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Best Stuff in Comics This Week: 11-21-16

People often talk about best story arcs, developments, and covers. Here's the other best stuff you might have missed.

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Every week, we take a look at some of the most bizarre, exciting, and downright unique things to happen in comics. Check out our choices for the strange and wacky things that shouldn't be overlooked from this week's releases.

There may be some tiny spoilers ahead.

Uncanny X-Men Annual #1

Best Batman v Superman "Martha" Reference

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If you saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, you know how the name Martha was able to bring Batman and Superman together. It seems that name causes a similar reaction in the Marvel Universe. Two guards are discussing the name shortly before they're killed.

Superman #11

Best Beginning of a New Friendship

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Batman and Superman are forcing their sons, Damian and Jon, to go through a super-bootcamp to learn to work together. Damian isn't the most sociable kid, probably because he was raised by the League of Assassins. As they struggle to make it to their next goal, you can see they're starting to get along.

Best Tease for a New Series

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Super Sons is a new series that was announced earlier this year but has been delayed. This current story arc perfectly sets up the premise and relationship between the young heroes.

Thanos #1

Creepiest Moment

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Thanos is one of the most evil villains in the Marvel Universe. Seeing him smile is a bizarre and frightening site.

Suicide Squad #6

Best Reason Not to Mess With Amanda Waller

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Something is happening to everyone at Belle Reve. When Rick Flag can't control himself and threatens Amanda Waller, she reminds him why she's called The Wall.

Strangest Development for Harley Quinn

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The Suicide Squad was recently sent on a mission to obtain something called the Black Vault. It turns out it's turning everyone in Belle Reve insane. What does that mean for Harley? It's had the opposite effect on her. She's now sane.

All-New Wolverine #14

Best Example That Everyone Wants to Be a Pirate

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Laura and Gabby have to make a trip to Madripoor. The only way is on a pirate ship. Gabby assumes it's a traditional pirate ship and is excited over the possibility of actually becoming a pirate. Doesn't everyone want to walk around and say, "Arrrr"?

He-Man/Thundercats #2

Best "This Can't Be Good" Moment

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Skeletor has He-Man's sword. Now he has the power. This turns out to be really bad for He-Man. Hopefully the Thundercats will be able to help.

Doctor Strange #14

Best Reason to Rethink Eating Bacon

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Are you ever really sure where the bacon you eat comes from? Doctor Strange is forced to eat some. It's not good for him. In fact, it's going to kill him.

Justice League #9

Best Thing to Drink After a Near-Death Experience

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Batman often puts his life at risk fighting the forces of evil. Sometimes he comes close to getting killed. His drink of choice after this is coffee.

Jessica Jones #2

Best 70s Flashback Reference

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Way back in 1973's Hero for Hire #9, Luke Cage paid a visit to Doctor Doom to collect $200. The panel where he asks, "Where's my money, honey?" has often been a thing of amazement. In a flashback sequence in the latest issue of Jessica Jones, Luke tells the story as Jessica is going through labor.

Batman #11

Biggest Obstacle in a Relationship

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Batman and Catwoman have had a complicated relationship over the years. We've learned she just killed 237 people. Batman has no choice to apprehend her even though it would likely lead to her getting the death sentence. That puts quite a kink in the romance department.

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #14

Best Canadian Action Figure Variants

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We've seen the different and strange versions of superhero action figures in store aisles. It turns out, in Canada, they have some interesting designs and accessories for the figures.

Nightwing #9

Best Reason to Have Friends

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Nightwing is fighting for his life when Dr. Destiny attacks him in his dreams. Luckily, Dick Grayson has a lot of friends and can call upon them in his mind to fight the battle.

Deadpool #22

Worst Way to Wake Up

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It appeared Deadpool was killed. His body was taken to a hospital and the doctors assumed it was just another regular person that got killed wearing a superhero costume. As they're conducting an autopsy, Deadpool wakes up. It's pretty awkward for everyone involved.

Old Man Logan #13

Best Use of Several Comic Panels to Create a Giant Image

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Remember when photo mosaic posters were the rage? It was always fascinating to see several small images used to create a giant one. Andrea Sorrentino does that to make a big picture of Logan. It's pretty amazing, especially when you look at a high-res version of it.

That's it for this week. Let us know in the comments below what other Best Stuff you dug this past week. If you want to participate or felt we missed some other Best Stuff, don't complain, contribute, especially if you didn't offer any suggestions. Each week you can @reply me on Twitter at @GManFromHeck by Saturdays using the hashtag #BestStuffInComics. We'll give you a shout out and I'll think you're pretty groovy.

Be sure to always look for the best stuff and always be sure to avoid waking up on an autopsy table if you can help it. No one wants to be in an awkward situation like that.