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No reviews this week.

I've been fighting off a sickness for the past week. I've felt pretty miserable and have had a killer headache. Weird how it would just come and go to different extents.

So I didn't do any reviews this week. Honestly, I don't know if anyone is getting anything out of them. It's just been me giving my opinions. I've also been busy doing the write ups for the new issues.

I will say that I do feel like I've been let down with Civil War. Hard to believe it's over. Well, I guess it's not really with the whole 50 state Initiative. I still think Tony Stark is a douche. I'm glad that Marvel didn't try to do the stupid thing and kill off Captain America as a lot of rumors were suggesting. Also looks like MJ is safe too.

For some reason, I can't bring myself to read Silent War #2.