
    Vengeance #2

    Vengeance » Vengeance #2 - World On Fire released by Marvel on October 1, 2011.

    thanosrules's Vengeance #2 - World On Fire review

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    Vengefully Off Target


    The cover art. The "Previously..." portion on the first page really helped me understand the last book. It was a welcome change to the confusion.

    I do like how they attempt to tie in the continuity from the Marvel Universe to this story.

    The old guard super-hero portion of the story was much more intriguing than both of the new young guard heroes and villains combined.

    The "battle" between Lady Bullseye and the Young Masters was pretty decent... if you like Lady Bullseye that is. :)


    The Red Skull Nazi stuff still feels out of place. Maybe they will get to the point for the Red Skull cover?

    The texting. It got to me in the first issue, I forgot to mention it, but it seems really strange. How can someone be texting and fighting? I also think Miss America's texting handle changed from MsA to USA. Very strange mistake, if it was one...

    The seemingly pointless and coincidental endeavors from both sides: The Young Masters attempting to kill off the old guard villains, and by chance, the Teen Brigade attempting to protect those same old guard villains.


    Recommended again with a caveat. This book was better overall. It was less confusing as a stand alone story, but as part of a larger story in this mini, things still seem to be missing the target. I do believe it fits well with the rest of the mini-series though, so if you are a collector and/or like the story line, this issue might be for you.

    Other reviews for Vengeance #2 - World On Fire

      Stay in a Child's Place 0

      Miss America Chavez must protect the In-Beibtweener from the forces of chaos. The Defenders smell something fishy. The Young Masters prepare to make their mark and establish their legacy of villainy.  The Good Dell'Otto's covers so far have been excellent.   Dragotta's really making some damned fine work on this book and Simpson's colors really add a whole new dimension to the already superb art on this book.    Chavez is one tough chica, but she has a moment of real vulnerability that establish...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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