the_poet's Snarked! #5 - Fit the Fifth: How Doth the Little Crocodile...? review

    Avatar image for the_poet


    Hard to believe, but Snarked has had 5 issues already (6 if you count the #0 issue) and has begun a brand new arc!


    The art is amazing in this issue. It is like Roger Langridge was just warming up with the past 4 (or 5) issues. He has really gotten a handle on what he wants show on this issue and this issue is very very cool visually. The lines of the characters more defined as if Mr. Langridge has become more confident in his presentation of the characters. The colors are all crisp and so vibrant. He does a wonderful job both in the regular scenes and the flashback scenes (black & white or color both look very cool).


    the story is pretty cool. Roger Langridge took the story of "The hunting of a Snark" and "snarkified" it (really made it his own in other words). The story is very fun and has some very funny bits. The imagination Mr. Langridge has to interpret Lewis Carroll's characters and make them his own is really astounding. The characters are all very fun and extremely amusing, from the cunning Walrus to the demanding Princess Scarlett. The entire issue is a nice read and a lot of fun.


    Well, its not necessarily cameos anymore, but I just like the name...anyway, some of the main "Snarkified" characters are the crew of the "Bellman Expedition". We have seen the Bellman and his crew before in the previous issues, but Langridge expanded their roles and showed a back story to what actually happened to the ship and her crew. I still need to add the pages for most of the crew, but even still it is interesting to see them even if they don't have many lines (minus the Bellman and another character). We also see the reappearance of the Cheshire Cat, who I think is my favorite character of this whole series (second would be Wilburforce J. Walrus)


    This is a very cool series for any age. This might not be the only all age comic published by the Kaboom! division of Boom! Studios anymore or the most popular, I have to say this is a very cool series. I can't wait to see what Langridge has in store for the future!

    If the Cheshire Cat does not persuade you on how great this series is, I don't know what will...
    If the Cheshire Cat does not persuade you on how great this series is, I don't know what will...

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