ryonslaught's Generation X #61 - Christmas Fear: Part Two review

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    Your art is like a rollercoaster

     Background, summary and scans can be found here

    The Good

    Classic Monet gotta love her!

    This issue had Monet tackling an enemy she doesn’t have experience fighting or much knowledge of, which considering her power set is always a welcome change. It also finds her isolated and alone, something despite what she claims she’s not a fan off  this is supported  when her first reaction to being attacked is to call her friends  

    This issue also leads up to her rejoining the Gen-X team after months of talking down to them and pretending as if they didn’t matter. Monet is a lone hero with a school of girls to protect what fun!!


    The Bad

    The issue was very uneven in the art department. Kevin sharp has a style here reminiscent of Terry Dodson but lacking his smoothness. As a result the parts that look ‘Dodson like” seem forced and lackluster. Conversely the pages he spent time and effort on such as the opening battle between Gen-x and Juggy are nice.

    This issue didn’t have Monet seeing much action


    The Ugly

    2/5 slightly below average

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