khathala messa

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nobody gave it a name so i call it the stone age of superheroes

ogon batto or better know in some latin country`s as fanthomas or Fantaman
ogon batto or better know in some latin country`s as fanthomas or Fantaman
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!
i have always been fascinated with the extraordinary heroes from before superman`s debut
i happened to make a list of these heroes most of them are from the french  shadowmen though
and i don't think heroes from the league of extraordinary gentlemen count since they are reinvented into a comic to suit the storyline

springheeled jack
springheeled jack
Spring heeled jack  1837 (in his real live appearance)
Rocambole 1867
Hugo Hercules 1902 (not a real hero but he was super-powerd)
Scarlet pimpernel 1903
Doctor Omega
1906 (not the same as docter who`s legendary omega)
The Nyctalope 1910
Fantômas 1911 (villain)
The Night Wind1913
Reverend Doctor Syn the
scarecrow  1915 (also saved jack sparrow in disney comic)
zorro         1919 (maybe batman`s other insperation)
Antinéa      1920
Fascinax   1921
Belphégor 1927 (villain)
Solomon Kane 1928 (movie is stil not out)
The Man Who Laughs 1928 (the true insperation to the joker)
Ogon batto 1930 (first japanese hero)
The shadow 1930 (radio appearance) (maybe batman`s insperation)
Hugo danner 1930 (farther of iron Munro)
conan 1931 (of course)                                                           
Lone ranger + tonto  1933
The spider 1933
Doc  Savage  1933
Mandrake the Magician 1934
The Phantom Magician 1935
Doctor Occult 1935
Green hornet + kato 1936
The Fanthom  1936
The Clock 1936
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle 1937

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