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The Gemini Chronicles

The Abbreviated History

 Unholy Union
 Unholy Union

To the untrained eye the weapon of Gemini appears nothing more than a simple doubled edged sword, it is comprised of indeed two weapons that when placed together form Gemini. Within this blade are the light and darkness of the warrior Gemini who thousands of years ago was entrapped with in this vassal due to her overwhelming power. Yet there were more warriors like Gemini, and they were all created by an organization called The Council. With this group there are 12 major members that were in charge of these warriors that they had created through unholy unions of the supernatural and natural beings. Nevertheless Gemini was their strongest weapon they gave that name due to her double sided nature and swift temper that would erupt if she was tested. Sadly after these warriors started to become rogue due to their limits and eventually became monster they put an end their creation of these creatures.  

 A Weapon that can not be wielded. 
 A Weapon that can not be wielded. 

Nevertheless there were several rebellious warriors who would not accept death, they were hunted down and killed though there was one, Gemini enraged ran off and soon found herself losing control of the immense power she had been gifted with. Her brother Isaac who was below the 12 in the chain of command ran after her forsaking his orders and found her in this state. He would allow himself to lose her sister to take this fate and so using abilities that were granted to him being a member of the Council he removed her soul and placed it with in his sword.  

 The Council was enraged by this but soon witnessed as Gemini’s sprit was in the sword it was easier to harness the abilities. Yet Bearer after bearer they each perished due to the inability to control Gemini’s burning personality and pi-polar soul.  Eventually The Council discovered that they would be unable to just give the sword to anyone, so there trained bearers giving them no power just strengthening their mental stability. But after time it took much longer but each bearer resulted in the same fate as the warriors previous. And so it made that a bearer could only harness the sword for a limited amount of time before passing it down to another. Until by mistake it reached Laura and has remained with her.  

Brief intomation

The Sword Gemini once being taken in by a bearer under goes several stages before it reaches ultimate ecstasy and eventually destroys the bearers mental capacity but before that the person will undergo several trains both emotionally and eventually become as unpredictable and violent as Gemini herself. For if for some reason a bearer retain Gemini for too long and does not break.


 Gemini when it accepts its wielder it will place itself to lodge next to the soul of the person who bears it. This will form and unknowing bond between sword and the individual bearing it. Though the advantage to having a sword in your soul is the ability to wield it and call it forth at anytime along letting it disappear as well. Though at seldom a time the sword may decide to lodge itself somewhere else and in that circumstance the bearer is in need to search it out and literally drive her hand into that persons soul and remove the sword from him/her in order to fully regain Gemini. For even if the bearer summons the weapon and it comes to her it will be unable to work with the same efficiency as power it not logged with in the wielders soul. It is unknown why the weapon might chose for a time to be in another person’s soul for the answers can only come from the weapon.


Usually Gemini dose not communicate to its wielder she lets her actions speak louder than words. If she does not chose to emerge when summoned that is her way of saying no, for in the midst of a battle she might leave her bearer defenceless in order to allow their strength to grow. Yet at times she has been known to communicate mentally with her user either by a vision or in a dream. Though in seldom cases she had actually been able to manifest herself in spirit form but she is not known to do that often if at all only if her wielders life is at stake. 

The Phases of Gemini

The Stages of the Weapon: As mentioned above Gemini goes through different phases while being possessed by the same person. When a wielder is first presented the weapon they and the weapon are in phase called Libra.



 is the equinox when both darkness and light are on equal terms with one another and there is no conflict. During this time there will be no strain on the bearer at all and carrying this weapon will be like carrying a normal feather. This is one of the most surreal stages for in truth the person holding the weapon will have a sense of equilibrium but that is a mere deception for the wilder to continue using this weapon. This is due to ronis which seals off the usage of either light or dark from taking control.  


 The seeping of darkness
 The seeping of darkness


This is a much slower stage as in the bearer dose not even realize this transformation. Slowly but surely over time as the sword remains in the persons soul the ronis begins to start to brake letting darkness of Gemini to seep into the own wielders soul.   It is a slow transaction and in most cases the person does not discover that instead of being a wielder its being used as a host. The light slowly begins to fade and as it fades its last desperate attempt is to literally feed off the life of this individual. During this time the wielder will endure a lot of physical pain as if his/her body is being burnt from the inside out. This will go on until either the individual dies or managed to survive.  


      The pain
      The pain


 This ties in deeply with the previous stage. This stage puts deep strain on the individual’s sanity and personality. It is here where the wielder becomes a much darker person and the darkness that started to seep through now gains a more control. Now to other people it’ll be more obvious that there is a change and possibly depending on the bearers perception they might notice this as well. By this time the only way to stop transformation is if the person is to stop using the power but by this point the desire to use the power of Gemini is overwhelming and hard to control by this time the individual will be addicted to this new power like a drug.   



 Noticeable Darkness
 Noticeable Darkness


 This is where physically the transformation become noticeable, the bearer will in some shape and form bear the mark of the twins of Gemini in whatever form seems fit. At this point there is no way to return to the natural either physical or mental state what changes that had been made previously subconsciously to the wielder are now set in stone and there is no way of reversal. Though as the transaction from the Scorpio to Cancer there is one night, always a full moon where the bearer has to make a choice though usually the darker side of Gemini has more easily corrupted this person so there is no choice and the individual simply crosses over to the Cancer stage.  


 The light is blotted out
 The light is blotted out


This is the most darkest point where the person and wielder in question will become untimely possessed by the darker version of Gemini. This is where the bearer will be able to unleash the full power of the shaded version of the sword. The persons physical features will fall aside as they become utter consumed by darkness and in truth lose their own humanity. Past the point no return there is no hope for things to return to normal. The bearer would have no already lost their humans side and been overcome by the monster lurking within the sword and the body of this wielder would now become a host for the dark side of Gemini to use at will. 

 The struggle's not over.
 The struggle's not over.


 This has never happened in the whole history of Gemini though it is mentioned in myth form that there is a possible way at the peak of darkness to revert back. Though this can only be done when the bearer is almost utter consumed by Gemini if done too soon or to late it will have no effect. Though as to how to cause the individual to revert back to their previous state before all of this had started is unknown for it has never happened before and is unlikely to happen.    


  After effect:

 If it is possible for the individual to get through the Capricorn state no doubt they both physically and mentally would changed if not scared. It is possible that if they survive they would go insane or suffer major brain damage. It unpredictable what would be changed and or enhanced after this stage of the bearer's evolution it is also unknown how this will effect the weapon Gemini itself, along with the bond that both wielder and weapon contain it is likely that after this event they would both light and darkness would be merged with the individuals soul and irremovable. Obviously if this happened the full wrath of The Council would be unleashed and they would not stop till both the sword and person was dead. Though one thing is certain the holding of Gemini will never be able to return to their previous state...ever. 

 The battle is never fully over.....
 The battle is never fully over.....