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Incorruptible Pure Pureness

Beginning several morality scale lists that I plan to do, this is a list of heroes that are pure, incorruptibly good. Note that this does not necessarily mean without flaws, just that they will never fall to the Dark Side. Expect examples from Marvel, DC, Star Wars, and other things. If you have suggestions for people I should add, feel free to name some names, but you also have to give evidence to back up why they fit this.

List items

  • The most major Star Wars example. And no, he did not turn to the Dark Side in Dark Empire. He studied it, sometimes used it, and NEARLY fell, but he did not fall in full and never did, as he is shown to be a Light Side Force Ghost.

  • DC's top example other than Batman

  • DC's other prime example of this. No matter what darkness is inflicted upon him and no matter how ethically sketchy he can be at times, Batman is still incorruptible.

  • Marvel's top example of this. In his own words, he is loyal to nothing except the dream.

  • Now for the rest of the Marvel examples. Beginning with Balder, Asgard's Knight in Shining Armor aside from Thor.

  • Spider-Man's clone and just as pure.

  • Knight in Shining Armor

  • When his honor and nobility are emphasized

  • With him it's acknowledged in-universe that he's this.

  • Then again, he does lose his marbles a lot...

  • Like his buddy Thor he will not abandon the mortals and has stood alongside the Avengers through quite a bit, including events that nearly killed him.

  • The heart and soul of the Fantastic Four

  • The heart and soul of the X-Men

  • When with the Avengers

  • The ultimate universes' Spider-Man.

  • Classic version of the character only. Modern Reed is a self-righteous jerk.

  • My favorite of the X-Men

  • A very idealistic and noble chap who refuses to believe that the ends justify the means.

  • When not being turned into a jerk

  • Like Captain Mar-Vell, his being this is frequently acknowledged in-universe, and he's often turned into a Christ-like figure.

  • Spider-Man's daughter and just as noble as daddy.

  • Surpassed only by Captain America as Marvel's best example of this, especially since he is one of the few Marvel heroes with a strong code against killing.

  • The classic version of the character.

  • Though he gripes about his appearance a lot, when push comes to shove Ben Grimm is always there for his family and friends.

  • Yet another example where his pureness is acknowledged in-universe.

  • Beginning the DC examples with Alan Scott, a guy who in Post-Crisis Pre-New 52 continuity was Superman and Batman's idol and role model. Enough said.

  • A good guy version of Lex Luthor

  • The Young Justice version

  • Except when written by Gail Simone, where she's more of an Anti-Hero. Though having said that the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive...

  • The Pre-Crisis and Post-Flashpoint Flash.

  • One of the core Teen Titans

  • It helps that he has the innocence of a child (since, you know, he IS a child).

  • All will be well

  • The second Dove

  • Batman's protege all grown up and such a major part of the DCU that Dan Didio originally planned to have him die in Infinite Crisis because he knew it would leave such an impact.

  • The original Dove. So pure was he that the Black Lantern Corps could not claim him.

  • As shown best in "The Killing Joke" where Joker tried to corrupt him and failed.

  • Jason Rusch, who chose to become a hero despite coming from an abusive background (which could have easily made him a villain)

  • The Golden Age Flash and like Alan Scott a role-model to future generations of heroes in the DCU.

  • The DCAU version

  • The saint of the Green Lantern Corps

  • Though normally a villain, the heroic version of Luthor that we see in "Injustice Gods Among Us" is this.

  • Superman's beloved and more than anyone or anything else the thing that makes him human.

  • Though he briefly lost faith in humanity, J'onn J'onzz has ever been a hero and protector of Earth.

  • The second Atom and a serious moral athlete from the comics I've seen him in.

  • The first (and greatest) Blue Lantern.

  • As the name kind of implies, he's a very heroic, chivalrous dude.

  • Determined to be a hero, no matter how many times miswritten versions of Batman and Tim Drake tell her no.

  • Can't say anything about the New 52 version, but the Post-Crisis, Pre-New 52 version was this after getting past his punk phase in the 90s.

  • Superman's cousin and protege.

  • The second Blue Beetle who stood his ground against Maxwell Lord and Checkmate to the bitter end.

  • "It isn't Batman that makes you worthwhile, it's the other way around. Never tell yourself any different"

  • The third Flash and everyone's favorite. Tragically no longer a part of the DCU.

  • Depending on the writer, she's a super-loving and compassionate individual in spite of being a deadly warrior.

  • All the mind-wiping and lobotomizing stuff in Infinite Crisis notwithstanding.

  • Now for Star Wars examples besides Luke. In the case of Aayla, aside from being a dedicated Jedi, she was also remembered fondly by the galaxy after her death despite the Empire's best efforts to demonize the Jedi after eradicating them.

  • His last moments alive were facing down A MOON without flinching.

  • A terrible judge of character (Count Dooku's a "political idealist") but still a good guy.

  • A friendly and good-natured Jedi and one of my personal favorites.

  • A dedicated Jedi Master. Pity her apprentice was not as incorruptible.

  • It says something about his iron will that he was the only wielder of Vaapad to never succumb to the Dark Side.

  • Everyone's favorite Jedi, and not without good reason. Even when Darth Maul went out of his way to make him suffer Obi-Wan never succumbed.

  • One of the few people (the other being her son Luke) who never lost faith in Anakin/Vader's capacity for redemption.

  • Like her mother, Leia's a tireless fighter for freedom in the galaxy, either in a senate chamber or with a blaster.

  • Let's face it: without little R2, all of the other heroes would be dead a dozen times over.

  • Revan and Bastila's descendant and embodying their better virtues. Very wise and powerful both. Friendly too.

  • Another dedicated Jedi Master who did her best to keep the Felucians and Maris Brood from falling to the Dark Side. After her death the whole planet went to hell in a hand-basket.

  • Obviously. He's the champion of the Light Side, at least until Luke came along.

  • Beginning the Anime and Cartoon examples we have Aang, a pacifistic kid monk who helps end a 100 year long war WITHOUT EVER KILLING ANYBODY. Not bad.

  • Is just as passionately dedicated to helping people as Aang is, and it's why I suspect Aang is in to her (aside from her being pretty of course). When faced with the opportunity to get revenge on her mother's killer, she decides it's not worth it and stays her killing hand.

  • Sokka's beloved and leader of the Kyoshi warriors. One of my favorite characters on the show.

  • Apparently with DC these days, but I personally consider him to be a part of the Anime/TV category instead.

  • Beginning the Disney examples with Angela, a heroic version of her psychotic mother Demona.

  • Angela's mate and a lovable goof.

  • Enough so that Goliath decided to make him his second-in-command.

  • The Gargoyles' staunchest and most dedicated ally and proof positive that Gargoyles and humans can peacefully coexist.

  • As shown with the song "God Help The Outcasts"

  • Though he comes VERY close to becoming corrupted in the series finale, he ultimately pulls himself back from it and also makes a (kind of) heroic sacrifice on top of it.

  • My favorite of the Gargoyles. It helps that he's voiced by the awesome Ed Asner.

  • Simba's father who teaches him what he needs to know and also kept his brother in line...for a little while anyway.

  • Disney's version obviously.

  • After going through character development.

  • Again, Disney's version, though the one from the original novels is pretty heroic too.

  • "I fight...for the users!"

  • Video Game examples begin here with Paragon Shepard.

  • Nintendo's Knight in Shining Armor.

  • Except in Mortal Kombat 9 where he becomes disillusioned and corrupted and in Mortal Kombat Legacy where he starts out disillusioned and corrupted.

  • Always pure, though whether nor not she's actually capable depends on the game.

  • Mortal Kombat's God of Thunder. Really a nice dude...when he's not performing fatalities that is.

  • Everyone's favorite Mass Effect character (except mine that is).

  • Now for the misc. examples, beginning with the TMNT's staunchest ally April O'Neil.

  • Refused the One Ring precisely because he knew he would cease to be this if he took it. Is the rightful king of Gondor.

  • The brains of the Turtles and often the friendliest one.

  • The most pure and noble of all the Isitari, hence why he was given the Ring of Fire with which to rekindle the fire in Men's hearts.

  • Elf prince of the Woodland realm.

  • The heroic and fearless leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

  • The Turtle's sensei.

  • Depending on the interpretation.