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Marvel's Earth-4267 Iron Man Vol. 1

Phase One. Alternate Reality.

This is the part one of an unspecified amount of parts.

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  • Anthony "Tony" Stark is a genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist. He owns Stark Industries, a company that was handed down to him by his father, Howard Stark. When making a weapons deal in Afghanistan to Military Soldiers, they were attacked and Stark was taken hostage for weapons, explosives, guns, etc. The military agreed, but the terrorists didn't live up with their promise and killed the soldiers. With help from Military Technician Ho Yinsen, he was able to build a suit to stop the terrorists, however, the terrorists already attacked non-muslim villages using the weapons from his own company. He was comatosed when a "Jericho" Missile was launched into the area, while Ho Yinsen died. He was found my military soldiers led by Col. James Rhodes, a close friend of his. He stopped his manufacturing and developing weapons in pursuit of a better world.

  • Justin Hammer is the buisiness partner and head of the weapons development team. When Stark announced that Weapons development will be halted indefinitely, Hammer became furious. As Stark started becoming a hero in many people's eyes as Iron Man, Hammer saw him as an enemy. Hammer stole blueprints for Iron Man's "Destroyer" armor, a huge armor said to be able to subdue the Thing of the Fantastic Four. Hammer mixed it with his own prototype weapons and offered it to the highest bidder, however, Stark knew about what is happening and crashed the bidding, Justin Hammer wore the suit to fight Stark, Steel started to win but Stark isn't going to let that happen. He soon remembers that the suit is immune to cold environments, so Stark flew both of them into the Atmosphere. The plan succeded and Justin Hammer was comatosed after the fall, he was put into jail and Stark revealed his Identity as "Iron Man"

    After Credits Scene: We see Nick Fury approach Stark, and say that he isn't the only hero in this world, pulls out a laptop out of his briefcase, and a map appears, with locations in Norway, Greenland, Colorado, Central Africa and New York City.

    Post Credits Scene: Justin Hammer wakes up in the prison and meets "Count Nefaria" talking about a deal.

  • War Machine cameod in one of Stark's "Iron Man Blueprints". James Rhodes appears in a minor role.

  • Pepper Potts is Tony Stark's secretary and girlfriend. Rescue cameod in one of Iron Man's Blueprints.

  • Justine Hammer is Justin's sister. She appears with Justin during the "Dealing" scene.

  • Director of SHIELD.