super_man_23's Green Lantern: New Guardians #29 - The Godkillers, Part II: Cathedrals review

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    A mission of peace, not war!

    Kyle, Carol, and the Guardians are checking on X'hal a so called "god" to make sure she's really helping people, and not abusing her powers and godship.

    The Good

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    Color me intrigued. I haven't been following much on the Green Lantern series, and only read the Green Lantern titles when something big happens or if it makes the news somewhere. Like many larger than life DC Comic books that span across multiple different series, Green Lantern New Guardians is an intriguing story that all floats in the same universe with it's GL counterparts. The story that revolves around this book, or at least the story arc at this point, has Kyle and his friends trying to get a good reputation with X'hal; an alien deity.

    The good of this story arc is that it's intriguing enough for an in-and-out reader such as myself. It's not the best issue, but it certainly isn't the worst. Kyle, his friends, and the story that revolves around him makes me want to pick up earlier issues and see what happens. Even going to the extent of picking up everything in the New 52 revolving around the GL universe. From what I've read, writer Justin Jordan has a good handle on this book. His writing is very intriguing and he makes the story look really good. Kyle as the White Lantern is an interesting story element that was handled quite nicely in this issue.

    The pencils by Brad Walker and the inks by Andrew Hennessey are really great. Their combined effort along with the colors make this a really good looking book.

    The Bad

    Not following the GL New Guardian series, or any GL series in the New 52, does handicap my reading experience. Sure I know somethings that have happened in the New 52 revolving around the GL universe, but not following all the suggested reading material does make me ask a lot of questions. This book is good for sure, but I'm asking questions that are hindering me from fully enjoying this issue.

    The Verdict

    It's a Green Lantern title, who doesn't love Green Lanterns? This is a great book for fans of Kyle or current Green Lantern ongoings. Overall 3 out of 5.

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