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Best Battles in New Comics: 11-20-15

This week, we're featuring fights from STAR WARS: VADER DOWN #1, SUICIDE SQUAD #14, and STAR TREK/GREEN LANTERN #5.

It's that time of the week. Time to look at the latest edition of Best Battles in New Comics. Comics often feature big battles with superheroes fighting supervillains. Sometimes we even have superheroes fighting other superheroes. Get ready to cheer and possibly cringe at the brutal punches being thrown.

There will be some spoilers below!

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(By Jason Aaron, Mike Deodato, and Frank Martin Jr)

Darth Vader follows a lead to where Luke Skywalker is currently at. It's his goal to track him down and turn him to the Dark Side. When he comes out of hyperspace, he learns that Luke isn't exactly alone.

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The Rebel pilots were having a drill above the planet. Their drill just got lively as they found themselves facing an Imperial ship. Little do they realize it's Vader piloting the ship.

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He takes out a whole squadron so they order all units to attack.

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We all know they don't stand a chance against Vader. But they figure if they can get a lock on him with the torpedoes, it's all over. What do you think?

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But guess what? Luke is in his X-Wing. He does some fancy flying of his own and then...things get really interesting. You won't want to miss this story.


(By Sean Ryan, Philippe Briones, and Blond)

Amanda Waller tries getting the Squad to listen to her since she knows Vic Sage, their government appointed supervisor, is a traitor. In order to get to him, she takes the team offline. That means the neck bombs in them are no longer turned on. You can imagine how that makes them feel.

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It's time for Deadshot, Boomerang, and Harley Quinn to get their revenge against Amanda for everything she's made them do under her control.

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She seems to be handling the team pretty well. She even tries reminding them that they outnumber her and could be working together. She also has some advice for Boomerang about being too dependent on his weapons.

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She keeps talking to them, trying to explain that they need her. Eventually, being outnumbered does take its toll. Deadshot uses Harley's attack as a distraction to get the drop on her. Looks like this could be the end for Amanda.

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Amanda does still have a pretty big ace up her sleeve. So don't worry about her.


(By Mike Johnson, Angel Hernandez, and Alejandro Sanchez)

There's a War of Light happening in Federation space. Sinestro has attacked and Hal Jordan has taken over as Captain of the Enterprise.

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It's not just Sinestro they have to deal with. You can see Atrocitus above. And there's also Larfleeze wanting all the shiny things for himself.

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When Kirk wakes up from being knocked out, Hal and Carol Ferris decide to go out to the fight to stop Sinestro and company.

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Sinestro breaks free of Hal's grasp and unleashes his light against him.

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Lucky for Hal, he has some friends that just arrived to save his "butt."

Honorable Mention

I HATE FAIRYLAND #2 by Skottie Young & Jean-Francois Beaulieu)

It was short and sweet, almost like Gert. She's short but definitely not sweet. Using the axe of an assassin sent after her, she causes all sorts of mayhem.

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That's it for this week. Thanks to CalvinR for his suggestions.

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What are your top three fights from this latest round of new comics? Support what you love and tell the world below. Also, don't forget to make nominations every week in this thread, especially if you feel we missed a great battle. If you're sad we missed one, speak up next week! You can even make suggestions via Twitter and use the hashtag #CVBattles.