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No General Ross In Iron Man 2 Or Thor?

William Hurt hasn't been called yet.

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Remember that cool scene in The Incredible Hulk when General Thunderbolt Ross was in a bar and Tony Stark came in? He told him that they were assembling a "team." It was a nice cameo that hinted at the larger 'universe' in the movie and helped set up possible future crossovers. It turns out that scene was improved. No lines had been written for the encounter. 
Collider recently spoke to actor William Hurt about whether or not he'd be appearing as Ross in either Iron Man 2 or Thor. It turns out he is set to appear in either. He did say that "if they call me, I'll answer." 
This isn't really a surprise, now that I think about it. Jon Favreau did mention via Twitter that Iron Man 2 takes place before The Incredible Hulk. Perhaps Thor does as well. With the mention of the super soldier program in Hulk, maybe there's a chance we'll see Ross pop up in The First Avenger: Captain America and The Avengers (if Hulk does appear in it). 
Do you think Ross should have a cameo in either Iron Man 2 or Thor? Do you think we'll see any other cameos?