visuals were pleasing here, too. The establishing shot of Death Watch's base was gorgeous and combat looked top-notch as lightsabers, blasters and flamethrowers filled the screen.

Sure, 'Eminence' isn't that complex or elaborate, but it was a totally joyous beginning to this story. This episode is the long overdue return of a darker tone and managed to do so in an incredibly entertaining manner. There's constant action and seeing the uneasy alliance progress has me quite excited to see how this plot will unfold . This is what the show has been missing and I'm beyond pleased to say that the reemergence of the Sith brothers is well worth the wait.