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Is the Doctor in...or Out? Time for another Regeneration?

You know Doctor Who is getting big when he's getting mentioned in Variety here in the states.  More and more people are catching on to what most of us have known for years.  Doctor Who rocks. 

I have gone too long without my Doctor Who fixes.  I was ecstatic when the "new" series started up.  I have mentioned (to Methos) that I am behind in my viewing.  The current season just ended a couple weeks ago in Britain but I'm still towards the end of last season.  Actually I just watched the episode (Utopia) where the Master returns.  I've kinda known it was going to happen for some time but was acting in denial so I'd be surprised.  I actually was surprised because I thought it happened in the last episode of that season.  Silly me actually thought the "Professor" was an older version of the Doctor. 

Anyhow the question is, how long will our beloved David Tennant play the Doctor?  No one wants to be typecasted.  As much as he may enjoy the role, being an actor, he'll want to do other things. 

According to the article I mentioned above, he is signed onfor "four "Doctor Who" specials to air over the next two years."  What will happen after that?  Russell T. Davies has already announced he's leaving so we could expect some other changes as well.  This is what he had to say recently:
 "I love David and he is brilliant, but I was a child when Jon Pertwee handed over to Tom Baker.   I was 11 when Jon Pertwee left, and it broke my heart. But then along came Tom and he was just spectacular in it, so I suspect that will happen again.

Me and David will probably sit there laughing saying: 'You're old news now, mate.'"