courtney12490's Twilight: The Graphic Novel #1 - Volume 1 review

    Avatar image for courtney12490

    Not Good at All

    I have to say that I love the Twilight books. My sister, who hates reading, was actually reading them, so I figured they must be worth it. They totally were! I finished all four books within 1 week and think that they are very well-written. My issue lies with the movies, Robert's acting is sub-par at best and Kristen Stewart is perpetually stoned and won't stop biting her lip. IMO, it is the movies that turned Twilight into such a hated thing. I read the graphic novel during one of my breaks at work (Target) and it was honestly horrific. The lettering is weird and the speech bubbles are just all wrong. Not to mention the one page color, one page not. It's like reading an Uncanny trade (one issue Dodson, one issue Land), only not as good.  The only people that I would recommend this book to are Twi-Hard fans (yes, that is actually a thing). If you're not a tween girl, then you most likely won't like this graphic novel so don't waste your money.

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