

    Character » Mekano appears in 4 issues.

    Mekano was a robot built by Bill Foster to fight Nazis during World War II.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    1794443 aphillips17 Team adding members, friends, and enemies and some general info. 01/21/24 09:14PM 76 done
    1794438 aphillips17 Team Adding some general info, members, friends, and enemies. 01/21/24 09:02PM 80 done
    1774628 aphillips17 Team adding more enemies. 01/02/24 11:47AM 12 done
    1709998 aphillips17 Concept adding more characters. 10/21/23 10:33PM 172 done
    1704972 aphillips17 Character adding correct friend 10/16/23 11:33AM 4 done
    1702736 aphillips17 Team adding friends. 10/13/23 06:58PM 46 done
    1171484 aphillips17 Character adding some general info, a team, and enemies. 07/22/22 03:18PM 20 done
    1114482 aphillips17 Team adding enemies. 06/01/22 11:09PM 68 done
    955660 Jakanapes Issue 12/20/21 07:04PM 132 done
    920990 Jakanapes Issue 10/30/21 03:02PM 70 done
    767625 aphillips17 Character editing info and highlighting links. 05/21/21 11:34PM 18 done

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