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Dark Avengers #10 Reviewed

G-Man was kind of surprised by this issue, but not necessarily in a good way.

Dark Avengers has pretty much always been a fun comic.  The idea of these douchey characters trying to pass themselves off as heroes a while also trying not to kill each other has been entertaining.  For a while it seemed like things were reaching a boiling point but with this issue...

I think I finally understand why everyone on the cover looks so shocked.  I'm not really sure what happened here.  I mean in terms of the excitement that I've had for the other issues.  I'm not saying it was a horrible issue.  It does have some good moments.  Something just really felt off to me.  The idea of the Dark Avengers traveling to Dinosaur, Colorado doesn't feel epic enough for them.  Sure the last two pages show us that something big is about to go down.  There's also the fact that Sentry gets wiped out...again.  How many times is that?  Also, didn't Sentry get half his head blown off last issue or did I miss something?  Too many comics to read and keep up with.  But I digress.
I'm curious to see what is going to happen with Norman.  We're all waiting for his sanity (what little of it there is) to explode.  The little preview for the next issue looks interesting.  I'm curious to see how long this team can stay together.  What will happen to them after Dark Reign?  As long as Bendis is writing and Deodato is drawing, I'll be hooked.  Is anyone else skeezed out over Ms. Marvel's actions here?