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How Long Will Flash Thompson Be Venom?

Will he give up the symbiote before it permanently bonds with him?

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It's official, Flash Thompson is now the new Venom. The identity of who would be the new government-controlled Venom was meant to be kept a secret until last week's Amazing Spider-Man #654 but was accidentally leaked out beforehand. I've already stated why I believe Flash Thompson is a good choice and deserves to be the new Venom (for now). Eddie Brock fans might not be thrilled with Marvel's decision to join Flash and the symbiote but how long will this relationship last? 
In Flash's debut as Venom, we learn why the government chose him as the candidate for Project Rebirth 2.0. We see what they have planned for Flash as Venom and the new things he will be able to do. From everything we know about Venom, it's clear that Flash can't be Venom for too long without the suit permanently bonding with him. This is not something the government wants. The question is, how long can Flash be Venom before the threat of a permanent bonding takes place? 
 == TEASER == 
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Luckily the government is on top of the threat of permanent bonding. After Flash goes through an extensive test run, he's told that he'll be able to go on probably twenty missions. After that, someone else would take his place.  
With the debut of a new series coming up, how long before those twenty missions come and go? From Marvel's standpoint, I can't see them wanting to replace Flash any time soon unless readers are really against it. Flash was a good choice due to his past connection with Spider-Man and simply because we know who he is. No one will want some random government-appointed soldier to take his place next. But twenty missions could easily fill two years' worth of comics unless this new Venom starts making guest appearances in other comics as well (and I'm sure you can imagine how likely that is). 
I've stated before that I believe someday in the far off future Eddie Brock and/or writers will find a way for his return to Venom. For now, we're going to see this new commando Venom in action.  
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The more Flash wears the suit, the risk of becoming addicted to it increases. He said he's fine with the twenty mission limit but he's already expressed how much wearing the suit means to him. When he first discovered he could use the suit to walk, he let out a big "YES!" After a 48 hour test run, he was told the he had to remove the suit but he was clearly ready and willing for more. Flash wants to serve his country and has the chance to walk and have Spider-Man's powers. When his tour of duty is over, I just don't see him giving it up easily.  
Either the writers will have to come up with another solution or we just might see that permanent bonding happening. The success of Flash as Venom will obviously dictate how long he wears the suit. If a permanent bonding does happen, that's always something that could be dealt with later. But if fan reaction is high, it would be a daring and unexpected move to yank out Flash and have him replaced. No one really wants a predictable comic after all.  
Should we start making our predictions now? How long will Flash last as Venom before he's removed or a permanent bonding happens? How long will he be able to control the suit or will we see Flash develop a hunger for people's brains? What I'm really curious about is will Flash tell Spidey right away who he is and if so, what will his reaction be?