
    Dr. Frost

    Character » Dr. Frost appears in 7 issues.

    The Frost is a German saboteur who ingested a special pill which gave him ice powers. He is an enemy of Blue Fire.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    1832570 aphillips17 Character adding more enemies. 03/05/24 12:45AM 6 done
    1774623 aphillips17 Team adding friends. 01/02/24 11:42AM 30 done
    1723071 aphillips17 Character adding info and highlighting links. 11/06/23 11:11PM 66 done
    1705099 aphillips17 Team adding friends 10/16/23 02:20PM 12 done
    1702831 aphillips17 Issue adding more characters and concepts. 10/13/23 10:17PM 32 done
    1702744 aphillips17 Team adding enemies. 10/13/23 07:10PM 30 done
    1670566 Malhavok Character 09/16/23 07:29PM 15 done
    1572054 KillerZ Character 06/22/23 02:03PM 1 done
    1570285 kcaj78 Character 06/21/23 10:58AM 1 done
    1412196 aphillips17 Character adding an enemy. 02/20/23 10:53PM 2 done
    1298799 aphillips17 Concept adding more characters. 11/22/22 11:50PM 100 done
    1288260 Jakanapes Issue 11/12/22 04:13PM 34 done
    1121291 aphillips17 Character adding real name and an enemy. 06/08/22 02:52PM 4 done
    956633 Jakanapes Issue 12/23/21 09:59AM 54 done
    928404 Jakanapes Issue 11/11/21 04:55PM 4 done
    786253 aphillips17 Issue adding more characters, a team, and concepts. 06/05/21 10:51PM 48 done
    712255 aphillips17 Concept adding two more characters. 03/21/21 09:48PM 4 done
    571648 fesak Character 10/01/20 01:45PM 1 done

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