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Review of 'Mouse Guard: Winter 1152'

Jef takes us through the latest 'Mouse Guard' trade


Jef takes us through the latest 'Mouse Guard' trade


Not long ago a book caught my eye on a store shelf. I picked it up and flipped through it, the art was great, it looked interesting, but I sat it down and moved on. Now I regret sitting that book down. You see, like the first time I read my first Marvel book, Mouse Guard opened a window into a new world. A world full of adventure on a grand scale, a world where danger is everywhere and I found myself all to happy to let David Petersen's work sweep me away into that world.


Now let me step back in time a moment...

When I was about 5 years old I remember reading my first comics. My parents had been shopping at an antique mall and I convinced them to get me a copy of Captain America #390, I have no idea what happened to the copy I had back then, however a good friend of mine just gave me as a copy of Cap #390 as a gift. In fact he gave me all six Cap books where this rather lackluster story takes place. It's funny, all these memories came rushing back when he handed me the books, but after spending a few minutes flipping through them, I realized these stories I had remembered as great were no longer so great. I guess some stories just don't hold up to almost 20 years.

You see, this book may not be as I remembered it, but it did make me stop and take look at the fact few books out there really stay with us throughout time. And of those few, even fewer stand out as truly wonderful books that captured our imaginations. Cap #390 was the beginning of my adventure with Marvel Comics, it led me to Iron Man, who to this day is my all time favorite, it also led me to stories like Days of Future Past, which is my favorite Uncanny X-Men story to this day. Cap #390 opened the door to another world, and for someone who loves all types of books and adventures, this is everything I can ask for from a book.


Now back to Mouse Guard...

Following the tales of the Mouse Guard, Davids stories take you through a world all around our own, the world of mice. Now when I first flipped through this I thought Secret of Nimh, which if you've never seen you need to go buy it, but when I read Mouse Guard I found out that this wasn't a rehashing of another idea, but something amazing that readers spend countless hours looking for. Tonight I read a book which left me satisfied and wanting more. Tonight I read only one issue of this series, but it was enough for me to know that tomorrow I'll be searching for the rest.

Rarely in comics do we find something that we know right then and there will be just as good in 20 years as it was today. The first time I read Days of Future Past, I knew I was reading a story I would always love. Looking back on today 20 years from now, I have no doubt I'll remember the excitement of discovering the world of Mouse Guard every bit as well as I remember the first time I read a comic book. This was one of those rare moments where you find a story so good, you have no choice but to allow yourself to get lost in it's adventures. See the thing with Captain America #390, it wasn't the story that got me. It was Cap, he was a part of a world I knew I wanted to see more of. Like #390, Issue #5 of Mouse Guard Winter: 1152 left me knowing I wanted to see more of that world. Babs from ComicVine told me tonight she thought the art was perfect for this story, and she's right. Everything here is as close to perfect as it gets. This is what comics should be and Mr Petersen, after one issue I can say with ease, you are the kind of creator the comic world needs. Don't let us down.

-Jef Price Editor/Co-Founder NC

The Hardcover Collection of Mouse Guard Winter:1152 is out now and is currently on the New York Times best seller list. Mouse Guard is published by Archaia Studios Press