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The Darkest Silence Legacy, Issue #2: The Tale of Rosalind (1/2)

Rating: “M” for Mature… Appropriate for audience ages 18 and older, may contain extreme violence, sexual themes, nudity or profanity.

(If you are just now joining this series, click here for the previous issue.)

(For those of you who joined me last time, I had to make a few changes due to the progression of the story line. "The Return of Doctor Occult" will not be released until issue #4. I give my deepest apologies for delay and digression, but I felt that this was a necessary step to take. I hope you enjoy! Remember to comment and leave feedback! Nothing too harsh, please and thank you.)

“The Darkest Silence Legacy”

Chapter One: The Splintered Visions

Issue #2: The Tale of Rosalind (Part 1 of 2)

Deep in the pits of Hell, there’s a man fighting for the love of his life. He calls out to her, repeatedly. He yearns to hear her voice. He needs her in his life.

“Rose, where are you?”

“I’m over here, Richard! Please help me, please?”

“I’m coming, Rosie! Don’t move!”

“I can’t move,”

“What do you mean you can’t move? Are you trapped or-” The man finally finds the girl and his eyes descend downwards to where she is laying. Her leg looks to have been ripped off above the knee. The wound resembles much like a shark bite, but worse.

“Richard, I’m hurt…”

“Oh God, Rosie… What happened?”

“I think…I think it was Peri…”

“Oh Rose… I’m so sorry! It’s all my fault. God, I’m sorry…”

Bzzee, Bzzee, Bzzee. Richard Occult’s alarm clock buzzed noisily in his ears. His head throbbed as he lifted himself sluggishly from the worn and torn mattress. He stretched his limbs and released a loud roar as he glared at the sunlight that peeked through his shutters.

“You, my friend, are a terrible, but wonderful creation,” he said as he pointed towards the small clock. He balled up his fist and dropped it upon the device and once again, there was silence. Richard rubbed his eyes, wearily as he tried to block the flashes of him and Rose. The dreams were getting worse and worse each time. They were flooding with painful memories and images that Occult would rather forget. Poor Rose. If I hadn’t of conjured the Yellow Peri… She would’ve been fine.

“Mm! Mmhm…”

Richard’s head snapped to the side as he heard the quiet moan escape from the girl from earlier that morning. Rosalind was curled up in his bed as she turned to face him with small and lazy eyes.

“Good morning, Detective.”


Richard looked away and placed his hands upon his legs. Still dressed, well that’s a good sign. He grumbled a bit and hopped up from his bed.

“I thought you went home.”

“I was going to, but then you asked me to stay and I did,”

“I asked you to stay? Why would I ask you to…?” Richard asked, but inside he knew the answer.

“Never mind, so do you have any leads to your father’s disappearance?”

“Can’t we have breakfast or do something before getting to the business?”

“Um, well…I think we should start now…” Richard looked curiously at her as he raised his eyebrows and nodded his head.

“Fine, whatever…” Rosalind sighed as she lifted herself from the mattress. The sheets pooled at her feet, revealing her black lingerie. She must have been looking forward to seducing him. “I’m not really sure… but maybe if I got something in me, I might remember.” She shrugged her shoulders as she bent over and began to pick up her clothes.

“I’ll put something in you…” He mumbled.

“What was that?”

Wait, no! “Nothing, Miss Grant…I’m going to hit the shower,” Richard quickly replied as he stepped towards the bathroom, closed the door and looked into the mirror. His features were growing tiresome and disheveled. He was living without a cause. I have no purpose. He hovered over the sink, gripping the porcelain basin as if he was having troubles standing on his own. His eyes glared viciously at his reflection. It is hopeless…

His putrid meditation was interrupted as a soft voice broke the dreadful silence. Rosalind was singing and humming to herself as she awaited the detective’s return.

The woman dances in the moonlight, the moon light. She cries.

The woman dances in the twilight where she knows her body lies.”

Occult released his hands from their position and placed his ear against the chipping wood. He closed his eyes and listened to her hymn. He was noticing something strange… His heartbeat began to match the tune.

The woman knew she had a secret, a secret to behold.

The man was lost forever, lost alone as he grew old.”

Richard’s mind went black as he rested against the door. His thoughts became a fog, a haze of swirling colors and images as memories and visions engulfed his inner being. Rose… Suddenly, he awoke from the abysmal state. Water poured upon his face as he stood in the shower, clinging to the cracking tiles of his bathroom walls.

“What the Hell?” Richard fumed as he squeezed his eyes shut and then back open. He shook the water from his face and hair as he turned the faucet off and stepped from the shower. He could hear Rosalind humming still in the other room, but this time, she was quieter. He contemplating rushing out and interrogating about the events that had just occurred, but he decided against it. He found himself once again in front of the mirror, staring sharply at his reflection as he grasped a can of Barbasol and sprayed a swirled mound into his palm. He wet a straight razor and began to shave his rugged and untamed jaw. The 5 o'clock, bum beard had to go, he was officially back in business.

“Miss Grant?”

“Call me Rose.”

Richard Occult felt his heart drop deep inside his gut. He closed his eyes and felt the reemerging pain as the name echoed through his ears. His eyes opened and he took a hard swallow.

“Rosalind, are you ready?”

“Sure, where are we headed?”

“Carl’s place”

Soon after they left the rotting complex, they were in front of a small burger joint. The shabby building had large neon letters that were blinking out one by one, the ‘C’ was already burnt out and only a few patrons were parked in the empty lot. The two entered through the squeaky door and triggered the bell. DING! The sharp twang caught the attention of the chef who stood in the background as well as a plump and pleasant looking waitress that quickly rushed to greet them.

“Heya kids, you come down to sit a spell or are you in a hurry?” The woman inquired as she took a place in front of them and began to trot slowly towards a booth. Her voice was kind, but raspy, most likely due to many years of smoking. She continued to venture forth towards the tables, barely paying any attention to them.

“We’ll get it to-“

“We’re sitting in, tonight, Ruby.” Richard replied quickly as he grasped Rosalind by the shoulder and squeezed her inward towards his chest.

“Now, do I know y-” She turned as she finally faced them. Her jaw dropped as she ascended her hands and cupped her mouth. “Oh my Lord, is that really you Dicky?”

“Well, I sure ain’t Elvis!” They both chuckled as Rosalind just stared blankly at them. She could feel a twinge of envy as she watched the friends hug and chit chat. She wanted to know him like that…

“What happened to you, Dicky? You just up and disappeared on us all. We were so worried!”

“Well, things just got out of hand. No big deal.”

“Things just got out of hand. Would you listen to him? Man, some people never change. Ain’t that right, sweetie?”

Rosalind giggled uncomfortably, “Right.”

“Where’s Rosie?”

“We, uh… we parted ways.”

“Oh that’s too bad…” Ruby’s uplifting attitude quickly vanished as she heard his reply. She bowed her head and leaned against one of the teal colored leather booths. She finally interrupted the awkward silence. “Well, I’m glad to see that you’re safe and that you’re doing alright, hon.”

Ruby wiped down a nearby table and gestured for them to sit down as she placed the menus down and smiled. “I’ll be back over in a bit.”

Richard and Rosalind nodded their heads and thanked the woman as they made themselves comfortable. When Ruby was finally gone from their sight, Rosalind began to speak.

“Who is she?”

“Huh?” Richard grunted as he continued to keep his face hidden behind the large red flaps.

“Rosie. Who is she?”

“Oh, that’s not important.”

Rosalind pursed her lips and played with the corner of her menu. “So, she’s your wife?”

“Didn’t I just say it’s not important?” Richard barked as he brought the menu down.

“She’s just a girlfriend, then?”

“You’re kidding me?” He stated as he looked at the girl with disbelief. He shook his head and licked the corners of his mouth. “Maybe, I should have said: It’s none of your business.”

“Ah, so it’s a touchy subject... She WAS your girlfriend.”

“She’s dead! Okay?” He boomed as the few other customers turned to face him in shock and annoyance. “Are ya happy, now?” He lifted the menu back in front of his face as he swallowed and continued to ignore the world around him. A silence drifted around the entire diner but soon the light buzz of conversation and dishes clinking began again.

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s fine.”

“I just… I’m not use to other people, yet.” She said as she placed the menu to the side. She could feel the waitress returning as she nodded and smiled up at Ruby who had now returned. Rosalind had a fictitious glow about her as she continued to order. Richard shortly did the same and Ruby was once again gone in no time flat.

Richard sneered at the girl. “What do you mean ‘you’re not use to other people yet’?”

“Well, I’ve never really been around anyone else.” She said sheepishly. Her cheeks tinted as she lowered her eyes. Richard could tell right away, she was ashamed.

“Have you ever been around anyone?”

“Well, I’ve been around my father and his friends.”

Richard’s curiosity was growing immensely. “You’ve never had anyone’s company?”

“Family is company, Detective.” Rosalind replied. Richard looked at her features and finally, he came to a realization. The Grants were always of lycanthrope blood. They surrounded themselves with their own kind, but Cornelius wanted change and because of that change, Rosalind never had a friend in the world, except for those considered “family.” The only names Richard could recall was three of Cornelius’ goons: Tauxd, Anthony and Balthazar.

Rosalind had always been alone.

To be continued in:
Issue #3: "The Tale of Rosalind (Part 2 of 2)"

Characters Richard Occult (A.K.A: Doctor Occult) and Rose Psychic belong to DC Comics. The story line(s) used in this series may be loosely based on comic book character appearances. "The Darkest Silence Legacy" story line is from my own imagination. The other characters mentioned in this issue belong to me, as well, (Rosalind and Cornelius Grant, Tauxd, Anthony and Balthazar.)

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