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Comic Vine Community Star: Fhiz

The final full week of Community Star in February brings us a wiki junkie who loves himself some Damien Wayne.

Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to another amazing installment of the Comic Vine Community Star where we highlight and praise one of the amazing member of the Comic Vine community! This week, we give the award to another prominent wiki user and all around rad guy, Fhiz!

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Fhiz joined the vine in May of 2010, and since then, he's spent a ton of time mainly working on the wiki portion of the site. Since then, he's gained over 95,000 points on over 3,700 pages on the site. The page he's done the most amount of work on is the Damian Wayne page. Currently, he's wracked up 1,913 points and is a top contributor to the page. He also has 1,207 points on the Doctor Hurt page and 1,173 points on the Black Mirror story arc page.

You may have already noticed a trend. Fhiz is a new school Batman fan, and we welcome him into the comic book community with opened arms. Fhiz also does some great reviews for some DC comics. Check out his more recent reviews of Batwing 1, Secret Six 36, and Batman: Gates of Gotham 3.

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To delve a littler deeper into the mind of this Bat-fan, I spent an afternoon with him on a fancy jet eating whale blubber and drinking only the finest champagne... or I e-mailed him and just interviewed him normally, like I do every week. You pick!

Hiya Fhiz! What are you doing right now?:

  • Up way too early thanks to my sister's dog.

How about now?:

  • Trying to not fall asleep.

And now?:

  • zzzzzzzzz

WAKE UP! Where did you get your user name from?:

  • It's actually an abbreviation of "For he is zombie" which doesn't really mean anything, I think I just stole it from some horror punk band's tour poster or something.

Punk music and zombies. I think we're going to get along just fine. You've been on the site for almost 2 years. What's your favorite memory on the vine?:

  • Probably the SDCC video coverage of old. Living on the east coast, it's kind of hard to get out there (see: impossible) so it was fun to watch.

You're catching up to the 100,000 point mark in the wiki section! How much time do you think you spend on that section a week?:

  • God, I don't know. I think most my points come from just adding books every wednesday, it's a slow burn, but I'm getting there.

What was the first comic book you ever read?:

  • Man, that's a tough one. I was originally a graphic novel reader first, prior to buying single issues... soooo Batman: Hush? Maybe?
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What was the first comic book you ever bought?:

Who's your favorite comic book character and why?:

  • It'd be easy to say "Batman," but I've got to say, Damian Wayne takes it for me. I love that little arrogant bastard, there's something about him that's just so entertaining, even when he's being a complete stuck up jerk. But at the same time, he's got loads and loads of insecure depth to him.

Same here. I'm a huge Damian Wayne fan. I catch a lot of guff for saying he's my favorite Robin. What's your all time favorite comic book series?:

  • It'd honestly have to be Morrison's Batman and Robin. What really got me into it was how many connections to everything else he did in the franchise prior. You'd read an issue, go on the message boards, and discuss the ten ties and references to the past stuff, and all the obscure continuity he was bringing back.

Who's your favorite writer?:

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Who's your favorite artist?:

What did you want to be when you grew up?:

  • God only knows, I don't think I ever was a kid who had that set and stone, and would probably make something clichéd up like "firefighter" if ever asked. Very indecisive.

What dd you actually become?:

  • Got a degree in video editing.

After I got my degree in film and screenwriting, I spent my first year editing wedding videos. I think that was the first time I started hating editing. It's still an awesome degree though if you have the patience to deal with other's ignorance of editing. If you could have any super power, what would you have?:

  • Probably flying, because I mean, how awesome would that be?

Would you be a good guy or bad guy, and why?:

  • With flying? Hell, I'd stay away from any heroics. Sorry man, there's not a whole lot you can do with flying. Imagine if that's the only thing Superman could do? Like, oh no, Brainiac is invading earth... fly at him Superman? I'd need a full lineup of powers before I got close to deciding such an alignment.

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?:

  • Probably Invader Zim. It came real late to the game so to speak, as I was already a teenager at the time, but it's one of those "how the hell did they make this for kids?" shows. The current state of it being Hot Topic's resident "HEY YOU 14 YEAR OLD GIRL, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS, BUT ISN'T THIS SHIRT CUTE, YOU SHOULD BUY IT!" franchise saddens me.
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Least favorite cartoon?:

  • Didn't really watch it, but Dora the Explorer. I said "map" already, what are you deaf? Stop repeating everything five times, the forest is right there, lets go save the horse or something already.

Hey... Pico only speaks Spanish. SWIPER NO SWIPING! You're on a plane and it's going down. You have 5 minutes left to live! What do you do!:

  • Find that mini bar, get blasted.

Any last words to the other viners out there?:


Thanks for the time Fhiz, and thanks to everyone that keeps reading! Give a big ol' congrats to Fhiz and we'll see you guys next week!