
Hey there folks, new fan fic writer looking to start!

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Favorite Chaos Characters

Chaos Comics was awesome, half the time it felt like you were just rooting for a main character who was just as wicked and raunchy as most of the antagonists. Here's a handful of my favorites...

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  • I'll admit it. She's my number one gal and I would have had no problem with her turning Lady Death (which she darn near did)

  • She was just killer. Her name is a reference to what she utterly lacks as she kills you in shamelessly creative ways.

  • She was cool, and I think it's safe to say she garnered something of a well deserved cult following.

  • Guilty pleasure if there ever was such a thing.

  • It can get a little confusing with her as to whether she is Lady Death's alter ego, or a separate character altogether.