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The Powerpuff Girls #3: Absolute Power

PAGE 1: A row of three square panels at the top, followed by three horizontal panels.

Panel 1: Beth and Terri Utonium are sitting on the living room sofa playing video games. Their thumbs mash frantically at the buttons on the controller. Their faces are strained with determination. A myriad of noises emanate from the unseen television screen.

Panel 2: Kate rushes in and grabs her sisters by the arm, leaving a blur of red in her wake.

Panel 3: The frame is empty of Powerpuff Girls. All that is left are streaks of color and two controllers left suspended in mid air.

Panel 4: In Kate’s pink palace of a room, Terri and Beth sit on the pastel bed while Blossom closes the door.

BUTTERCUP: What the hell? I was winning.

BUBBLES: I was making a comeback.

BUTTERCUP: Whatever.

Panel 5: Kate looks serious, almost worried.

BLOSSOM: Townsville is trying to pass some new laws.


BLOSSOM: Yeah. One of them would outlaw firearms even for police. The other would outlaw super powers.


Panel 6: They stand up in an outrage.

BUTTERCUP: Have they lost their mind?

BUBBLES: Can they even do that?

BUTTERCUP: How can the mayor do this?

BUBBLES: Does this mean we have to leave Townsville?

BLOSSOM: All right. All right. Calm down. We just need to . . . figure out what we’re going to do. Let’s not do anything drastic. They haven’t been passed yet, just in consideration.

BUTTERCUP: Gah! Why does being a super hero have to be so hard?

PAGE 2: Three across the top, three across the bottom with a large panel sandwiched in between.

Panels 1-3: In the Townsville penitentiary, a couple of guards walk by a row of cells, each containing an angry looking inmate.

GUARD 1: Can you believe this bullshit? How are we suppose to do our jobs if the pass these laws?

GUARD 2: I’ll tell you what, if they do pass, I’m moving out of here. I’m gonna go down to . . .

Panel 4: The guards are alarmed by what they see in Jessup Nickels cell. He has hung himself with his bed sheet. His face is painted a violet hue, the rest of his body is pale and limp. His eyes have a lifeless stare eerily similar to gaze he had when he was alive.

GUARD 2: Oh shit!

Panel 5: Guards have gathered in Nickles’ cell. One cuts him down while two others hold his body.

Panel 6: Jessup is on a stretcher and a sheet is being puled up over his head.

Panel 7: He and the stretcher being loaded into the back of a van to head off to autopsy.

PAGE 3: Four panels two-by-two and then a wide panel at the bottom.

Panel 1: The Powerpuff Girls sit in the back yard with glum looks plastered on their faces. A big oak tree dominates the frame. Terri sits in a tire swing gently rocking back and forth. Beth leans out the window of their old tree house, which has become somewhat cramped as the girls have grown up. Kate lounges on a large limb.

BUTTERCUP: Man. We can’t go anywhere without being swarmed.

BUBBLES: I’m bored.

BLOSSOM: I’m tired of being stuck in the house all day with nothing to do.

Panel 2: Same as panel 1.

BLOSSOM: I miss Vinny’s

BUTTERCUP: I miss the arcade.

BUBBLES: I miss the mall.

Panel 3: Similar to panels 1 and 2 but their collective attention turns to Kate’s phone as it rings. Exclamation points appear over their heads.

Panel 4: Close up of Kate as she answers the phone.


. . . . .

Yes. This is Blossom speaking.

. . . . .


. . . . .

Oh! Miss Bellum! What can we do for you?

. . . . .

Oh, um, yes. We can meet you right away.

. . . . .

Where? Uh, how about Vinny’s? You know where that is? Okay. Good, we’ll see you there.

Panel 5: We’re on a street somewhere downtown. Our point of view is of the aforementioned Pizzeria from across the street. We see the Powerpuff Girls and the tall redheaded assistant to the mayor, Miss Sara Bellum. They are sitting around a table, under an umbrella, on the patio. A sign above the restaurant reads “Vinny’s Pizza”

SARA BELLUM: Girls, I’m sorry to have asked you to meet me on such short notice but Mayor Gentry is in big trouble and he needs your help.

PAGE 4: A row of three at the top followed by a column of three.

Panel 1-3: Mayor Lionel Gentry enters his office, closing the door behind him. Then he hangs up his hat and coat before turning around and stopping in his tracks.

Panel 4: We see that someone (or something) is sitting in his desk chair facing away from the mayor and us. Smoke wisps from a cigar clutched between hairy fingers. The chair is fine leather, the desk quality mahogany. Little knick-knacks populate the desktop. A small globe, a nameplate, pens, an ashtray, stacks of paper and picture frames. It’s all very sophisticated with a personal touch. Except now, a stranger has invaded.

MAYOR: What is the meaning of this? This is a private office and those are my personal cigars.

STRANGER: Relax Mr. Gentry. I’ve come to make you a proposition.

Panel 5: Lionel is quite unhappy. He stands with his arms crossed and his mustachioed lip in a frown.

MAYOR: I propose you remove yourself from my seat, from my office and from this building before I call the police to remove you.

STRANGER: (from off panel) No.

Panel 6: The chair has turned around to reveal that the stranger is Mojo Jojo.

MOJO: Lionel, you and I are now associates. And it is rude to make such threats to ones associates.

PAGE 5: Panel 1 is much larger than panel 2. Panel 3 is a thin divide between the top and bottom of the page. Panels 4 and 5 are equal parts of the remainder.

Panel 1: Mojo snuffs out his cigar in the ashtray.

MOJO: Ah, yes. I’ve become so use to this body that I sometimes forget how alien the concept of a talking gorilla can be to the average person. Now, Mr. Gentry, if you would kindly stop gawking and listen up. I have a few things I’d like to tell you. This town is a mess. There’s violence and disorder and now, super-humans. Walking WMDs. They are a threat to every man woman and child in Townsville. You as mayor have a responsibility to protect these people. You haven’t been doing a very good job. But don’t worry. I’m here to correct that. We need to make some changes for the betterment of our city. Don’t you agree?

Panel 2: Lionel shakily gets out his phone.

MAYOR: I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about… I don’t know what the hell you are, but I’m calling the police. Or animal control. Or I’ll call those super-humans you were talking about. But you . . .

Panel 3: Mojo leaps from the desk across the room, landing in front of the mayor with a mighty thud.

Panel 4: Mojo wraps his big apish paw around Lionel’s hand and his phone.

MOJO: You’re not calling anyone and I’m not leaving.

Panel 5: Mojo crushed the phone and the mayor’s hand with a sickening crunch. Lionel screams.

MOJO: If you’re not going to be reasonable Mr. Gentry, then we’re going to have to do this the hard way.

PAGE 6: Standard six-pack layout.

Panel 1: Back at Vinny’s. Miss Bellum shown from the neck down, her fingers rap nervously on the tabletop.

SARA BELLUM: I know it sounds absurd. I mean, a talking gorilla for Christ’s sake. There was a time when I would have thought the mayor was losing his mind, but since you girls have showed up, the realm of possibilities has broadened.

Panel 2: The Powerpuff Girls listen while munching pizza.

SARA BELLUM: That thing, Mojo Jojo has kept him in his office for days. He was only able to contact me by slipping a delivery boy a note.

Panel 3: Similar to panel 2. Kate’s gaze is intense. Beth elbows her in the side. Terri continues to nom pizza.

SARA BELLUM: Girls I don’t know what to do. He says he can’t call, can’t text, can’t email anyone for help.

Panel 4: Kate frowns at Beth and rubs her side.

SARA BELLUM: You are the only ones I could think of that could stop a super genius gorilla.

BUTTERCUP: (whisper) Stop staring.

Panel 5: A side view this time, showing us all four women in the frame. Sara’s big fluffy hair shields her face from view. She reaches across the table and grabbed Kate’s hands causing her to blush a bit.

SARA BELLUM: Please save him.

BLOSSOM: Um, Yeah.

BUBBLES: Of course we will.

BUTTERCUP: Yeah. Don’t worry about a thing.

Panel 6: For the first time we see Miss Bellum’s face. She is stunningly beautiful. Tears begin to flood her eyes and she smiled delighted.

SARA BELLUM: Oh thank you. Thank you girls.

PAGE 7 & 8: Four rows of four panels across both pages

Panel 1: Back in Mayor Gentry’s office. Mojo lounges on a sofa, Lionel, now with a black eye, sits at his desk.

MAYOR: Have you ever considered pants?

MOJO: What do you mean?

MAYOR: I mean you’re naked and your genitals are hanging out.

MOJO: Maybe you should stop looking at my penis. Animals at the zoo don’t wear pants. Why should I?

MAYOR: Right.

MOJO: It’s not even really that noticeable with all this dark hair . . . Why are we talking about my genitals anyway?

Panel 2: There’s a knock at the door that gets their attention.

Panel 3: Mojo Jojo sits up, holding a hand up to tell the Mayor not to open the door. His gorilla glare warns that consequences may follow if Lionel does without permission.

Panel 4: Mojo still sits on the sofa and the Mayor still sits uneasily at his desk.

MAYOR: Who is it?

VISITOR: Vinny’s Pizza.

MOJO: You ordered pizza?

MAYOR: Yes. That’s right. I placed the order this morning to have it delivered for lunch. I must have forgotten.

Panel 5-7: Mayor Gentry gets up, walks over to the door and answers it.

MAYOR: Hello?

Panel 8: The Mayor is snatched through the open door as quick as can be, leaving the door ajar and vacant.

Panel 9-11: Mojo Jojo gets up, walks over to the door and flings it open angrily.

Panel 12: Mojo stands in the doorway. An arrow tells the reader that the next panel is directly below and more arrows tell that the action on the next row reads right to left.

Panel 13-16: Mojo is kicked hard. The blow sends him tumbling backwards across the room and onto the sofa he was previously sitting on.

PAGE 9: Four rows with the corresponding number of panels. 2, 1, 3, 1.

Panel 1: Mojo Jojo is laying on the broken sofa, seething mad.

Panel 2: The Powerpuff Girls stand confidently in the doorway.

BLOSSOM: Mojo Jojo I assume?

Panel 3: A wide panel showing the entire room, Mojo on one side and The Powerpuff Girls on the other.

MOJO: That’s one of my names, yes.

BLOSOSM: I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced. My name’s Blossom.

BUBBLES: My name’s Bubbles.

Panel 3: Kate and Terri smirk while Beth rolls her eyes.

Panel 4: Kate and Terri shoot Beth a look.

BUTTERCUP: Do I have to?



Panel 5: Beth reluctantly complies.

BUTTERCUP: I’m . . . Buttercup.

Panel 6: Similar to Panel 3.

MOJO: What precious monikers. Perhaps I’ll name a litter of puppies in your memory.

BLOSSOM: In our memory? But . . . we’re not dead.

PAGE 10: A page wide panel at the top, followed by a row of three and a centered panel to finish.

Panel 1: The broken sofa is hurdling through the air toward The Powerpuff Girls.

MOJO: (off panel) Not yet.

Panel 2: The girls look shocked.

Panel 3: A paused nanosecond in time. Terri and Beth take a half step to the side and the sofa smacks into Kate.

Panel 4: And without losing momentum the sofa has carried Kate on its airborne journey through the doorway and out of frame. Terri and Beth are mid wince, mid flinch.

Panel 5: The peer around either side of the doorway to check on their sister. All we see is the sofa had knocked a hole in the wall.

BUBBLES: Um, Blossom?

PAGE 11: two-by-two and then a larger panel at the bottom.

Panel 1: A door across the hall opens.

Panel 2: Kate emerges brushing herself off.

BLOSSOM: Well, that was unpleasant.

Panel 3: Her sisters see that she’s okay.

BUTTERCUP: Why the hell didn’t you move?

BLOSSOM: I . . . I don’t know! I was trying to process that there was a sofa flying at my face.

Panel 4: Mojo leaps across the room and slams Terri and Beth’s heads into the doorframe.

Panel 5: Mojo is standing in the hall, staring down Kate.

MOJO: You know, I expected more power and less puff from you girls.

BLOSSOM: We just let you get a head start Mojo.

PAGE 12: Three panels across the top and bottom with a large central panel in between.

Panel 1-3: Kate leaps and flies down the hallway at Mojo, her fist extended.


Panel 4: Mojo meets her with his own punch, and since gorilla arms are longer than teenage girls, his punch lands square across her face as she fails to strike him at all.

Panel 5: Kate lays dazed on the floor, her nose bleeding.

Panel 6: She wipes her upper lip.

Panel 7: And sees blood on her fingers

BLOSSOM: I didn’t think we could . . . like . . . bleed.

PAGE 13: Panels 2, 3 and 7 are large. The rest are small.

Panel 1: The ape steps over the girls as they begin to pull themselves back to their feet

Panel 2: Mojo takes up the foreground as he muddles with something in the Mayors office. In the background the girls stand up holding their heads.

MOJO: It was a pleasure meeting you, but I feel I must be going now.

BUTTERCUP: You’re not going anywhere Mojo. If you think one cheap shot is going to stop us you’re wrong.

Panel 3: Similar to Panel 2.

MOJO: Even though I won round 1, I’m sure if we continued to battle your numbers would overcome.

BUTTERCUP: You really gonna run you coward?

MOJO: Not running. Leaving you to lick your wounds. But you can take solace in the fact that though you lost you still managed to spoil my plans.

Panel 4: Mojo turns to face The Powerpuff Girls and holds up a bottle of Brandy with a handkerchief stuffed down the neck.

MOJO: To show you there’s no hard feelings we’ll toast to your success.

Panel 5: Mojo lights the handkerchief.

Panel 6: And hurls the Molotov at the girls.


Panel 7: The Mayors office erupts in flames.

PAGE 14: A row of three at the top with panels 4 and 5 being larger and expansive.

Panel 1: The girls have ducked into the hallway and slam the door shut.

Panel 2: They huddle up for the plan.

BLOSSOM: Bubbles. Get the mayor and call the fire department. I’m gonna start evacuating the rest of the building. Buttercup. Get Mojo.

BUTTERCUP: With pleasure.

Panel 3: Beth flies out of a window in an adjacent office and sees that the window to the mayor’s office is also broken.

Panel 4: Looking over her shoulder we look down to the street. We can see the grand staircase leading up to the building and Foster Park directly across from Town Hall. We see no super genius gorillas.

Panel 5: She flies up to the roof where there are also no super genius gorillas.

PAGE 15: Panels 1 & 2 are page wide. The rest of the page is composed as two rows of three.

Panel 1: The Powerpuff Girls sit on a bench in the park. They face away from us. We can see firefighters are putting up their equipment after extinguishing the flames, police keeping the crowds back, and medics tending to the injured.

Panel 2: The three sisters sit upon their bench of sorrow. Their chins rest in their hands, their elbows rest on their knees.

BUBBLES: I can’t believe Mojo Jojo set city hall on fire.

BLOSOSM: I can’t believe Mojo beat us.

BUTTERCUP: I can’t believe he got away.


Panel 3: Miss Sara Bellum and Mayor Lionel Gentry with his hat in his hands, walk up to the girls.

MAYOR: I want to thank you girls, all of you, with as much sincerity as a politician can muster.

Panel 4: View from over the mayor’s shoulder. The Powerpuff Girls are shocked that they would get praise for something they see as a failure.

BLOSSOM: Thank us?

BUTTERCUP: But, he got away.

BUBBLES: And he burned your office.

MAYOR: I know all that.

Panel 5: Mayor Gentry holds up his hand to quiet the teens.

MAYOR: I don’t care about the office. I was sick of seeing it anyway. And as for Mojo, I know you girls will catch him. He’s bound to show his ugly gorilla face again and when he does . . . you’ll bring him to justice. What’s important, and why I’m thanking you is because you saved my life. No. You did more than that. You kept a lunatic from taking control of Townsville.

Panel 6: The Mayor tips his hat to them.

MAYOR: Thank you again.

Panel 7: The Mayor turns and makes his leave but Miss Bellum stays behind.

MISS BELLUM: I want to thank you too. I don’t care what anybody says, you three are the greatest asset Townsville has. Thank you.

Panel 8: The Powerpuff Girls and Sara group hug.

PAGE 16: Row of two, then a row of three and lastly another row of two.

Panel 1: Kate strikes a combat pose facing Terri.

BLOSSOM: We have to train. We were stupid. We let our guard down. We made mistakes. We can’t let that happen again. Terri, attack me.

BUBBLES: Are you sure?


Panel 2: Terri flies directly at her sister with kick.


Panel 3-5: Kate steps to one side, grabs Terri’s leg and flings her like an Olympic hammer thrower.

Panel 6: Terri smacks into the old oak tree.

Panel 7: Terri holds her head.


PAGE 17: 2x2 with a page wide panel at the bottom.

Panel 1-2: Beth zooms in to tackle her redheaded sister from behind and puts her face down in the dirt.

Panel 3: Beth is lying atop Kate looking rather smug; her sister however does look nearly as happy about this.

BUTTERCUP: So you’re telling me that using a speed burst to turn us into human missiles is not a valid technique?

BLOSSOM: That only worked because it was a cheap shot.

Panel 4: Terri jumps on top of them both.

BUBBLES: Dogpile!

Panel 5: From inside the house we see through the sliding glass door the girls messing around outside.

BLOSSOM: Get off me!

BUTTERCUP: I whooped you. Face it.

BLOSOSM: You cheated.

PAGE 18: Full page panel with the others small panels within.

Panel 1: Ken Utonium leans over the kitchen bar watching his girls in the backyard.

PROFESSOR: (thoughts) The three mightiest people on the planet. Yet I still fear they aren’t strong enough to survive the lives that lay before them. Great evils will come. Great evils will test them again and again. There powers make them a target. If they were ordinary, they’d be safe. Oh, Christ. This is all my . . .

Panel 2: Shows the front door as the doorbell rings.

Panel 3: Ken turns his head toward the door curiously.

PAGE 19: Most of the page is taken up by panels 1 and 2. Panels 3 through 5 are a small strip at the bottom.

Panel 1-2: Panel 1 shows Dr. Utonium standing in the doorway with his visitors back to us on the front porch. Panel 2 shows the reverse. From behind Kenneth we see over his should a chubby man in a blue suit who appears as if he could be a door-to-door salesman from the 1950’s. The conversation happens in word balloons between the two panels.

MAN: Mr. Utonium?


MAN: My name’s Ben Proctor. I work for HBCN Media Company. I’ve been trying to call you for some time but I haven’t gotten anyone to answer the phone.

PROFESSOR: I had it changed to a private number.

BEN: I see. Well I’d first like to say that I think your girls are quite extraordinary.

PROFESSOR: I know they are. Do you have a point you’re trying to reach?

BEN: Yes sir. We at HBCN think that The Powerpuff Girls could be extremely marketable.

PROFESSOR: Marketable?

BEN: Yes sir. They are genuine superheroes, and superheroes are all the rage these days. I think The Powerpuff Girls have potential for comic books, children’s cartoons, movies, action figures, t-shirts, well . . . you get the point. The reason we are coming to you with this offer . . .

PROFESSOR: What offer is that?

BEN: Oh, here. This explains it all in detail. I advise you look over it with your daughters and your lawyer and give me a call. Here’s my card. The reason I’m coming to you directly is that we don’t want to make some stupid knockoffs. We want sell only the real deal Powerpuff Girls merchandise, and for that, we need your permission to license their name and likeness.

PROFESSOR: You have permission to get the hell off my porch before I throw you off it.

Panel 3-5: Ken slams the door, turns around but stops in his track and looks down at the contract and business card in his hand.

PAGE 20: Panels 1, 4 and 5 are a larger trifold. Panels 2 and 3 are small panels layered on top of the other three.

Panel 1: Bernard Neumark and Mojo Jojo are sitting in the study.

BERNARD: Are you sure you want to do this. Once you pull that trigger, pardon the expression, this thing can’t be undone.

MOJO: You’re the one who suggested this in the first place.

BERNARD: I’m not necessarily objecting Adam, it’s just . . .

Panel 2: There’s a knock at the door.

BERNARD: (off panel) Come in.

Panel 3: Neumark’s butler pokes his head through the door.

Butler: You’re expected guests are here, sir.

BERNARD: Show them in.

Panel 4: Mojo interlaces his fingers, delighted at his yet unseen guests arrival.

MOJO: Ah, gentlemen. We were just talking about you. I assume by your presence here that the wages we offered were enticing? Good. Now I know we haven’t yet mentioned what we’re paying you for. I hope you understand that is wasn’t something I wanted to bring up in an email or phone call.

BERNARD: Not to mention that the assignment could be a little daunting and we didn’t want to scare you off too soon.

MOJO: Don’t make judgments on their character Bernard. Theses men are no cowards. I’m sure they are perfectly capable of . . .

Panel 5: Super Dragon, Zero and John Marx stand in the doorway.

MOJO: . . . killing the Powerpuff Girls.