haydenclaireheroes's Green Arrow #44 - New Blood Part Five: Positive review

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    One of the most moving stories


    The cover has nothing special on it but the two words that are on the cover makes it a great cover and you know it is going to be a great issue and those words are HIV positive.


    Mia found out she is HIV positive and she tells Ollie she probably got it because she had to have sex to live when she grew up on the streets. She also had to take drugs like speed to keep herself awake that way she did not get raped. Mia has to take drug cocktail but, other than that she will be fine. Conner comes home to find out the news about Mia and Mia says there are side effects to the drugs she will probably have to throw up, go to the bathroom, and have trouble sleeping. Mia and Ollie act like it is not big deal but, Conner knows it is a big deal. Conner tells Ollie when Mia leaves for school that he has to be strong for Mia but, he also has to stop denying what Mia has because that is just making everything worse. After school Mia talks to Conner and she tells how she feels to him. Mia says she is okay with the drugs and she is not scared of dying but she feels dirty. Mia feels that no one will be with her. Then Conner kisses her to make her feel better.

    Best Part

    I think the whole issue is the best part. It is just really moving and you really see the emotion of what Mia is going through having HIV and the people who care for her have to go through. You can see that Mia is strong but, she is not going to be able to do it with only herself she is going to need her family to help her. It is also great to see the side effects and the changes to her life this is going to take on her. You see the first step of going through this is not denying it and working together for it. I think this issue really made me fall in love with Mia’s character and I always re read this issue because that is how moving it is.

    Worst Part

    There was no worse part.


    I really liked the art I think it really help tell the moving story. I was happy they did not make it dark and dreary I think this was a perfect fit for the emotion of the story.

    Pick it up or not

    Pick it up!!!!!!

    5 out of 5 

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