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Marvel Iron Age: Hardy and Creed vol. 2 part 12

Continued from here part 11

Zemo's base

Walker looked on the killing machine before her,"I starking hate you Gerald."

Lash grinned as he raised a tendril. As he brought it down she dived away and attempted to run. Lash caught her ankle and yanked her back.

She tried to gut the tendril but even with a charge they barely scratched the carbonadium. Lash then leaned down and lifted her by the throat and began to squeeze. She struggled to breathe as his hand held her like a noose. As she started fading she remembered the voice of Ngumi from a long ago lesson,'That's what happens when you don't pay attention. Now tell me was you see."

Walker had a moment of realization,"The tendril."

Lash gave her a curious look but she kicked his tendril up into her hand and charged the tendril with energy. Lash roared in pain as energy ripped out of his arm. As he dropped her she grabbed an explosive disc and planted it on his chest. The blast shot him into the wall. He managed to survive but he was knocked out.

Walker stood catching her breath for a moment then walked off in the direction of Scalphunter.


7 was holding up a hard light shield as Tinkerers armor bombarded him with plasma from his arm cannon. The Tinkerer shouted, "Come on Creed, I thought you were supposed to be impressive."

7 looked around for a moment then dropped the shield and rolled away. He threw out an emp device that knocked out the lights. Tinkerer laughed as a spotlight shined from his armor, "Did you think I wouldn't have an emp shield. I'm not some idiot soldier."

He then kicked 7 in the gut knocking him down the hall. 7 pulled himself from the ground and adjusted his repulsers and made a hard light blade. He looked to Tinkerer, "Well, get on with it."

As he neared 7 opened fire hitting various points on the armor. As he came within striking distance 7 jumped over him dragging the light blade across his back. He felt the blade stop on the shield but felt his foot drag against the armor for half a second.

He grinned a bit as Tinkerer turned. He turned off his repulsers and let the hard light blade fade out. He pulled out his adamantium knives. Tinkerer looked at him with contempt, "You think those primitive things will help?"

7 waved him forward. Tinkerer rushed but 7 side stepped and dropped down slicing into the leg tearing through several hydraulic cables. He pulled away and landed as he attempted to compensate for the damage. 7's eyes darted around the machine before hurling the blade which destroyed the cpu and rendered the armor useless. As he walked past he pulled out his blade as he pushed over the armor with the belligerent Tinkerer trapped inside yelling obscenities at 7.


Scalphunter stood firm as Zemo and Claudia came for him. He batted away Zemo's sword and kicked Claudia in the gut sending her back a bit. He then jammed the but of his sword into Zemo's gut as Claudia stood and attempted to slash at him but he casually dodged.

Zemo returned angry and went for the assassin. Sclaphunter blocked his sword and was actually having a bit of trouble keeping up with Zemo. Then Claudia returned attempting to help. He blocked with the old cutlass he'd pulled from Zemo's wall and looked down on the covered hilt with a sly grin. He looked to Zemo, "You're about as good as me, might even be a little better, but she's not."

He then shifted dropping the cutlass down catching Claudia's blade and twisted it out of her hand. He then headbutted Zemo sending him back as he drove a blade into Claudia's gut. Zemo was enraged by this and punched Scalphunter hard in the face and grabbed him by the throat lifting him off the ground. Scalphunter pulled two small knives and stabbed them into Zemo's collar bones and pushed him away.

Scalphunter then picked his sword back up, "You know you're gonna buy me a beach house."

Zemo gave a hateful glare, "I wouldn't be so sure."

Scalphunter turned at the sound of pulse rifles charging and saw nearly a hundred Hydra agents. Zemo ordered, "Leave nothing but a charred corpse."

Zemo was confused by Scalphunter's almost giddy reaction, "I finally get my ultimate action movie moment."

He gave a fist pump and then kick up Zemo's sword into his free hand, "Gonna borrow this for a minute."

The agents opened fire. He blocked several rounds and then moved. Two agents were shocked as he seemed to appear in front of them with two agents impaled on his blades. An agent behind one of the impaled men leaned back just far enough to avoid being stabbed, "Oh s**t."

He then turned and hurled the men off the swords and slashed into the next agent. He kicked another away and stabbed one in the head. He let out a chuckle, "This is gonna be fun."

Several agents attempted to tackle him but he jumped over stabbing two more while in the air while catching a third by the neck with his legs. He dropped down flipping the man to the ground. He then twisted snapping his neck as several more rushed in.

He placed a sword between his teeth as he pulled a pistol and shot 4 down. He then put back his gun as he hopped back up and grabbed the sword back. The agents pulled back to regroup as Zemo sat stunned.

Scalphunter twirled Zemo's sword and then looked to the now frightened agents, "Round 2, boys."

He ducked down and cut the legs off the first agent to come in striking distance and sliced the head off the man behind him and then drove a knee into another's chest hard enough to shatter several ribs. One aimed a pulse rifle at his temple but he twisted away and jammed something into the power cartridge. He then jumped away as the gun rapidly overheated. The explosion took out 5 agents.

He noticed the agents backed off and he gave a glare, "Boo."

The agents started backing away before finally breaking into a run, "Awe, come back. You starking p***ies."

He then turned back and started walking toward Zemo. He stopped at the sound of something large crashing through the walls.

5 minutes earlier.

Raven stood nervously looking at Cutthroat. She tried to punch him but he caught her fist. He then tossed her away and pulled a knife and looked to David, "Tell you what Spider, you start talking and I won't make you watch this."

David looked to Raven and thought he saw actual concern for him,"This is a bad time to try being a good guy."

She nodded, "Didn't really have much choice in the matter."

She darted away as Cutthroat came at her. He slashed away but she managed to dodge several swings before his blade cut her arm. She felt an intense burning pain from the wound. Cutthroat had a broad grin, "Hurts like hell, right? Had this special made for Scalphunter but you'll work as a test."

She managed to dodge as he came at her but her arm was now stiff and could barely move. He caught her by the hair and yanked her back as the stiffness began to spread. Out of sheer desperation she kicked at a control panel. A cup of coffee fell over shorting out the system and releasing David's restraints.

He fell forward and noticed something fall from Raven's hand. She had stolen the key to the restraint collar that held David's symbiot at bay.

Cutthroat didn't notice as he looked on Raven like a psychotic child holding a defenseless animal. David lunged for Cutthroat but was easily swatted away. Raven fell down but used the last of her strength to slide the key over. David caught it as the killer turned back to Raven.

He stood after unlocking the collar, "I'm tired of this s**t."

Cutthroat turned as David spoke, "I am a fifth generation member of the Spider resistance, I was trained to fight by the starking Mandarin and my suit is the descendant of Carnage. This is the last time I get used as bait."

The symbiot suit formed around him. It copied the large tarantula tattoo on David's back and covered his face, "Now take your damn hands off her."

Cutthroat laughed, "You think you can take me, boy?"

He charged but David caught him. He then punched him hard in the face sending the killer crashing into a wall. Cutthroat wiped a bit of blood from his lip,"Guess you do."

Several spikes popped up on Cutthroat's hand and he launched them toward David but the suit reacted forcing David to dodge. He then ran forward and delivered a savage kick to the killer's gut and punched him in the temple.

Cutthroat backed away for a second and chuckled a bit, "Got some fire in you."

As David moved to strike again Cutthroat dropped a small device that let out a sonic shriek. David fell back as he felt the suit screaming in his mind. The assassin put some plugs in his ears then walked toward David looking down on him like a hyena standing over a gazelle. Before he could finish off the Spider the wall behind him exploded just as 7 kicked open the door.

Cutthroat was hit by the Juggernaugt's flailing body and launched through a wall. David pulled himself up as 7 tossed Raven over his shoulder. The three then looked to the pissed off Juggernaut who held 7's shattered device in his hand. David looked to 7,"Time to go."

They bolted as Juggernaut charged. After they'd made it out the door the wall was shattered by the angry beast of a man.

Walker arrived behind Scalphunter as she watched the fleeing Hydra agents. She looked over at the sound of smashing walls. 7 ran past Zemo with Raven over his shoulder with David close behind. Scalphunter gave a curious look before noticing the Juggernaut barreling toward them. he took off running behind them but was quickly keeping pace with 7. Walker didn't ask questions, just ran after.

before Juggernaut could follow them out Zemo roared, "Stop. Help me get her to the infirmary."

Juggernaut gave a hateful look to the exit but Zemo roared, "Now."

The group stopped running about a half mile past the base before stopping to catch their breath. Scalphunter stretched his back and turned, "Well, guess its your turn now."

7 stood up before him and tossed a small disc that magnetically attached to Scalphunter's teleportation device, "Enjoy the Savage Land."

Scalphunter attempted to remove the device but was already gone, "Stupid, starking Creed. Somebody outta massacre the...."

He turned at the sound of heavy breathing behind him. He noticed several Creeds eating the remains of what Scalphunter was sure was a dinosaur. He sighed and went for his teleportation device but it threw a spark and went dark, "Son of a..."


As the sun rose Zemo looked out on the Hydra agents flanked by the Juggernaut and Callous, "Kill them all, they aren't worth the Hydra name."

He then returned to the infirmary and placed a hand on Claudia's head as she slept under sedation. "I promise you, that assassin will die screaming for this."

(To be continued.)