
    Resident Evil Afterlife

    Movie » Resident Evil Afterlife released on September 10, 2010.

    Fourth Resident Evil movie by Paul W.S. Anderson.

    haydenclaireheroes's Resident Evil Afterlife review

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    Live Action Movies are the best for 3D (No Spoilers)


    I have seen Shrek and Toy Story and you can hardly see that it was 3D but, for this movie it is worth it to see the movie in 3D. The 3D actually works in this movie and when an ax flies in your face you actually put your head back. The story for the movie is also worth it. If you are a fan of the video game there are characters that are in the video game even some boss stages. Even if you are not a fan of the video game you will still like the movie. If you saw Resident Evil Extinction you would love to see some of the characters come back. This movie is a great continuation from the last three. But if you never saw one resident evil movie before and never played the video game you can still see this movie and not be confused. I recommend people to see this movie if you are a fan of action movies and want to see a good 3D movie or just movie in general    

    Other reviews for Resident Evil Afterlife

      Pretty much defines mindless entertainment. 0

      Alice (Milla Jovovich) heads to Tokyo with intentions on invading the Umbrella corporations chief headquarters headed by Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts). The confrontation comes to a quick end, and Alice is next seen heading to Alaska to meet up with Claire Redfield (Ali Larter) and her surviving convoy. After meeting up with Claire, the two fly to California and soon find themselves held up in a prison complex with other survivors, and the undead are in groups of thousands waiting outside trying ...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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