djotaku's Wolverine & the X-Men #10 - Avengers vs. X-Men ... vs. X-Men review

    Avatar image for djotaku

    Continues to have best Tie-Ins

    This issue is awesome. The biggest reason - there is no fighting. This is Wolverine and Cyclops having a philosophical debate for the first time since Schism. That's pretty bold for a book that's a tie in for a giant fight between Mutants and The Avengers. But it works exceptionally well. Jason Aaron does a good job explaining his point of view and he doesn't look like as much of a wacko as he has in other books related to the crossover.

    The big plot twist near the end with a bunch of Wolverine's staff should not be a surprise if you were paying attention during AvX #3 you would have seen there was a Benedict Arnold there.

    It's a must-read - especially if you're reading AvX

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