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Earthbound-Mischief part 2

(Sorry my laptop is being finicky about posting links today this is continued from part 1)

Northern Scandinavia, Many years ago

Odin, Thor and Tyr stand tired and breathing heavily as a nonplussed Gabriel speaks, "You have fought well and bravely, Aesir. I'd rather not kill you."

Rage filled Thor's eyes as he lifted his hammer but Odin placed a hand on his shoulder, "We've lost son, no point in dying today."

Gabriel nodded to the king of Asgard as Micheal came over a hill dragging two Aesir gods by the ankles. One still struggled. Micheal looked down to Loki, "I don't see why you fight so hard, you aren't even a real god. Just some dwarf giant that got lucky. Yet you've still been blessed to dwell in the eternal realm."

Gabriel looked to Micheal, "Careful brother, your words verge on vanity."

Micheal gave an annoyed glare, "There is no vanity in truth."

An almost angry tone came to Gabriel's voice, "I've heard that phrase from a brother once before."

Loki winced as Micheal's grip on his ankle tightened, "I tire of this."


Lima, Ohio now.

The archangel Raphael pushes the door of a seedy motel room open. He's disgusted by the pile of beer cans and various liquor bottles lying around as a body rises from the bed, "You'd think a Seraphim would have enough manners to knock."

Raphael looked to the disheveled form on the bed, "It hurts me to see a brother live this way."

Belial stood from the bed as he let out a chuckle, "So now I'm a brother again?"

Raphael nodded, "You're always a brother, regardless of what you believe."

Before Belial could respond a woman rose from the bed to Raphael's surprise. Belial looked to her, "He's family."

She smiled, "Are you an angel too?"

Raphael gave an annoyed look as Belial continued, "He's a Seraphim, the Archangel of Law. He probably doesn't approve of my sleeping arrangements."

Belial then reached into a mini fridge and pulled out a beer as he sat, "So why is the mighty Raphael slumming it in Ohio?"

As the angels glared at each other the woman gave a sigh, "The other one was nicer."

Raphael grinned, "So you have seen Gabriel."

Belial nodded, "Yup, he helped Izzy out with something Pops refused to. Funny how his unconditional love ends the second they need it."

Raphael's annoyance returned, "Careful."

"What's he gonna do, toss me out again? Be nice to have a reason this time."

Raphael was gritting his teeth as Belial turned to Izzy on the bed, "Did I ever tell you what I did to fall?"

She shook her head ad he continued, "Nothing, absolutely nothing. I was a Grigorri just doing my job and watching the Earth. After being ignored for a few thousand years some of my colleagues got into some trouble but not me."

"See we made this pact, one falls, all fall. I went along with it because I thought, there's no way father would throw out a whole choir of angels. What I didn't know, because they hadn't contacted us in centuries, is that God's favorite went and tried to start a damn revolution. So when father got around to dealing with us he was good and pissed"

"So because my brothers couldn't keep it in their pants I got punished for nothing. Not one of my brothers came to ask that the innocents be spared, they all cowered in the corner like good little dogs."

Izzy looked nervous as Belial gave Raphael a hateful look, "So I ask again, why are you here?"

"You're going to help me find our brother."

Belial chuckled, "Why would I do that?"

"Because its your only way home."

Izzy looked over Belial's face, the rage and defiance were gone. He looked like an addict seeing his drug of choice dangling before him.He was silent for a moment then his face softened as he appeared to realize something. A sad smile came to his face, "What do you need me to do?"


A diner called The Road Runner grill just outside Muskogee, OK.

Sam and Lucas looked at a large sign with a character that looked just different enough from the Looney Tunes character who shared its name to avoid a law suit. Lucas looked to Sam, "Why did Gabe want us to meet him here?"

Sam shrugged, "He said I'd get it before the day was over."

The two entered and saw Gabe who waved them over. As they sat Gabe slid a piece of paper to Lucas, "Could you read that for me?"

Lucas gave him an annoyed look, "So you already ordered for us, what's the big deal?"

Gabe looked up, "Now can you tell me where you learned to read ancient Scandinavian runes?"

Lucas looked down at the paper and then back to Gabe then back to the paper as he sat down confused. Gabe then turned to Sam, "Your eyes have turned yellow."

Sam was about to reply but Gabe put a mirror to his face. As Sam sat Gabe began, "I'm sure you both have noticed you've been changing."

"I realized it was getting time for this talk when Lucas called me the other day and began speaking in a language that hasn't been spoken on Earth since they got rid of Vikings."

The two gave blank stares as Gabe sighed, "What I'm about to tell you is going to sound insane but trust me when I say its completely true."

Lucas nodded, "Well we did see you and some other dude fly and cause an earthquake so, I'm already expecting some kind of weirdness."

Gabe gave a nod, "That's a fair point."

He then sat up straighter, "The two of you aren't entirely human. You are what is referred to as avatars, human forms of gods. You have no memory of this for reasons I don't have time to explain."

The two burst out laughing until they noticed the look on Gabe's face. Sam rolled his eyes, "And I suppose you're one of these, avatars, too?"

"No, I'm an angel. My full name is Gabriel. The guy you saw me fighting with is called Michael. He and I were the angels in charge of forcing unruly gods back into the eternal realm after the creator banned them from Earth."

Sam cut him off, "You're an angel?"

Gabe sighed, "You've known me since you were ten years old, have you ever seen me sick or injured? Ever see a grey hair? Is there any sign I've aged at all in the fifteen years you've known me?"

Sam thought it over for a second, "Well, you do have that stupid old man trying to look young goatee thing now."

Gabe looked annoyed, "The goatee isn't stupid. Its a perfectly fine...."

Lucas cleared his throat, "We're getting a little off track here."

Gabe gave a quick sigh, "You're right. See some time after we'd rounded up all the stragglers some of the gods discovered a loophole in the earth ban that allowed you to come down so long as it was in human form. Michael considers this as insulting to the Creator and has decided to round you all back up. My father gave no such order, in fact he gave no orders at all regarding avatars."

"Personally, I don't even believe there was a loophole. He sees all possible outcomes, I doubt he'd allow something like this to happen based on the cosmic equivalent of a clerical error. Michael couldn't be discouraged tho. He's always felt your kind were lesser beings. So I thought maybe if I could find a few and train them I could show them that your kind could be a force for good again. I figured that if I could turn you two of all your kind to a cause I could show him that he didn't need to worry."

Sam looked almost indignant, "What do you mean? You're talking like we're some kind of monsters."

Gabe chuckled, "The two of you aren't even close to the most powerful of gods, but you remain among the most dangerous. If you go back in mythology of any kind, there is always a trickster. They bring fire to the people, they cause wars or they end them, they teach humans forbidden things that end up allowing civilizations to be born. Sometimes its for some grand cause, sometimes its just because they're bored. Their ability to cause great upheavals just by existing makes my brother see them as a threat but I believe its the reason my father made them in the first place."

Gabe then gave Sam a smile, "You are called Coyote, and Lucas is Loki, god of Mischief. You two have caused more trouble alone than several entire pantheons combined, but you have also been responsible for great things you were never given credit for."

Lucas gave an incredulous grin, "Well...."

Gabe cut him off, "If you don't believe me I can prove it."

He threw the money for the bill on the table then ushered the boys outside. He pointed out that there wasn't a cloud in the sky on this warm dry day. He then looked to Sam, "I want you to think of rain. Clear your head and picture a down pour."

Lucas sighed but before he could comment he felt water hit his head. He looked up and saw a cloud forming directly above Sam and expanding until the place was drenched in rain. He sputtered, "That..that, could just be a coincidence."

Gabe nodded, "Okay, Sam tell it to stop."

Sam shrugged, "Stop."

Lucas' jaw dropped as the rain immediately halted. Gabe then looked to him, "We good?"

(To be continued)


Earthbound- Mischief part 1

Great Plains, North America many years ago

A large dog like creature speeds an open field. Two powerful beings look down on it as it flees. The larger of the two, the archangel Michael looks on with mild contempt as the other, The archangel Gabriel sets down on the ground.

Michael lands next to him, "This chase has gone on long enough."

Gabriel gives a half smile, "Just letting him have one last run."

Michael glares, "You're too kind to the tricksters."

Gabriel shrugs, "They make things more interesting."

The two suddenly appear before the creature, the trickster spirit Coyote in his animal form. He slid to a stop and tried to turn but Michael moved with blinding speed as he snatched him up.

Coyote snarled as Gabriel spoke, "Calm yourself, we won't harm you but you must leave this world."

He struggled a bit but Michael tightened his grip, "If you prefer I can send you to be with the fallen."

Coyote lowered his head in defeat as Michael sneered, "Good dog."


St. Louis, M.O. 15 years ago

A boy named Sam Smith sneaks out the window of his foster home. Smith isn't his true name, he wasn't even sure what that was. His mother had died giving birth to him and his father had been nowhere to be found so he'd been passed around from foster home to foster home his whole life.

He was a trouble maker from the moment he learned to walk. He'd just arrived at this home earlier that day and decided he may as well take off now since he figured this wouldn't last much longer than the others.

As he hoped down from the window he heard a voice from behind him, "The front door works just fine."

Sam turned to see Gabe, his current guardian. Sam sighed, "Just trying to save us both some time."

Gabe gave a chuckle, "If you take off on day one, its gonna make me look bad."

Sam shrugged, "Keep it to yourself, you'll get your check."

Gabe stood, "Tell you what, you make it to the gate before me, you can walk. I get there first and you give me a month."

Sam looked to the gate several yards away and then back to Gabe leaning against the wall, "Sounds fair."

Sam moved to run but stared in shock as Gabe leaned on the gatepost, "Dinner's on the table."

Sam's eyes were still wide, "How'd you do that?"

"Stick around for a while and I'll show you."


Later that night Sam was sitting on the couch while his fellow foster kid Lucas sat flipping through channels. Sam looked over, "Does Gabe seem weird to you."

Lucas looked back, "My last fosters turned out to be furries, so my bar for weird is a bit high."

Sam gave a wary look, "Seriously?"

Lucas nodded, "He do the gate thing?"

Sam nodded back.


As Saturday arrived Gabe woke the boys, "Still curious?"

Sam noticed it was still dark, "Can this wait till sunrise at least?"


He ushered them into his car and drove onto an open field several miles outside the city. He stopped and got out of the car. Sam and Lucas followed as he asked, "My father taught me and my brothers something called Krav Seriph. According to him, it was the first martial art, it's how angels fight."

The boys gave a sigh as Lucas asked, "Is this where you tell us you're in a cult?"

Gabe burst out laughing, "This has nothing to do with religion but faith does help."

He noticed the wary looks they gave him, "Fine, I'll just show you."

He turned from them and took a deep breath. He then crouched down and jumped high in the air leaving the boys in awe. He then slammed a foot hard into the ground with enough force to bounce the car as the boys fell to the ground. Sam jumped up, "What the hell was that?"

Gabe grinned, "Mostly a bid for attention. I don't expect you boys to be capable of anything near that, at least not now but if you're willing to learn I can teach you to do things you can't imagine."



Sam looked at the TV as a news anchor spoke, "Its hard to describe what he just saw, it seems two men who were engaged in a street brawl seem to be responsible for an earthquake. Eye witness reports state the men seemed to take flight."

As Sam looked on the grainy footage a bloodied Gabe stumbled through the door. He looked to Sam, "You need, find Lucas and get as far from here....."

The front wall of the house seemed to explode as a large man entered. He reached down and snatched Gabe up by the throat, "Its time you return home brother."

Sam moved to help but Gabe shook his head at him. Sam got down behind the couch as the man jumped up with Gabe tearing a hole in the roof as he flew off.

Sam grabbed his phone and car keys as he dialed Lucas.

Lucas was sitting outside the bar and grill where he worked as a short order cook. A cigarette hanging from his lip as his phone rang. He looked down to see Sam was calling him, "I only got about 5 minutes of break, this better be important."

"Gabe's brothers found him."

Lucas' eyes went wide, "Where are you?"

(To be continued)


Earthbound- New FF group sign up

I've been away from fic writing for a while but I'm looking to get back into it. I was hoping to get some help building a world.

The Premise- After centuries of conflict brought about by the gods meddling in the lives of mortals the creator of the universe grew tired of it and banned all other gods, angels and demons from directly interacting with the mortal world.

Around 20 to 30 years ago the gods discovered a loophole that allowed for them to come to Earth in the form of human Avatars. When the creator discovered this he placed a restriction. These gods could still go down and assume human form but they were forced to be born as humans with no recollection of their former selves and would be forced to relearn the use of their godly, angelic or demonic powers.

The gods living in the eternal realm are unaware of these restrictions due to the fact that no gods have returned to speak of it so their migration is a recurring phenomenon.

Now in the modern world these Avatars are beginning to come to an age where their powers are emerging.


Rules- I don't have many rules regarding content but some are necessary.

1. This world works on the notion that all mythological gods, angels and demons are real, tho the stories behind them aren't entirely accurate. Like for instance the Titan Cronos would be real but he didn't create the world by cutting up his father and using the body parts.

2. Angels and Demons can be made up since the myths about them claim entire populations and they aren't all named so if you want to invent a new angel or demon for the purposes of your story thats fine.

3. Mortal beings from mythology that became gods or an equivalent from their myths such as Sun Wukong or Hercules or others can be used as well so long as they work under the same restrictions as the other gods who took on Avatars.

4. You can use whatever type of mythology you like but no supreme beings/creator gods such as Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah just assume those types are all different names for the same guy embodied here by the Creator who has no need of an Avatar form.

Any god from a pantheist religion such as Ra or Odin or Titans are allowed but their roles in the actual creation of the universe is absent.

There is no editorial real editorial control but standard fic group rules apply as far as character use goes.

If you'd like to join sign up here in the comments section.


Marvel Iron Age: The Condemned Part 1

4 Months ago, The Raft Super Human Detention Facility.

The Supreme Commander sits as a man enters in chains. He gives a confused look, "I was unaware we'd captured any of the Avengers."

The guard spoke up, "We didn't sir. Anthony Salazar is the man you're thinking of. This is his twin Alexander."

Stryfe nodded as he looked to his aide, "Qualifications?"

"Marksmanship. When they were bringing him in he killed Hunter class soldier with a straightened paper clip. Apparently the prisoners have been calling him Bullseye."

Stryfe chuckled a bit, "Approved, next."

As the next man entered the aide began, "Tyson Griffin, Aka Hobgoblin. He was a lab tech working for Desmond Fisk. He stole a vile of Goblin serum and perfected it. It amplified the standard abilities the serum caused without the side effects. Aside from the physical abilities he gained, he's an accomplished chemist and engineer. He was arrested on 19 counts of murder, mostly contract kills. He was caught trying to assassinate General Helfitta. The General was quite impressed despite the failure."

Stryfe gave a nod as Tyson was escorted out.

A large man entered with a power inhibitor, heavy shackles and a steel muzzle over his mouth. "This is Arnold Zabo, calls himself Massacre. He was arrested for killing and eating four police officers, six civilians and eight Soldiers of the Iron Army. Super human strength, durability and endurance."

Stryfe nodded, "Approved."

The aide looked back, "Are you sure?"

The Supreme Commander gave a glare. The aide gulped, "Okay, next."

A tall black haired woman with blood red eyes and coal grey skin walked in, "Real name unknown, she goes by Antipathy. She's stronger and faster than a normal human, possesses mid level telepathy, and some level of elemental control. She doesn't sleep or eat, we believe she's some type of psychic vampire."

The final candidate entered, "Silas Delemos, Aka, Leo. A former soldier of the Iron Army and alleged member of the Zodiac organization."

Stryfe looked over, "I was under the impression that organization no longer existed."

The aide nodded, "There's no confirmation that it does, mostly just rumor at this point. He has augmented strength and a healing factor. No where near Scalphunter's level but still fairly impressive, he also possesses heightened senses. He's an expert in several types of armed and unarmed combat, he graduated near the top of his class at the Officer's academy, where he was said to be a tactical genius."

The Supreme Commander gave an approving nod then stood, "Have the five of them sent to Maryland at once."


1 week later, Maryland Institute.

The five prisoners sat as Stryfe entered the room. Alex gave a hateful glare, "You gonna tell us why we're here, or did you just want to test out your dramatic walk?"

He smiled a bit, "Salazar, is it?"

Alex nodded, "I'm here to make you an offer. I've grown tired of these constant attacks on my power, the grand gestures work fine to quell the common rabble but to others, it makes no difference. These Avengers, Spiders, Shield and the like have been a thorn in my side for too long. But wasting billions in weapons and armor is beginning to weigh on me. I need an alternative. You can help me with this, in return you will live in relative freedom, and even draw a paycheck, or you can head back for execution."

The group looked cautious but Leo spoke, "What's the catch?"

Stryfe looked to him as he continued, "You guys do nothing without strings attached. What, we got bombs in our heads or will we have a battalion of tin men floating around waiting to execute us the minute we step out of line?"

He looked to a lab tech who began, "Are any of you familiar with nano-nukes?"

Hobgoblin and Leo looked stunned as he continued, "In the event that you fail in your mission or attempt to desert your body will become a nuclear weapon and finish the job for you."

Antipathy gave a chuckle that unnerved the rest of the group. Alex sighed, "They put them in us already didn't they?"

Stryfe gave a nod, "Welcome to the Iron Army."


3 months ago. Cloaked transport Doomstadt airspace.

Hobgoblin stood by the drop door with an orange Goblin mask in his hand, "I'm not sure I like the costume."

Alex was checking his gear, "If we get spotted they want us to look like costumed terrorists."

Hobgoblin chuckled, "Any significance to the target they put on your forehead?"

Alex strapped a quiver and collapsible bow to his back and grabbed his rifle, "Never let it be said the tin men don't have a sense of humor."

Leo stepped over to Massacre, "Just so we're clear big man, I ain't a snack and I'll kill you the second you think otherwise."

As the muzzle dropped he gave a hideous grin, "You have noting to fear, too much gristle on you."

Antipathy stood staring down eagerly at the drop door. Leo came up beside Alex, "She's too okay with this."

Alex nodded, "Seems a little weird to have us all out for a smash and grab."

Leo grinned a bit, "Its a test run, make sure we don't bolt."

Hobgoblin shrugged, "And if we do, they get to take out the capital of New Latveria."

Antipathy was almost giddy when the drop door opened. She was the first out with a glider pack, followed by Massacre, Alex and Leo. Hobgoblin smiled as his new Goblin glider powered up, "At least I got one good thing out of this."

Bullseye shot a small explosive into a small rooftop vent. As he landed there was a muffled pop as the device let out foam to soften the sound. He moved the vent cap as Leo and the rest landed. He looked to Antipathy, "How many guards?"

She showed 6 fingers then crawled into the vent. Alex hit his comm, "You ready Tyson?"

"Yea, comms'll go out with the alarms tho."

He pulled a razor bat with an EMP device attached and threw it. It flew down and attached itself to the front door of the Cynthia Von Doom memorial library. It then let out a pulse that deactivated the security and left the guards in the dark.

He then landed on the roof and set his glider to hover. Massacre being too big for the vent was the look out. Tyson looked on disgusted as the monstrous man grabbed a pigeon from the ledge and began to eat it.

Leo dropped down and crept up behind a befuddled guard trying to get his flashlight working. Leo had little trouble moving through the darkness due to his superior senses.

Antipathy who could see as well in the pitch black as in bright day. She danced around a guard silently amused by his fumbling. She she locked him in a choke hold while holding his jaw closed. She tried not to giggle as she felt his silent terror while he flailed futilely before she snapped his neck.

Alex slunk through without encountering a guard and quickly found what they came for. The Aegis breastplate had been forgotten in a store room for old exhibits. He took it and tossed it in his bag before heading out.


As the lights came on there wasn't a trace of the group aside from the two dead guards.

On the transport they showed the breast plate to Lieutenant Frank Swanson of the Iron army. He gave a bored nod, "Head on down to the dmz, you'll get specifics on arrival. Coordinates are being transmitted."

The lieutenant flipped off the comm and then looked to a computer monitor. He clicked a box marked 'Infiltration assessment' then typed, 'Combat assessment pending.'

(To be continued.)


Clark/Iron Age The Gateway part 3

Continued from here part 2

Goblin Grind

The Goblin thugs cheered as the feral mutants in the pit were released to attack some innocent travelers that had been forced into the fight. Before the mutants could attack something landed hard on the ground before them creating a large cloud of sand and shaking the building.

As it cleared the mutants saw Clark and charged toward him. He clapped his hands causing a shock wave that hurled them away and looked back to the people, "Are you ok?"

They gave a nod as a man sitting in a balcony stood with a microphone, "Well folks, looks like we got a late entrant."

Clark glared up, "Not interested."

The man smiled revealing ugly yellowed teeth, "You sure about that?"

Clark turned at the sound of metal gates open. The announcer began to speak, "A while back we got our hands on some Goblin serum."

The crowd began to murmur among themselves almost giddy as he continued," And we thought it might be fun to see what happened when a Krang got some in its system."

Clark's eyes widened as two massive lizards more than twice the size of the Krangs he'd seen earlier appeared. The announcer chuckled abit, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Behemoths."

The crowd cheered as the massive creatures marched toward him Clark readied for a fight. He dodged one but the other clamped his teeth on Clark's leg before roaring in pain as its teeth shattered against his skin. Clark then slammed a fist into the side of its head sending it to the ground.

The other turned to lash Clark with his tail but he caught it and hurled the beast against the wall. The crowd when silent for a moment but a man in the crowd jumped up and yelled, "To hell with you."

He then lifted up a missile launcher as the crowd began to pull out their weapons. The man launched an RPG at him but he swatted it away as bullets began to harmlessly bounce off him, "Enough!"

The shooting stopped at his demanding tone, "This place is coming down in 30 seconds, I suggest you leave."

The announcer grabbed the mic, "Now just....."

Clark cut him off, "One."

The crowd was still for a second, "Two."

They began to rush out in droves. The rest of Clark's group arrived to see the fleeing Goblins as the side of the building collapsed. Clark freed all those locked away by the Goblins as he made his exit from the crumbling building.


New York Iron Hall

Iron Claw stood before a battalion of Hunter class soldiers as Scalphunter stepped up beside him, "So, who's the target?"

Iron Claw pulled up a hologram of Clark, "Now those are some classy tights, not sure I like the color scheme."

Iron Claw rolled his eyes as Scalphunter continued, "So what'd he do, steel the Supreme Commander's cape?"

Iron Claw ordered the soldiers to board a transport.


Clark went to board the transport with the rest of the group but Fry ordered a halt as he noticed a flashing light on the side of the vehicle, "They must have remote activated the tracker."

7 then looked to the sky as several Hunters flew out of a cloaked transport, "Their response time is improving."

David slumped his shoulders, "Wonderful."

Clark began to lift off but something slammed into his back sending him to the ground. He rolled over to see Iron Claw above him with his claws aimed at his face.

The Claws struck the ground as Clark rolled away. As he stood a flash of light appeared before him as Scalphunter teleported in.

Clark swung a fist and Scalphunter sidestepped it much to his surprise. Scalphunter drove a knee up into the ribs which made a resounding crack as his cartilage snapped against the inpenetrable abs.

"Sweet starking monkey pus!" screamed Scalphunter as he hopped about on one leg "What the stark are you made of?"

"Nothing special," Clark replied as he grabbed him by the collar. "Now..."

"SURPRISE!" yelled Scalphunter as he drew a gun and fired it pointblank into his mouth. When the muzzle flare died down and the cordite smoke cleared Superman hand six bullets flattened on his pearly white teeth. "Holy stark! That's impressive! No seriously impressive and I don't impress easy."

Clark spat the metal onto the floor. "As I wa..."

"Hate to interrupt you but There's a big guy coming up behind you with big stark off claws whose going to stab you in the bum."

Clark looked over his shoulder to see Iron Claw thundering towards him. "Why are you telling me? Arn't you two on the same side?"

"Yeah but I hate his guts! I wanna watch you smack the stark out of him!" Scalphunter grinned like an idiot.

"Stay put." Clark dropped him on and turned to face the killing machine.

His claws began to spin like saw blades as he swung at Clark. He dodge and shoved Iron Claw away as he moved to help the group as the Hunters descended. As he turned Iron Claw slammed his spinning claws into Clark's shoulders. The adamantium cut into the flesh as Clark grunted in pain but the stopped at the bone. There was a horrible metallic grinding noise and smoke rose from Iron Claw's wrists as the motors for his claws locked up.

He removed his claws and tried to slash Clark's throat. The now angry kryptonian caught his arms and squeezed. The battle stopped as those around looked amazed at the bending adamantium.

Scalhunter's eyes went wide, "Nope, I'm out."

He teleported away as Clark hurled Iron Claw into a dumbfounded soldier.

He then shot into the air and dismantled the armors of the soldiers and dropped them to the ground with blinding speed. They found themselves bound together by the metal armor now crushed down and fused around them.

Clark then stepped on to the transport, "We should hurry this up."


The Supreme Commander watched the video feed from the soldiers he sent with Iron Claw as he sipped some coffee. He dropped his cup as he saw Clark bend Iron Claw's armor.

(To be continued)


Clark/Iron Age The Gateway part 2

Continued from here part 1

Shield Transport

Clark sits as Dal looks him over, "He's not from the Negative Zone."

7 nodded, "I assume the energy from the gate combined with the energies of your universal weapon and Nega bands altered the gate's frequency."

7 then looked over to Clark, "Which begs the question, where are you from?"

Clark shrugged, "I'm from Earth, just not this Earth. Well technically I'm from Krypton but I was on Earth when your gate took me."

Dal looked confused, "Krypton?"

Clark sighed, "Maybe it never existed here."

David thought to break the tension, "So, are there a lot of people from..Krypton on your Earth."

Clark lowered his eyes a bit, "Krypton was destroyed, as far as I know I'm the last of my kind."

David cringed a bit, "Oh....Umm, sorry to hear that."

Fry came back from the cockpit, "The Queen isn't in Doomstadt at the moment, guess we could call her and see if we have a gate we can use to get him back home."

7 gave a side glance, "You sure she won't throw him in the dungeon? He did save lives while not being human and all."

Fry shrugged, "You're never letting that go, are you?"

Clark turned to the Agent sitting next to him confused, it was Walker, "The Creed's friend saved New Latveria from a rampaging monster and instead of thanking him," Her voice took on a mocking tone," Our glorious queen tossed him in the dungeon for being too dangerous."

He looked concerned, "Is that a common practice?"

Walker shrugged, "I'm a mutant, I'm used to humans turning on me when I'm no longer useful to them."

Fry gave a sigh, "The political debate will have to wait, we're home."


Castle Doom

As the group walked down toward the throne room they noticed a man in Doom's cloak. Fry stopped, "You the new Doom?"

He nodded, "In public, you can call me Nathan."

He then looked to Clark, "Who's the new guy?"

Fry looked back, "There was a mishap with some kind of portal."

Nathan looked back to Clark, "Alternate Universe?"

Clark nodded as Nathan shrugged, "Gotcha."

He then headed down the hall as they entered the throne room.


Queen Carol was on a monitor as Fry was explaining the situation, "The mission was technically successful, we reacquired most of what was stolen plus some of the Hydra weapons and stuff they took from the tin men. But there is a complication."

She gave a wary sigh, "Just spit it out."

He told her about the gate as Clark stepped forward, "I know this seems crazy."

She shrugged, "I was an Avenger for a long time, you don't know crazy."

David looked a bit stunned, "Really, none of this seems strange at all?"

She gave a blank look, "So, what am I supposed to do about it?"

Fry cleared his throat, "We were thinking maybe we had another gate we could use to send him home."

She shook her head, "As far as I know I had the last one destroyed when I took the throne. The only person I could think of who still has one is the Supreme Commander and I doubt he's willing to just loan it out."

Dal looked over, "I think I know who can help."

Carol looked over shocked, "Is that a Kree in my throne room?"

Dal nodded, "Yes, Ms. Danvers, or do you prefer Marvel?"

"That's Queen Danvers to you."

He shrugged, "You have any thing I could make a minor temporal disturbance with?"


Doom's time platform

Dal typed something in the console and the machine began to throw sparks as it powered up but suddenly the power cut out and a voice came out, "Probably a bad idea to use a 200 year old burnt out time machine, if you ask me."

They turned to see the traveler who began to speak but his jaw dropped a bit when he saw Clark, "How the hell did he get here?"

He then turned, "What the hell did you do?"

David looked indignant, "What are you looking at me for? It's their fault." He pointed toward 7 and Dal.

The Traveler looked visibly upset, "Okay, I'm gonna remain calm here. Whatever you did, fix it."

Clark was curious, "You know who I am?"

He nodded, "Of course, you're S.....Wait, have you gone public in your timeline?"

He shook his head, "No, why?"

The Traveler turned from him as he put his face in his hand and sighed, "So, you guys ripped a hole in reality and yanked out a guy from an entirely different Multiverse. Do any of you know how bad this is?"

He then stood up, "If I end up having to deal with that floating chair guy, I'm gonna be pissed."

They suddenly found themselves in Northern California. The Traveler was no where to be seen.

Fry looked to Dal, "You ever seen that guy pissed before?"

He shook his head, "I'd prefer not to."

Clark looked over at the sound of screams. He walked over to a hilltop and saw a camp full of people fleeing from Krang lizards. David tried to speak but Clark was gone. The group looked on in awe as Clark quickly routed the horde of gigantic reptiles.

The camp cheered as he rose in the air and flew back to the group, "Sorry, just had to take care of something."

David looked to 7, "Is it weird that I kinda like this guy despite being completely terrified of him?"

Fry waved them over, "There's an Iron Army storage depot about 6 miles west of here."

He then looked to the sky and shouted something directed at the Traveler, "Would it have killed ya to bring a transport?"

Dal wrapped the group in his energy shield, "This will have to do."

He and Clark then rose in the air. He looked to the energy bubble, "Is that secure?"

Dal nodded then looked back, "You're going to want to brace yourselves."

Agent Walker began to ask why but 7 yanked her to him as the group huddled down.

Dal and Clark covered the 6 miles in less than a second. When they landed the group looked on rattled as David spoke, "I believe we all agree not to do that ever again?"

The group seemed to nod in unison as they began to wander out dizzily.

Clark looked them over, "You guys gonna be okay?"

Fry looked up from his crouched position as he tried not to throw up, "We're good. You two go on and we'll catch up."

The Kree and Kryptonian seemed to vanish as they headed toward the depot. They floated above and looked down on the soldiers in very large suits of armor. Clark looked over to Dal as they hovered above, "What are those?"

Dal squinted a bit, "I believe 7 called them Halk busters."

"What's a Halk?"

Dal shrugged, "I have no idea, I'm not particularly familiar with this planet."

A soldier then yelled up to them, "Freeze."

Clark grinned, "Okay."

He then blew a blast of cold air down on them freezing several of the soldiers. Dal chuckled as they landed. The Hulkbuster battalion descended upon them as they hit the ground. Dal blasted one away as Clark grabbed one and swung him around knocking away several of them. He then disabled the legs before tossing him away. One charged toward Dal but Clark used his heat vision to cut the legs off. As the torso slid off the soldier inside looked down with a sigh off relief as he saw his body was intact but he relief was brief as Clark yanked him out of the machine and kicked it into the crowd of armored soldiers sending them scrambling.

They destroyed the armor of every soldier in the place. Dal was a bit confused that Clark's tactics left all the soldiers alive. They fled as Clark grabbed a fleeing soldier, "Is there a negative zone gate here?"

The frightened soldier shook his head, "I don't know, maybe." He then burst into tears, "Please don't kill me!"

Clark sighed as he dropped the man. They then noticed that the group had caught up to them and stood stunned by the wreckage. Clark walked over, "Looks like we have to do some digging."

7 spoke as he stared at the smoking remains of the Hulkbuster armor, "I....., I can find a manifest to see if they have what we're looking for."

As 7 tried to access the depot's systems Clark pointed to a nearby garage, "They have a transport in there."

David looked up, "How do you know?"

"X-ray vision."

David nodded, "Oh,...Wait, What?!"

7 cut them off, "Its not here but I have a location."

Fry gave a wary look, "Something tells me you have bad news."

7 nodded, "New York Iron Hall."

"You know after Chicago they quadrupled security there."

"Yup, there's also a fair chance the Supreme Commander himself will be there."

He sighed, "Okay, lets get going."


The Supreme Commander watched on a video feed from the depot of Clark and Dal destroying his soldiers with ease, "What to we know about the man in the blue suit?"

The aide beside him gulped, "Nothing sir. Aside from busting up some soldiers in Time Square yesterday we know nothing. Its like he just appeared out of nowhere."

He looked to Iron Claw, "Gather a team and track him down."

Iron Claw nodded, "Dead or alive?"

Stryfe shrugged, "Up to you, but leave enough to for the lab techs to study."



The group landed the transport to make a camp for the night. As the sun set Clark heard the sounds of a rowdy crowd cheering in the distance. He rose into the air and noticed a make shift arena a few miles off. He used his telescopic vision to see men with goblin tattoos sitting in an audience watching people fight in a pit.

He then came back down, "Is there a tournament or something going on near here?"

The group looked up a bit nervous, "What did you see?"

"Looked to be an old field house. People were fighting and these guys with little green heads with purple caps tattooed on them seemed to be running it."

David sighed, "A Goblin Grind."

"What's that?"

Agent Walker chimed in, "This gang of thugs called the Goblins capture mutants and Spiders and make them fight for their amusement."

"So its slavery?"

7 noted the angry look on Clarks face, "Yes."

He then rose as 7 asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to put a stop to it."

(To be continued.)


Clark/Iron Age The Gateway part 1

Continued from here H&C v2 part 7

And Here Clark Library

Sky over Metropolis

Clark is enjoying his nightly flight. The city is unusually calm. Suddenly he feels the air around him heat up and he's suddenly enveloped by a blue light.

Suddenly he finds himself standing amid a room full of shocked people who had apparently been in a fight.

Another Universe, Zemo's Island in the South Pacific.

David Hardy and Creed 7 sneak past many Hydra agents and make there way into the building hoping to find something to aid Dal-Rogg's battle with the Juggernaut.

They managed to make it into a store room. As they walked along the stacks 7 catches a large crate marked simply N-Z-G in the corner of his eye, "It can't be that easy to find."

David turned as 7 walked to the crate, "Find something?"

7 had a grin, "If we can't kill him, we can send him where he can't hurt anyone."

He pulled the crate out and ripped open the front, "A negative zone gateway."

David put a hand on his shoulder, "Isn't that what they used to get rid of Ultron?"

7 nodded, "Don't worry, the odds of releasing him are incredibly low. Its an entire universe after all."

David nodded, "Yea, but I know our luck too."


Agent Fry and his fellow Shield agents made their way to a computer terminal as the Latvarian troops started their attack on Hydra. Fry loaded 7's drive into the machine as the sounds of battle rang out around them.

The Masters attacked Dal-Rogg but he threw them off with a wave of energy. Unfortunately it left him open for a punch from the rampaging Juggernaut. He struck Dal several times sending him crashing to the ground. Dal tried to fight back but was trapped as Juggernaut slammed his fists against his energy shield.

Suddenly 7 roared, "Get him over here."

Juggernaut looked back and Dal used the distraction to knock him away. He then prepared to fire a shot from his universal weapon infused with the power of the Nega bands as 7 fired up the gateway. He blasted but Juggernaut dodged as the beam collided with the gate.

The gate lit up with blue energy that engulfed the room. When it faded those in the room looked on shocked at the sight of the man in the red and blue suit with a flowing cape floated in the middle of the room. He looked around stunned as Zemo stepped in the room.

The man looked around, "Where am I?"

Zemo grinned under his mask, "You are on my island which has been invaded by a hostile nation, and you are?"

He set down on the ground looking to Zemo, "I'm C...Kal-El."

Juggernaut then stood and punched Dal-Rogg across the room, "I don't care who he is. We got work to do."

The room then erupted in chaos once again as Clark looked on confused. Finally he slammed his foot down in frustration rattling the entire building and causing many in the room to fall down, "Enough, I need to know whats going on?"

He then smashed through the roof and was gone as the fight began again.


Clark flew across the planet as fast as he could looking for Metropolis. He recognized the place as Earth but it was different. He listened to the voices of people as he flew. He landed in Times Square in New York where he stood in front of a massive hologram of the Supreme Commander looking down on the people.

As he looked around confused he heard a voice shout, "I-Dent, now."

He turned to see several armored men aiming glowing palms at him. He held up his hands, "Look, I don't want trouble, just trying to figure out where I am."

The Iron soldier shouted again, "Are you deaf? I said I-Dent, Now!"

"I don't know what that is, could you just...."

The soldiers fired on him. He stood unaffected then fired a blast of heat vision disabling their repulsers, "Now calm down."

As he tried to speak the soldier spoke into his comm, "We need back up."

Clark sighed and shot into the air. He was met by incoming soldiers who ordered him down but he ignored them as he tried to fly on. They fired on him several times before he stopped, "Enough with that. Its getting annoying."

A soldier shot him in the chest. Clark gave him a wary look, "You really want to do this?"

A repulser blast then hit him in the face. He gave an exasperated look then inhaled deeply and blew the soldiers away with a hurricane force breath. One of the soldiers crashed into the street and sat up in shock as he removed his helmet.

A soldier on the ground looked down, "What happened?"

He looked up shaken, "He blew us away."

"With what?"

"With his breath, he just blew his breath out and knocked us all away."

In the air Clark continued on as more soldiers arrived, "Oh come on, what's with this place?"

He then vanished with a sonic boom before the astonished soldiers. One commed, "How the hell is he that fast?"

As he flew he was horrified by the state of the country. He saw people with powers fighting Iron soldiers, gaping craters where cities once stood and the ruins of small towns. He set down many miles from the city and found himself in the middle of a camp. He looked around and noticed many people with spiders and webs tattooed on them.

A hand then laid on his shoulder as he heard the voice of an old woman, "This world must seem strange to you."

He turned to see a blind old woman, "I don't mean any harm."

She smiled, "Of course you don't Mr. Kent."

He looked shocked, "How did you...."

She shrugged, "I know many things, I know you aren't of this world, not even of this Universe. You are the last of a dead race who was taken from his adopted home and brought here."

He was curious but the woman had a calming tone, "And you are?"

She put out a hand to shake, "Most people call me Madam Web, the people around you are members of an organization called the Spider Resistance, we help those who fight the Iron Army who've ruined this world."

Clark chuckled, "I ran into a few soldiers who fit the description."


After Clark had explained how he got to this world Madam Web had a stern look, "This Zemo is evil, possibly worse even than the Supreme Commander. The power at his disposal is frightening."

Clark gave a nod, "So an evil mad man is sitting on too much power and as far as I know holding my only way home."

He stood as Madam Web put out a hand, "You could just go home and ignore Zemo."

"Not really my style."

With that he was gone.


On Zemo's island the New Latverian soldiers were dead, Dal, 7, David and the Shield Agents were held up behind a wall as the Hydra agents fired on them.

Dal looked to 7, "Any idea how we get out of this?"

7 shrugged as Juggernaut burst through the wall, "Found 'em bo...."

He was launched away as Clark stood looking down on them, "Madam Web explained the situation."

Callous lept over them to attack but Clark swatted him away sending him into the ocean as Juggernaut charged. He swung a fist that Clark easily dodged as he drove a punch of his own into Juggernaut's gut knocking the wind out of him.

Juggernaut fell back wheezing, "You can do that. Do you know who I am?"

"Don't care."

Clark then punched him hard sending him high in the air. He watched as Juggernaut splashed down into the ocean. Zemo stood shocked as he turned to Tinkerer, "Call a full retreat."

"Ye..yes sir."

Zemo then hit his personal teleporter as did all the other Masters as the Hydra agents ran to their transports. Clark then looked down on the Shield agents, "Could you tell me where to find the device that brought me here?"

Fry looked nervously at the shattered device, "Um, well. There's a bit of a problem with that."

Clark looked over, "Figures."

(To be continued)


Three Robins (Part 3 of 4)

Continued from here part 2

Ice Berg Lounge, Gotham City

Green Arrow sits on a roof across the street watching people enter. He turns at the sound of footsteps behind him, "Hey Speedy."

Roy Harper gives an annoyed look, "Its Arsenal, now."

Green Arrow chuckles, "What brings you to Gotham?"

"Same as you. Why aren't you down there?"

He points down, "There's a who's who of Batman's B and C list down there, all celebrating. Figure if I wait a bit a bigger fish will take the bait."

Roy leans over, "Bait?"

He then tossed Roy a comm, "Canary says, Penguin isn't in there."

Roy nods, "So Cobblepot is trying to get Joker out in the open before he has a chance to get to him."

Green Arrow patted him on the back, "You're getting good, Speedy."


Black Canary sits on the roof of the Lounge listening to the patrons with a device. She over heard a loud clang and people beginning to panic as she hit her comm, "Ollie, get moving."

He and Roy landed on the street as large security doors slammed down in front of the exits and windows. Green Arrow kicked over a trash can as he called back, "Penguin set up a damned fortress."

Canary looked around and saw Joker standing on a roof holding a trigger device, "Oh S**t."

"Ollie, get ready to catch me."

She leapt off the roof just as Joker hit the trigger. A fire ball launched through the roof as she landed on a net Green Arrow had put up for her. As she got down Oliver looked her over, "You okay?"

She nodded, "Penguin set them up, he's letting Joker thin out the competition."

Roy sighed, "Makes sense, the regular crooks have been in hiding since the clown started his rampage and the bodies from the costume crowd keep piling up. Just caught a report on the police band that said they just found Zsasz sliced up like a Christmas ham, and they found Two Face cut in half."

Green Arrow shook his head, "He's getting his sense of humor back."


Nepali Airspace

Dick, Tim and Jason are flying toward Nanda Parbat in a League Javelin. Jason is adjusting the glider pack on his back, "One of those beam things would've been quicker."

Dick nodded, "And easier to track. You clear on the plan?"

Jason nodded then looked to Tim, "Is he?"

Dick gave a wary look, "He's good."

Tim glared back from the controls, "We're coming to the drop point."

As Jason jumped out Dick picked his glider pack and looked back to Tim, "You sure you're up for this?"

Tim turned away, "I can handle it."

Dick gave a nod as Tim slowed the Javelin, "See you on the ground."

He then jumped from the ship.


As Jason descended on the main entrance he aimed a rocket launcher at the main gate, "Knock, knock."

The explosion set off many alarms and Ra's men flooded the main courtyard. Jason hurled dozens of explosives and smoke pellets as he landed and began taking them down in the confusion.

He'd taken down nearly half of them when an arrow landed at his foot. He instinctively jumped away just before a device on the arrow sent out a shock wave that cleared the smoke along with the rest of Ra's' men.

Jason looked up to see an archer dressed in black, "Merlyn?"

The archer gave a nod.


Dick sat a few yards from the rear entrance when he heard the explosions. He chuckled to himself, "He makes a fine distraction."

He then made his way into the place, easily dispatching the few guards that remained. He then shot a grapple line up and took to the rafters as a man walked in, "You missed a camera Grayson."

Dick looked down and recognized the man as David Cain, "It's always something."

He looked up but saw nothing as he continued, "So what's the plan here kid, beat a confession out of Ra's? You'd have had better luck trying to out run the Flash."


David got a grin as he threw a rope over a rafter and tied the other end to a bar on the wall. As he climbed up he shouted, "Did you think I couldn't fin you up there?"

Cain crept along the beam as Dick spoke, "Guess you're just to clever for me."

He then came up to a beam in deep shadow and came around expecting to catch Grayson. He stopped and noticed a small speaker that Dick spoke through, "I've been at this a while."

A dart then hit Cain in the neck as Dick dropped down, "Pays to have a martian friend."

David began to waiver, "Clever."

Dick then shot out a grapple line to catch Cain before he hit the floor. He then hit his comm, "All clear."


In front Jason was dodging arrows as Merlyn was becoming frustrated. Jason kept him from getting a clear shot with a variety of devices, smoke pellets, explosives and flash/bang grenades were going off all around when Merlyn ran out of arrows.

Jason then charged to try and take him down. Merlyn side stepped and drove an elbow into Jason's neck sending him to the ground. He then kicked him in the side. As Jason rolled he grabbed Merlyn's leg and flipped him to the ground. He then jumped to his feet and attempted to stomp on the archer.

Merlyn caught his foot and punched him hard in the knee before rising and driving a shoulder into Jason's gut lifting him up. He then slammed him down and grabbed an arrow from the ground. He stepped over Jason and began to speak.

He was halted as a bullet tore through his shoulder. Jason then rose and hit him with a taser. Dick then came through on the comm, "What was that?"

Jason shrugged, "Relax, he ain't dead. All clear."

Ra's rose from a monitor bank, "Our guests have arrived."

Ubu was about to leave the room when an explosion went off leaving a large hole in the roof. He looked up just in time to see Tim's boot before he crashed into his shoulder snapping his collar bone. He then took out the last of the guards with a stun grenade.

Ra's shrugged, "That was unnecessary."

Tim looked confused as Ra's casually took a seat on a sofa, "I assume the others will be here shortly."

Dick then kicked open the door as Jason crashed through a window. Ra's rolled his eyes, "The Detective was much more subtle."

Ra's then looked to Dick, "I did not kill Bruce Wayne."

Jason huffed, "And I guess we're just supposed to take your word."

Ra's turned to face him, "I lost my only true family because of my association with him, if it were me, you three would have died before him."

Jason moved towards Ra's but Dick stopped him, "He doesn't leave loose ends."

Ra's then pointed to a computer screen, "I believe you know this man?"

They turned to see an enhanced satellite image of a man entering Wayne manor on the night Bruce died. Ra's then continued, "He's one of the few assassins that can rival my League in skill."

Jason and Tim's eyes went wide as Dick clenched his fist.


Gotham city.

Bane looked down on the bodies of Killer Croc and realized he'd just walked into a trap. He jumped away as a heavy load of bricks dropped down. He angrily shouted, "Did you think you could kill me like this, clown."

A bullet then tore through his skull as Joker stepped from the shadows, "Not for a second."

Joker then stepped over his body.

As he stepped out of the warehouse machine guns began to fire. He ducked behind a dumpster as Penguin and several armed thugs approached, " I figured you'd just gas the place. Blowing up my Lounge like that is going to send my insurance through the roof."

Joker chuckled a bit, "You don't have a roof anymore."

Penguin and his men walked forward as Joker slipped back into the warehouse. Penguin stepped in, "I should probably thank you. After the last few days, I'm the only game in town."

His thugs began firing as they assumed they'd found him but all they did was shred a mannequin with bullets. As they stepped toward it two got stuck in snares that dragged them away screaming.

The remaining three became nervous when the screams suddenly stopped. Penguin sighed, "Eyes open boys, the place is probably loaded with traps."

A voice rang out, "You know me well, Oswald."

A grenade with a smiley face then dropped in front of them. Penguin pushed one of his men over on it to contain the blast as he and the other two jumped back.

Suddenly the last of Penguin's men dropped. He looked down and saw arrows in their shoulders. A voice came from a few yards away, "They're down for the count, Pudgy."

He looked up to see Green Arrow, "You think I'm afraid of a second rate Robin Hood knock off?"

Joker screamed, "No!"

He then came from the shadows shooting at Green Arrow, "No substitutions."

Arrow jumped for cover as Penguin turned to shoot Joker. Joker hit him across the face with a crowbar, then seemed to forget he was there as he moved toward Green Arrow, "You think you can just take his city now? You think I'd let that happen?"

Green Arrow hit his comm, "You guys ready?"

Joker kicked away the crate Green Arrow was hiding behind as a red arrow hit him in the leg. It sent out a shock that brought the Joker to his knees. He looked up with a hateful glare as Green Arrow struck him on the side of the head with his bow.

Roy then stepped out, "That was easier than I thought."

Green Arrow nodded, "He was off his game."


Metropolis, Home of Lex Luthor.

Lex sat reading when Dick crashed through his window. He snatched him up and slammed him into the wall. Lex had an amused look, "Took you a bit longer than I thought. I greatly overestimated you."

Dick was nearly growling as Tim and Jason entered, "Where is he?"

Lex threw up his hands, "Who knows. Though I will say, he gave me a hell of a discount. All he asked was to send you on a wild goose chase and give you this."

He pulled an envelope out of his pocket, "Bruce was my target, but you're his."


A man stands over a grave stone, he places a hand on it. He then drops a rose on the grave and sits down behind it waiting.

(To be concluded)


Three Robins (Part 2 of 4)

Continued from here part 1


Superman was taking a flight through the city to clear his head. He was distracted due to the death of his friend and didn't notice the jet engine rapidly approaching. When he finally heard it he was hit with a sonic canon that threw off his equilibrium and sent him spiraling away as the jet aimed toward him.

A half second before it slammed into him he realized it was Batman's. As he and the jet crashed into the street The Red Hood came down on a glider with a net gun. As Superman tried to stand Jason shot him. The net wrapped around him and he was shocked to see he couldn't break it.

Jason neared as he spoke, "The net was a gift from Zatara. I don't usually go in for the magic stuff but Bats keeps that kryptonite locked up tight."

Superman continued to struggle against the net, "What are you doing?"

Jason then revealed a pair of gauntlets glowing red, "I'm doing what Nightwing didn't have the balls for."

Just then Jason felt a tap on his shoulder. He turn and Dick punched him hard in the face sending him to the ground. He sat up, "How'd you get here?"

Dick looked down, "Zeta beam, the League considers the death of one of their own a priority so they helped out."

Red Robin came up behind Superman and began untying the net, "Sorry, he doesn't like to think things through."

Jason stood and moved to stop Tim but Dick grabbed his arm, "You need to calm down."

Jason swung but Dick caught his fist, "He didn't do it."

"Two reasons. One he was fighting some kind of monster on the moon at the exact time it happened and not even he's that fast."

Jason pulled away from Dick then shoved him back, "It had to be him!"

Tim looked up, "What, he just took a quick break from fighting a space monster and just popped down to kill someone?"

Jason again moved toward Tim, "Who else could kill Batman?!"

Dick grabbed him and practically roared, "Anyone! He wasn't a god, he was just a man in a suit. He could have died any night on the street and you know it. Now calm the hell down and think for once in your life."

Tim made a smug huff but Dick gave a glare, "That's not helping."

They then overheard an on looker, "Batman's dead?"

Dick then turned to see a teenage boy holding his smartphone up, "I take it this is already on line?"

The kid nodded as Dick sighed, "Damn it."

Superman looked down to Tim, "That's going to be a problem."

Dick then looked back to Jason and was about to say something but Jason started with his voice cracking a bit and said something Dick assumed he'd never hear, "I'm sorry."

Dick noted his voice, "We have to keep it together. Do what he taught us and keep our heads in the game. You want to cry or scream you wait till after."

Jason nodded.


Gotham City

Bullock and Montoya stared at a blood bath. Even Harvey was shocked by what he saw, "This isn't like him. Since when does the Joker just slaughter people with no plans or plots?"

Montoya leaned down, "I think there might be a plan, this guy here it Thomas Elliot, AKA Hush. We got a call on the wire that Tweedle Dee and Dum were found gutted earlier. He's hunting down Batman's enemies."

Bullock looked confused, "Why?"

A uniformed officer stepped up, "I think I know."

He then handed Bullock a phone he'd borrowed from an on looker, "This video from Metropolis just went on line on this site that shows supers fighting. The kid wouldn't shut up about it."

Bullock's eyes went wide as he heard of Batman's death, "Montoya, we're gonna have a bad day."


Ice Berg Lounge, Gotham City

Oswald Cobblepot AKA the Penguin laughs maniacally as one of his employees shows him the video, "Clean this place up, we're having a party. All drinks are half off."


An alley on the south side of Gotham.

Edward Nigma, Aka, The Riddler is running. He had planned to rob a bank today but his goons had been slaughtered. He now ran for his life. He tripped over a pipe laying in the alley as his pursuer approached. He looked over to see the Joker, still in his orange Arkham jump suit and covered in blood, "What do you want?"

"I haven't done anything to you."

Joker put his foot on the Riddler's chest as he looked down. His smile and laugh were absent and his face revealed no emotion, "He's gone now. We aren't needed anymore."

Nigma's screams could be heard from blocks away as Joker sliced him open. He then wiped the blood on his jumpsuit and headed on.


Star city.

Green Arrow is loading up his jet as Black Canary steps up, "Where are you going?"

He doesn't look back, "Hasn't even been three hours since that video went public and reports are already pouring in. Gotham is a powder keg about to go off and I can't let that happen. I owe him at least that much."

She sighed, "Gotham has other protectors."

He nodded, "Yeah, but they aren't him."

"And neither are you."

He turned, "You think I don't know that? You think I never heard all the B-List Batman jokes?"

She gave a nod, "You're not going alone."

"Didn't plan on it."


Central City

Dick, Tim and Jason arrived via Zeta beam on their bikes Dick had brought from the Bat-Cave. Jason looked over, "Why are we here, you think the Flash offed him?"

"No, but he knows a psychopath that's just as fast and could easily evade our notice."

Tim nodded, "You think Zoom had something to do with it?"

"Not really but its a possibility."

As the rode a red streak passed them and the Flash stopped in front of them. Tim slammed on his breaks to avoid hitting him as Jason and Dick came to a stop beside him. Flash looked them over, "I heard about Metropolis."

Dick pulled off his helmet, "We're looking for a speedster, and we figured we'd come to the expert."

Flash looked curious, "You think a speedster killed Batman?"

Dick nodded, "He had a scanner at the manor, it picked up signs of the Speed force, it kind of narrows down the search."

Flash walked over, "Can I see the scan?"

Dick looked over, "Red Robin?"

Tim opened a gauntlet on his wrist to show a monitor. He then pulled up the scan. Flash stared at it intently, "I have something similar, but you have a problem."

The three gave Flash a quizzical look as he spoke, "The frequency is off a bit. Its very close but its not right. Someone definitely wanted it to look like the Speed force, probably to throw you off the trail."

Jason leaned over, "Who's got the resources to fool Batman's equipment?"

Flash shrugged, "I can't imagine its a long list. They'd need access to similar equipment, and its not cheap. The speed force detector at S.T.A.R. labs was cost a few million to build."

Dick sat back, "So we're looking for a tech guy with either a budget or a backer."

Tim looked up, "Which brings me back to the idea that maybe Bruce was the target, instead of Batman. Have you been keeping up with Business news?"

Jason gave him a wary look, "Why?"

"Wayne Enterprises just beat out Lex Corp on a multi-billion dollar government contract. Lex is one to hold a grudge and with the C.E.O. out of the picture it leaves Wayne Enterprises vulnerable."

Flash gave a nod, "That's means and motive."

Jason sat up, "So back to Metropolis?"

Dick shook his head, "Lex wouldn't do it himself and we don't even know for sure he was involved. There's a good possibility it was an assassin and knowing Lex he would insist on only using the best and most expensive."

Jason sighed, "We need to find Ra's."

Dick slumped his shoulders, "Not sure he's gonna be any easier to deal with than Lex."


Nanda Parbat

Ra's al Ghul sits watching the video of the Red Hood taking Superman out of the sky. He turned to Ubu, "I believe we will have company soon."

Ubu shrugged, "I doubt the Detective's students will be an issue."

Ra's gave a blank look, "Underestimation has killed more men than can be easily counted."

Ubu was about to walk out but asked, "Did the League do this?"

"Not to my knowledge but I am very interested in meeting the man who did."


Justice League Watchtower.

Tim stands before a massive monitor as Cyborg attempts to help him track Ra's. Jason is pacing as Dick attempts to look patient. He looked to Jason, "You've never been up here, have you?"

"Side kicks weren't welcome when I was Robin and I haven't exactly been considered a friendly lately."

Tim then spoke up, "Guys, we have our coordinates."

Dick looked surprised, "That was fast."

Tim shrugged, "Apparently Ra's just called Alfred and gave them to him."

Jason and Dick traded wary looks. Jason was the first to speak, "That has to be a trap, right?"

Dick nodded, "Odds are good. We're still going, but be ready."

Cyborg looked over, "Should I come?"

Dick shook his head, "This is a family matter."

(To be continued)


Three Robins (Part 1 of 4)

Dick Grayson stands in front of a mirror adjusting his bow tie as Alfred grins behind him, "You never were good with those."

Dick chuckled a bit, "True. Though I wasn't really expecting to need one much anymore."

Alfred sighed a bit, " You know Bruce misses you. He'd never admit it of course, but he still sees you as a son."


Bruce Wayne stood in the entry way of Wayne Manor with a fake smile as he greeted guests to a Wayne foundation fund raiser. Across the room, Tim Drake sat bored as men three times his age droned on about business matters. He wondered why Bruce had invited him, he considered perhaps loosing Damian had something to do with it. Bruce had never been a happy man but lately he'd seemed especially depressed.

Tim's eyes went wide when Jason Todd entered. His jaw dropped when Bruce greeted him with a warm hug. Jason looked just as shocked as Bruce smiled, "Glad you could make it."

Dick came down the stairs with Alfred but stopped mid way, "Why is he here?"

Alfred noticed as he glared at Jason, "Master Bruce wanted you all here. I'd consider it a personal favor if you could remain civil."

Dick nodded, "I'd be more worried about Tim, if I were you."

Bruce's smile became genuine for a moment as he saw his three adopted sons came together in the middle of the room. Jason and Tim smiled through gritted teeth as Dick stepped between them, "Be nice boys, we have company."

Bruce began walking toward them but stopped as a vaguely familiar voice came from behind, "Excuse me, Mr. Wayne."

Bruce turned. He recognized the man but hit the floor before he had a chance to react. The man was gone before Bruce fell. Dick looked over as a crowd began to form and ran over with Jason and Tim close behind. He dropped to his knees when he saw Bruce on the floor and attempted to wake him. He checked for a pulse but he was gone.


Later as Bruce was being loaded into an ambulance as Commissioner Gordon pulled up. Dick met him as he got out, "I need to see the M.E's report as soon as you can."

Gordon looked caught off guard, "Why would I...."

Dick cut him off, " You don't need to pretend anymore, we know you know."

Gordon sighed, "So you think its a homicide?"

Dick just gave a stare, "Tell your Examiner to check the eyes."

As Dick walked back Tim stopped him, "You noticed the eyes too?"

Jason stood behind them, "Only a few guys can do that, even less can do it and get away unseen."

Dick nodded," And as far as I know, only two know Bruce's secret."

Tim's voice cracked a bit as he tried to keep his composure, "Are we sure his secret has anything to do with it."

Jason glared, "Suck it up, Drake."

Dick shoved Jason, "Back off."

Jason clinched his fist and seemed ready to fight when Alfred shouted them down, "This is neither the time, nor place."

Alfred stood shaking, with tears in his eyes, "He wanted his family whole again, he was finally going to give up this insane crusade. Damian's death was his wake up call."

He then wiped the tears from his eyes, "Someone stole his chance to make a real life for himself and we will do what we can to make sure they pay."

None of them had ever seen Alfred in this state. He glared with anger and pain at the ambulance as it pulled away, "Follow me."


After everyone left Alfred led Dick, Tim and Jason down to the Batcave. Tim turned on the computer as Dick ordered, "We're looking for someone with super human speed."

Jason cleared his throat, "Am I going to be the one to point it out."

Dick gave a sigh as Jason continued, "Someone with heat vision, can move fast enough to seem invisible and knows Bruce's secrets."

Dick nodded, "It crossed my mind. But it could have easily been a speedster with a laser or possibly some machine or magic. He's got plenty of enemies to choose from."

Tim looked up from the computer, "This is going to take a while."

Dick turned to the Nightwing uniform in a glass tube, "I guess I'm not done yet."


Arkham Assylum, The next day.

An orderly sits with a look of shock as Detective Bullock stands beside him, "What the hell happened?"

The orderly shrugged, "I don't know. He was sitting calmly watching the morning news then he just went berserk for no reason."

Bullock then looked over the bodies of Jonathan Crane and several other inmates along with two orderlies, "You think he had it in for Scarecrow?"

The orderly looked up, "I don't think he cared who it was, he was just pissed off and wanted to kill."

He looked over to Detective Montoya, "Why ain't the Bat on this?"

She shrugged, "Gordon just said he wasn't coming."

"Probably off with the underwear brigade again."

She gave a glare, "Well, we have a clown to track down."

He looked over to the television as a reporter spoke, "Bruce Wayne's death has been ruled a homicide but there is currently no further information."


Metropolis, The Daily Planet

Clark Kent came in as Lois was preparing to leave for the train station, "What's the rush?"

She looked up shaken, "I'm heading to Gotham. Bruce Wayne was murdered last night."


Wayne Manor.

Dick woke with Tim and Alfred staring down at him, "What now?"

Tim looked to the door, "Jason's gone, and so is the jet."

"Any idea where he's headed?"

Alfred nodded, "Most likely, Metropolis."

Dick stood up, "Of course he is."

He then glared at Tim, "Let's go catch the dumb ass before he gets himself killed."

(To be continued)