Trodorne's World of Warcraft #17 - Gathering Thunder! review

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    OTR #26: Diplomacy? more like Diploma-snore!...

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    Writer: Walter Simonson, Louise Simonson
    Pencil: Mike Bowden
    Ink: Walden Wong
    Colorer: Gabe Eltaeb
    Letterer: Wess Abbott
       Im back from a nice long and we deserved vacation from all of you. I kid, no it was a nice holidays and now back into what we were doing. i look at comics being the well rounded critic (shut up i am!), and you guys who are looking for something different outside of the daily grind of comics. today im doing issue 17 of the World of Warcraft ongoing series...which is done. but im taking a look cause i picked a number at random from the number of issues i saw and said yeah 17 seems good. so lets log on and get reading.

    The Story

     oh did you see that paul? King Wrynn raised his eyebrow. bold move lets see how this plays out.
     oh did you see that paul? King Wrynn raised his eyebrow. bold move lets see how this plays out.
        I can hear the scorn already. "Troy, you commercialized tick. why are you reviewing a comic which is just going to be based on fighting and tie ins to a video game?" to which i respond by throwing my atari controller at their face. because a game like this is more than just swish, swish, death! it has a deep world... oh who am i kidding the entire theme is based on war. i wanted to see if they could cut out the mob and aggro aspect of the game and make a decent story. 

       This much i was shocked that they could make a decent story out of this. the idea that the main characters of each faction namely King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind, or to be simple man with scars on this face with plate armor to big for him. and Thrall Warchief of the Horde, Big orc with big heart. so this entire issue is on the leaders of the two factions meeting in order to work out some sort of agreement. 
        While the idea of having a diplomatic type issue is good if you love talking, but there is nothing but TALKING! so much talking that if i were to replace the "T" with "W" in talking we get walking which reminds me of Lord of the rings which has a lot of walking which was nothing but walking for that series and dammit to hell im not being dragged into another marathon. so writers in there brilliant glory decide to alleviate the letter opener heading for my eye by creating an assassination sub plot in this issue which i have to say it does add a level of intrigue to all of this.
        So over all in this story it was nothing special, LOTS OF TALKING! but the sub lining plot that is trying to be told gets across with in the first few pages. but though it does end on a note that would ensue violence, mayhem and possible out right gore. i would stomach this. i have played the World Of Warcraft series and i find that it does well in bringing depth to an already rich series. so 3 out of 5.

    The Pretty Colours

     oooo peace talks dodged that bullet there.
     oooo peace talks dodged that bullet there.

       Now i differ a but on the art. not in the color but the design of the characters. i don't know about all of you but looking at some of these guys wearing gawdy large plate armor and carrying oversized weapons is like me watching the Mid-life crisis monster truck demolition derby. yeah i mean it looks good but once you get the underlying sub text of what they are really masking then you just feel creeped out and want to go home. 
      But its not the artists fault Mike Bowden had to work with the art and designs based on the game itself. if anything he captured it to a "T". The colors on the other hand are bright and well done, to bad that most of the art sometimes gets overshadowed by the talking. Shades and ink run well for the scenes, dark colors in dark scenes and etc. Its a shame that all this good coloring gets ignored during a read through.
       Overall the art is great, it is like ive said been overshadowed by the dialogue that people have to read through. if you are into the style of art of the world of warcraft series Mike Bowden did a great job recapturing that pixel art into a format that is larger and has more detail. so in the end i have to give the art a 3.9 out of 5. 

    Overall Thoughts

       Okay so the dialogues were long and very winded, but it was necessary for establishing this world because most of the fans of the series probably play the game for the story itself and that the comic should reflect those fans interests. the characters themselves were done well and acted as they should have. Thrall being my favorite of course.
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     Buy your copy of Wrath of the Lich King now, only $25 ontop of your monthly subscription. BUY NOW!
        The art is great but for myself i can not stomach the over sized weapons and armor. makes it seem very tooney, and too much over compensation like some spikey haired blond wielding a big zing! the colors is what really sold me as it really helped flesh out the characters and each character with their own tones really makes them stand out. but story trumps art in this issue when it comes to visuals.
       Overall it is a slightly above average piece. its not fantastic, and for those who are not followers of the series it will be most confusing on the factions themselves but with how many people playing im sure they will give quick explanations. but the story is essentially simple. diplomatic meeting, and attempt to kill the diplomats. some action at the end. but mainly talking if your a plot person i would suggest picking this up. action people have to wait till the next issue before the turd hits the fan.  so 3.4 out of 5 overall for the issue. 
      Its worth a read but depending on if your a fan or not it can range from borrow or buy. let the fans buy this and anyone who does not get the series just borrow it from the fans while they are back is turned and are playing online. well im out ill talk to you guys later. hit me up on Comic vine to keep up with my latest reviews and or blogs. look forward to see you in the comic store. good journey.

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