Comic Vine Review


Mockingbird #1


This comic catches you off guard and delivers a different experience than you expect.

I've always thought Mockingbird was a fascinating character. She didn't always get the spotlight she deserved, and eventually she ended up in comic book limbo. With the S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary one-shot, also written by Chelsea Cain, we got to see Bobbi on a cool solo mission. It was no surprise that Cain would be put on a regular Mockingbird series.

The first issue gives an interesting approach to the character. Cain takes a different tactic in beginning the story, which she explains in the editorial section at the end of the book. Knowing that the next few issues will tie in directly to the different moments we've seen here is really intriguing. We know Bobbi has gone through some serious changes when being exposed to both the Super Soldier Serum and Infinity Formula. Since that happened, there hasn't been too much exploration on the possible repercussions. Cain sets things up nicely and really gets you hooked on the possible effects the two in Bobbi's body could have.

It's a refreshing approach on a book featuring a superhero/secret agent character. Cain does a great job of giving us her take on Mockingbird while sprinkling in mystery, suspense, and humor. There's clearly a bigger picture being set up here. The further you get into the issue, the more you become glued to it. I was eager to read this when it was first announced, but that doesn't compare to how badly I want to read the next issue now.

The art and tone of the book is a bit of a surprise. Joëlle Jones did an amazing job on the one-shot and cover here. The interiors are by Kate Niemczyk with colors by Rachelle Rosenberg. When it comes to a S.H.I.E.L.D. type book, you expect a lot of darker colors. This book is almost overly bright and cheerful. Who would've thought a doctor's office in a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility could be so...flowery? I'll admit I was a little concerned when seeing the preview, but as you get into the story, you find the art does work nicely. I'm totally digging it now. There's an interesting vibe being set up with the story and art. It's going to be interesting to see how the rest of this story unfolds.

This may not be the Mockingbird book you expected, but you'll be surprised to find it's the one you secretly wanted. Chelsea Cain, Kate Niemczyk, and Rachelle Rosenberg have given us something different, and it's pretty cool. Mockingbird has gone through some changes recently, but we haven't really seen them explored in other books. This series throws readers into the story, and Cain takes a different and fascinating approach with the character. This book is clearly taking some risks, and they are clearly paying off. It's going to be a blast seeing how all the pieces fall in place.