ryonslaught's Black Panther #26 - Two Plus Two, Part 1 - Home Invasion review

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    New Begining

      This review and other can be found on my blog> http://worldofblackheroes.wordpress.com/ 

    BP and Storm are left without a place to stay in the after the wakandan embassy was destroyed by Ragnaroc last issue. They instead stay aboard a ship that Tchalla had stashed away. They have dinner with Reed and Sue who offer their Baxter building as a temporary embassy and base of operations as well as giving them their places on the Fantastic four while they take a leave of absence to work on their relationship.  They accept

    The US and shield monitor the situation as they go public with the news. Back in Wakanda princess Shuri is beckoned by her friends to take charge of Wakanda in her brother’s absence. The

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    council meets with BP to discuss his absence from Wakanda and his need to remain in the . He also sends them blue prints to start rebuilding the embassy.

    In the negative zone during civil war some humans destroy a micro city, later a warrior among them emerges as the new leader. At the UN Storm tries to get allies for her husband but things are harder than she expected. Brother voodoo meanwhile prepares to search out the parasite which killed T’shan. Panther has the interior of the Baxter building remodeled. The team is then called away on a mission. Johnny and Ben get new colored suits and they blast off to action.

    While they are gone the inhabitants of the negative zone kill the troops guarding the gateway to our world then make their way into the Baxter building.

    The Good

    Where do I start? The art was marked improvement from the civil war issues. Politics continues to be in the background of the issues which is fine as long as it never overshadows the story, which is did not. I liked the idea of putting T’challa and his wakandan posse in the Baxter building because he such a different man than reed. Both brilliant but T’challa has always been the more “down to earth” of the two. I enjoyed how slow paced this issue was in comparison to the last few which were heavy on action and light on story. I also love the continued problems politically for Tchalla as he spends more and more time away from his people. Shuri here also gets some lime light

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    pushing her towards a more active role in wakanda besides just the princess.

    Characterization was spot on- Johnny and Grim bickering, Tchalla’s stoicism and Storm’s warmth. Even the few panels given to Stark and Maria were well done typifying their love/hate relationship after all eh just usurped her position lol

    This issue is a step in a new direction and I pray Hudlin can keep up the pace. Issues like this make badly written ones stand out.

    The Bad

    The impression of everything from civil war being swept away lingers……and the lack of action will not be every readers cup of tea. It was good but it did not WOW me.

    The Ugly

    3/5 for a step in the right direction


    Other reviews for Black Panther #26 - Two Plus Two, Part 1 - Home Invasion

      Skip this and get Fantastic Four #544 0

      Black Panther has been very hit or miss for me. There's nothing really wrong with it this month, but there's isn't much to write home about either.While Fantastic Four is on it's 2nd issue with Black Panther and Storm on the team... this issue of Black Panther is actually about how T'Challa and Ororo got to that point. Half the issue is about that... and the major problem is that it's not interesting... not at all. Last month it took one panel in Fantastic Four #543 to give us the same informati...

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