airbound_dude's Ultimate Comics Ultimates #6 - The World: Part 2 review

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    The World Part II Review

    The world of Ultimate Marvel keeps turning bad for Nick Fury and what's left of his team of the Ultimates. We see as Fury desperately tries to persuade Captain America to rejoin the team. But for the first time, things don't go to his plan and Fury is seeing himself with little choice in the matter. He cannot manipulate his way to victory and being that his biggest asset, he is now visibly afraid of the future. Jaime Braddock returns as Captain Britain and has a heartfelt reunion with someone he cares about.

    The High Points:

    Seeing Reed Richards as a bad guy is not only fun but heartbreaking at the same time. Turning against those who wronged him because of his intelligence, the world is now seeing the consequences of such actions. The return of Falcon is welcomed, but as you read more in this issue you realize that Falcon is not enough as The City is in constant evolution and Reed is proving to be the greatest menace in the Post- Ultimatum Universe. Jonathan Hickman has turned this into a uphill battle for the Ultimates with no clear answer. The team of Brandon Peterson, Esad Ribic, John Rauch and Edgar Delgado have done a fine job in drawing and inking this issue. The details in the facial expressions is excellent and seeing Fury clearly worried for the first time with no answer is magnificent. And seeing Richards full of confidence ( and something disturbing which I will not spoil but when you see it you'll know) in the face of the world is testament that this team works right.

    The Low Points:

    Not seeing Thor in this issue in any way was a low blow for readers, since the destruction of Asgard I find him one of the best developed characters in this series. Also, not seeing Spider Woman is kinda sad, but one can hope that we will see her in the future.

    Final Verdict:

    The Ultimates is what the regular Marvel Universe wants to do but can't (FOR REASONS TOO LONG TO EXPLAIN HERE) and seeing Hickman doing a wonderful job here is always a good thing. Overall this issue is the calm before the storm. And all of this is moving for a hell of a storm. Recommended.

    Other reviews for Ultimate Comics Ultimates #6 - The World: Part 2

      Anybody got a good plan to stop Reed? 0

      Synopsis: Nick Fury locates Captain America for help, meanwhile, the rest of the Ultimates have their own problems to worry about.What's Good?Finally, after 5 issues, Steve Rogers is revealed to be pulling a post Rambo. While it's not stated, it's obvious the reason why he's out in the middle of nowhere is because he feel responsible for Peter Parker's death (and he should). Jonathan Hickman knows that Steve Rogers is more than a super solider. He's the heart of America. When things are bad, his...

      4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

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