razzatazz's Mystery in Space #21 review

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    Scales of perception

    The first story here about a carnival in space is not really about a carnival in space as much but just provides the setting for it.  It is actually not such a bad story though it does rely on some unnecessary hyperbole.   The next story is entertaining enough is slightly transparent about a cadet in the Galactic Patrol that is undergoing his final tests.  Giants of the Telescope follows with a page on Edwin Hubble.  A Space Cabbie story is next (his first appearance) in which he tracks down an invisible bandit on the moons of Saturn.  There is a fact page on asteroids which follows and then a final story in which Bert Brandon has to help a female space racer lose weight before a big race.  Overall this was an all right issue, though still pretty much middle of the ground.  


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